What the "World's Most Ethical Army" Does 


The World's "Most Ethical Army"

Kawther Salam

"The Israeli criminal State is using new, forbidden weapons. Nobody knows what they are. These weapons inflicts vicious wounds which will burst into flames when exposed to air even after the initial infliction.

"Palestinian Dr. Joma'a Sakka'a said that the bodies of dead Palestinian victims which reach the Al-Shifa Hospital desintegrate into crumbles and liquid. The organs inside the bodies of the victims are totally burnt and carry small pieces of metal which can't even be seen under the X-ray, also, a white powder covers the internal organs of the victim's bodies. The Doctor said when we try to open the injuries, they do not see the splinters which had inflicted the wounds, and could not identify the damaged area even after opening the bodies. The doctors said that the injuries must be inflicted by a new, unknown weapon as they had not seen injuries like that before. These are serious injuries which leave the victims shredded and covered with burns. Even in cases when the doctors medicate them successfully, the victims die after a couple of days for unknown reasons."

Robin C. Miller

"Israeli massacres of Palestinians continued throughout its "War of Independence": 120 villagers murdered in cold blood in Deir Yassin; hundreds killed at Lydda, including 80 machine-gunned inside the Dahmash Mosque; 50 villagers machine-gunned in Hula, Lebanon; 100 killed at al-Dawayima, with an Israeli eye-witness reporting that "the children were killed by smashing their skulls with clubs"; young men mowed down by machine guns in open fields outside Eilabun; 70 young men blindfolded and shot to death at Safsaf; 12 killed at Majd al-Kurum, with a U.N. observer writing that "there is no doubt about these murders"; 14 "liquidated," according to the Israeli military's report, at Khirbet al-Wa'ra as-Sauda.

Israel's atrocities did not stop in 1948. In 1953 Ariel Sharon's bloodthirsty Unit 101 murdered 70 villagers in Qibya, Jordan while carrying out orders to achieve "maximal killing."

In 1956 there were four more massacres: 56 in Gaza City, 50 of Israel's Arab citizens at Kafr Kassem, 275 at Khan Yunis, and 111 at Rafah Refugee Camp. Israel's mass killing reached genocidal proportions during its 1982 invasion of Lebanon, when 18,000 civilians died, including 2000 slaughtered at the Sabra and Shatila refugee camp ... Israel has shown absolute contempt for Palestinian life.

The Palestinian people are fighting, quite simply, for their very existence. Because the American government makes Israel's butchery possible, only the American people can stop it."

Five decades of complicity in Israel's crimes against humanity is enough.

Israel's "light unto the world"

Raining Blood on the Streets of Palestine

Teach Your Children Well.

Baruch Goldstein on his way to murder a mosque full of whorshipping Palestinians

Israel's use of flesh disintegrating weapons on Palestinian civilians

Crimes against Humanity Courtesy of the United States Taxpayers and the US Government.


 What the "World's Most Ethical Army" Does 


The World's "Most Ethical Army"

Crime camcorded in Beit Hanina Jerusalem Palestine

1. Mahmould Salah and his friend while being arrested by Israeli soldiers.

2. They are being controlled by the Israeli soldiers

3. His friend was released and they started shooting in the air to get the eyewitnesses away

4. Two solders are taking his clothes off while the others are ready to executed him

5. He is now executed. See blood.

6. They brought now the robot to fake the public that he is a suicide bomber.


 What the "World's Most Ethical Army" Does 


The World's "Most Ethical Army"

Three Little Victims of Israel's "War on Terror"

Even the babies are not spared

God's Chosen Assholes

Genocide in Lebanon

Mother and child Victims in Lebanon

Murder of a Carring American Citizen (Rachel Corrie) for trying to stop the Demoltion of Palestinian Homes

That's Rachel on the far end. Not a peep about her murder from the US congress or any US president - fraudocrats all

Montage of US Supported Evil

Montage of US Supported Evil

Montage of US Supported Evil

Montage of US Supported Evil

Five decades of complicity in Israel's crimes against humanity is enough.


 What the "World's Most Ethical Army" Does