Trump's Treasonous Iran Plan 


Trump's Treasonous Iran Plan

The US economy is expected to collapse, that is what the COVID scamdemic was all about. The crooks were deliberately trying to accelerate the collapse in order to "build back a better bloody beast" than they had had before.

They need a man with experience in crooked bankruptcies which are used to launder illicit monies at the helm. Trump is their man and he will spend even more than the 7 trillion dollars on the phony "war on terror" that he pretended to complain about. "We got nothing for it?"

Trump certainly got something for it. Whoever heard of a Casino owner becoming president of the united states? Casinos have always been considered to be immoral and were banned in many states before the creeping corruption of our swindling money system oozed into the American system of government.

When I first saw Trump on the Phil Donahue show it appeared to me that he was being groomed for something big. The "art of the deal" to Trump was calling a person who sells his car without making a few cosmetic changes on it a "loser." In other words the art of a Trump deal is to cheat the buyer of a car by making him think that a junk car was like new.

To Trump the "art of the deal" is the art of the swindler - the art of the used car dealer. And as we all know used car dealers are the most patriotic of citizens from their Fourth of July sales.

Trump will bankrupt the United States and destroy the sovereignty of many nations before he is through. His real constituency has a lot to gain and has already gained trillions at the expense of American lives and the lives of millions of people in the middle east. He is a traitor who should be hanged not made president a second time.

What did Trump really mean when he says that we got nothing out of spending 7 trillion dollars on the phony war on terror? He was talking about seazing the Zagros oil fields from Iran for the benefit of Israel and the globalist Zionist elite. After that the United States and its allies can "dry up and blow away" as the Trumps favorite Israeli butcher PM said after visiting traitor Johnathan Pollard in his prison cell.

Trump's Treasonous Iran Plan

Treason goes way back to the Reagan drug smuggling years. With a wink Reagan told his cronies that he was going to stop the communists with reactionary wars while the neocon trotskites infested his administration. The Democrats sold out South Vietnam to the communists after committing the US to an immoral no-win war of attrition. Upon leaving South Vietnam with the invasion of the North as soon as the Americans left the president of South Vietnam (President Key) told the world that the US "stabbed us in the back."

The Democrats convinced the South Vietnamese that they would support them and then pulled the plug on all weapons shipments to South-Vietnam after Nixon with his secret plan to extend the vietnam war failed. It failed because of the fragging of officers who were sending US troops to fight the communists even after Nixon told the nation that there would be no more US military combat missions because of his "Vietnamation" program.

Sir No Sir: How US Soldiers Ended the War in Vietnam

The US was not in Vietnam to stop communism. It was in Vietnam to support the drug trade and Israel which depended on the drug trade for its continued existence, then as now.

Opium Lords Israel, the Golden Triangle and the Kennedy Assassination

Nixon was a Rothschild man. That is why he chose Henry Kissinger to run his foreign policy. War is good business for central bankers that lend money to governments to fight wars.

Just before the US entered into the Vietnam war in 1962 there was the biggest stock market crash since 1929. The always scarce interest bearing currency which the Zionist bankers create make it impossible for nations to pay off their national debts without war. Of course, the debts can never be paid off since the banksters never create enough money to pay the debts off.

So nations have to continue to borrow and continue to engage in war after war after war to inflate their currencies - staving off the inevitable bankrupcies which come when the nations can no longer pay the interest on their national debts.

Then the fire sale of the nations begin.

The Fire Sale of the United States of America

Wars cause inflationary infusions of currencies which the banks and Wall Street profit on because they get the money first before it becomes depreciated. They use this magic money from nothing to buy up small corporations and create monopolies.

These wars are used to push the agenda of the Zionist bankers who lend money to all sides in every war and revolution that they instigate. Their goal is a world empire with its capital in Jerusalem.

Rank and file Democrats have been anti-war ever since Vietnam. That is why the Zionists prefer Republicans in the White House. Republicans have traditionally been "isolationists" until Newt the Freemason Gingridge brought them into the Zionist war camp for all of that nice Jewish billionaire money. A pittance when you consider the trillions of dollars wasted to waste millions of children and their parents in the middle east. An investment to earnings ratio that dwarfs even Bill Gate's 20:1 ratio that he got with his killer vaccines.

To continue the illusion that Demo-fraudocrats are peacenicks thay gave him a Nobel Peace Prize. This is what he did to earn it.

"Obama is fulfilling his campaign promise to Pakistan. The sudden arrival of U.S. marines, U.S. military Hummers, the hired killers of Blackwater, houses barricaded for U.S. personnel in Islamabad and the construction of the world's largest U.S. "Embassy" are terrorizing this nation of 180 million people."

The U.S. Invades and Occupies Pakistan

Nothing more peaceful than a grave.

Obama is only obeying his Jewish masters as G.W. did before him. You only need to look at the percentage of Jews appointed by Bush and Obama in key positions in their administration's and compare that with the percentage of Jews in the country as a whole (which is around 2-4%).

Bush even risked loosing his evangelical support by banning crosses at his second inaugural parade in order to please his Zionist masters.

But the politicians don't care what the US public thinks any more because the Zionists and the neocons have the US elections rigged.

Mossad Chief and Son of Terrorist Assassin Rahm Emanuael Runs the United States Government

The Zionist attack on the Pentagon and Obama's elimination of the anti-zionst brass has eliminated all opposition to the neocon agenda.

"According to the flagship Zionist publication the Washington Post, the entire chain of command of the super secret 'Chief of Naval Operations Intelligence Plot'
(that put Johnathan Pollard behind bars)
were killed on September 11.

Seven members of the Defense Intelligence Agency, the agency that had warned about the recruitment of American Jews by the Israeli spy networks, also died."

pollard connection to 9-11 pentagon attack montage

Pentagon Rescue? Open Bloody Questions

So the US ship of state is now heading straight for an iceberg which is intended to end the United States of America.

The Fire Sale of the United States of America

Obama's Black Humor: "Governments Exist to Lift Up Their People"

That's what the slaves in Cuba call "black humor" - something so blatantly and absurdly ironic that it is humorous.

wtc montage: american citizens lifted to the ground by their government

Obama's Black Humor: "Governments Exist to Lift Up Their People"

It is like Israelis calling the Israeli army is the "most ethical army in the world."

born to kill ethics

What the World's "Most Ethical Army" Does

One thing that the intelligence service of the "world's most ethical army" did with their videocameras on 9/11 was to thoroughly document the flight of the drones into the world trade center.

born to kill ethics

9/11 Evidence of Treason (in plane site)

Of course, you can remotely control a cargo plane without pods sticking out of their bottoms.

boeing 727 under remote control

Remote Piloting: Solution or Disaster-in-the-Making?

But could they have remotely flown that Fed-Ex cargo plane with pin point accuracy so that it would hit a particular floor at high speed? A floor which contained mysterious batteries that no one ever used? Batteries which may have containted the thermite which melted the steel girders in the building?

mysterious bateries on floors hit by 9/11 drones

9-11 Planes Flew Directly into Secure Computer Rooms in Both Towers

No. The planes which flew into the towers where not landing at low speed on an airfield. They were guided missiles flying at high speed. Like a guided missile that can fly through specific spot on the wall of the Pentagon. Regardless whether that missile was a cruise missile or a cargo plane fitted with cruise missile technology - it is the same kind of drone technology which is being used in the phony "war on terror" today.

predator drone firing lazer guided hellfire missile

Predator Drone Firing Laser Guided Hellfire Missile

There is some debate as to what actually hit the Pentagon. Some people claim to have seen a plane but the evidence points to a missile. Perhaps the truth lies somewhere in between. A remotely controlled plane could have fired a missile - exactly as a Predator launches a hellfire - and then flew off. But the missile which appears to be fired from the plane in the CNN and Taylor shots was not fired until just before the plane entered the building with the result that both the plane and the missile entered the building at the same time and the eventual result of quite a number of US citizens being "lifted up" by their government to the pavement below.

wtc montage: american citizens lifted to the ground by their government

Obama's Black Humor: "Governments Exist to Lift Up Their People"

In giving Obama applause (in not getting the joke) the Poles seem to be living up to the Polish stereotype of being rather obtuse. But I think it is more a matter of their government treating them like mushrooms (keeping them in the dark and feeding them on s***) just like the American government treats the American people.

Being from Chicago, Obama certainly knows that governments are only protection rackets. The US government had to use a US income tax law (the biggest racket there is) to put its competitor Alphonse Capone away because the city government was so corrupt and in Capone's pocket (as J. Edgar Hoover was in Meyer Lansky's pocket) that they could not use anything else against him.

"Barack Obama is serving the Jewish criminal organization that brought him to power, especially those who have fostered and cultivated him since he came to Chicago.

One of the families that is at the top of the "Chicago Outfit" is the family of Henry Crown, who rose from selling sand and gravel to becoming the owner of the Empire State Building and the weapons manufacturer General Dynamics."

Chicago Thuggery: The Jewish Mob & Obama

"General Atomics, the privately-held company that makes the Predator drone, was formerly a division of General Dynamics.

There appears to be a very deep and profitable relationship between General Dynamics and the Israeli military, a relationship that has greatly profited the Israelis and the Crown family as a result of the huge increases in U.S. defense spending that followed 9-11."

The Fraudulent War On Terror

Ever since Clinton, I rarely listen to what presidents have to say because I can't stand to listen to liars. But I do remember Obama saying "Oh you must not question the official 9/11 story" or something to that effect.

Well, Bryant Gumbel did question the official lies of the United States government on the 9/11 psyops and ran into some employment problems afterwords.

Hollywood Central Casting for the 9/11 Psyops

The two phony attempts on Donald Trump's low life were made by employees of Blackwater. Of course, Blackwater and Dyncorp are mercinary corporations who stand to gain from Trump's Iran plan to please his Zionist masters.

This will, like the bringing down of the WTC buildings, be somethng for dancing Israelis to celebrate. You know, like in a tribal war dance.

Israelis Dance (like the Dancing Israelis on 9/11)
as they murder Lebonanese men, women, and chidren with artilery

Return of the Swamp Thing

Trump slimes even the "alternative media!"

"With promises to drain the swamp still ringing in our ears, we have watched Trump appoint nothing but Goldman banksters, Soros stooges, neocon war hawks and police state zealots to head his cabinet... we examine the swamp-dwellers with which Trump has filled his swamp."

Trump Fills the Swamp

Steve Feinberg, Donald Trump's Intelligence Czar and Economic Adviser, is the CEO of Dyncorp, a corpoation that provides the US government its terrorists to murder civilians in the middle east. Dyncorp and Blackwater constitute "Al-Aqaeda" which means "toilet" in colloquial Arabic.

"Ana raicha Al Qaeda is colloquial (Arabic) for 'I'm going to the toilet.' A very common and widespread use of the word "Al-Qaeda" in different Arab countries in the public language is for the toilet bowl. This name comes from the Arabic verb 'Qaada' which means 'to sit', pertinently, on the toilet bowl."

Kawther Salam, Palestinian Journalist

US-led coalition supporting terrorists in Syria

"If anyone at Cerberus has his picture in the paper and a picture of his apartment, we will do more than fire that person. We will kill him. The jail sentence will be worth it."

Steve Feinberg - CEO of Dyncorp

"Trump has named Stephen Feinberg, not a harmless hedge fund manager at all but the guy that runs DynCorp, the huge mercenary army a dozen times the size of Blackwater, to take control of everything, giving him the power to run all US intelligence and security functions.

Feinberg will be able to edit or fabricate any intelligence, order any arrests, suspend rights for any group, censor the press, declare any domestic group or political party "illegal" or even "terrorist" He is a violent fanatic, a dangerous person the like of which we may well never have seen in this country before."

"Has Trump Been Secretly Stripped of His Presidency?"

Gordon Duff is, as usual, telling only part of the truth. The only time that Trump gets stripped is when he is raping 12 year old girls.

The Trumpsters (from the last fake election)

Adam Smith Shows That Only Banksters Profit From Empire Building

You might think that Empire Building is not such a bad thing for America and after all we need all that middle eastern oil to prop up our bloody devil dollars. But think again. Only banksters profit from debt driven wars. While Britain was borrowing money to support her wars for Empire her people lived in poverty. Not due to "overpopulation" as the Banster's fraudonomics tells us but because of the crippling debt caused to support those wars.

"A great empire has been established for the sole purpose of raising up a nation of customers, who should be obliged to buy, from the shops of our different producers, all the goods with which these could supply them.

For the sake of that little enhancement of price which this monopoly might afford our producers, the home consumers have been burdened with the whole expense of maintaining and defending that empire.

For this purpose, and for this purpose only, in the two last wars, more than two hundred millions have been spent, and a new debt of more than a hundred and seventy millions has been contracted, over and above all that had been expended for the same purpose in former wars.

The interest of this debt alone is not only greater than the whole extraordinary profit which, it never could be pretended, was made by the monopoly of the colony trade, but than the whole value of that trade, or than the whole value of the goods which, at an average, have been annually exported to the colonies."

Adam Smith

Smith also shows how the British Empire became the Yiddish Empire.

Nathan Rothschild

"I care not what puppet is placed upon the throne of England to rule the Empire on which the sun never sets. The man that controls Britain's money supply controls the British Empire, and I control the British money supply."

Bankster Fraudonomics Revealed!


 Trump's Treasonous Iran Plan