Mossad Chief and Son of Terrorist Assassin Rahm Emanuael Runs the United States Government  


Mossad Chief and Son of Terrorist Assassin Rahm Emanuael Runs the United States Government

Obama's chief of staff was the deputy chief of the Mossad in North America according to the late Chicago talk show host and court reformer Sherman Skolnick.

"The late Sherman Skolnick of Chicago called Rahm Emanuael the
"Acting Deputy Chief for North America of the Mossad / Israeli Intelligence."

Skolnick went on to say that Emanuael's father Benjamin had been "part of the Israeli assassin team that murdered Sweden's Count [Folke] Bernadotte" in 1948."

Democrat 'Golden Boy' Rahm Emanuael - Son Of A Living Terrorist

Assassination of Count Bernadotte by the Zionist Criminal Network

I believe Skolnick not because a judge who called him a liar found himself in prison but because Emanuael seems to have been calling the shots in every presidential administration since the Clinton administration. He also gets to pick who gets to be in the US congress.

Rahm Emanuael Runs the US Government

"At a dinner to celebrate Bill Clintons election to the presidency in 1992, Rahm Emanuael, Clintons campaign finance director, stood up, called out a list of Clintons political enemies, and after each name, yelled "Dead!" while jamming a steak knife into the table.

As one attendee remarked, It was like something out of The Godfather."

No Time to Rebuild

This is what passes for "democracy" in the United States of America.

One does not have to wonder why JFK was assassinated when one learns that he refused to let Israel run US foreign policy in exchange for Zionist political donations.

Zion's Greatest Hits: US President John F. Kennedy

Any investigation of the disappearance of Christopher Bollyn and his family should start with Rahm Emanuel. It is quite possible that it was Emanuel who gave the order to Michael Chertoff to arrest Bollyn on the ridiculous charge of resisting arrest. Had it not been for the intervention of Daryl Bradford Smith in getting his audience to call into the Chicago police department Bollyn could have been murdered in jail.

Arkansas D.A. Jean Duffy who was investigating the Mena murders connected to drug smuggling had to flee Arkansas because someone overheard a plan to murder her if she was arrested. The Mossad was involved in the guns for drugs deals ergo Rahm Emanuel had to have been involved in the drug smuggling. Indeed, the money that he handled for the Clinton campaign was most likely laundered drug money.

Jean duffy on Drug Related murders in Mena Arkansas

Obstruction of Justice: The Mena Connection

Ronald Reagan was known as the "great communicator" but he really was the "great corrupter." It was his administration which delivered the US government into the hands drug smuggling thugs like Rahm Emanuel.

Ben-Menashe is an Iranian born Jew who emigrated to Israel. His book "Profits of War" links Ariel Sharon to the CIA drugs for guns deals of which the "Iran Contra Affair" was only a small part.

Common slush funds bring smiles on the faces of corrupt politicians it seems.

"Sharon was a private citizen who was trying to build a fortune dealing in arms in Central America. He had a network of people working with him there, one being the disgraced Mossad agent Mike Harari ...

Sharon's private network bought their weapons from Israeli government factories and got their export licenses from the Israeli government...

By 1981, Sharon and Harari were running what Harari described as more of a CIA network than an Israeli operation -- and were filling their private bank accounts at the same time.

It was in 1981 that they started supplying a secret army in Central America, the contras, who were trying to destabilize and eventually bring about the downfall of the Sandinista government of Nicaragua, which had come to power in 1979.

The contras did not have any money -- Congress was not then willing to fund them -- and desperately needed cash to buy their arms.

Sharon, with all his power, could not force the prime minister or the leaders of the Israeli intelligence community to pay for weapons from the slush fund that had grown out of the Iran arms sales.

So, with the backing of Gates and the CIA, some members of the group created their own fund. They did this, according to Harari, by transporting cocaine from South America to the United States via Central America.

A major player was Manuel Noriega, who had known George Bush since he had been the CIA chief in the mid-1970s. Hundreds of tons of cocaine poured into the United States, and another handy slush fund was created."

Bush with Ariel Sharon

Profits of War

Profits of War

Chip Tatum on Iran Contra and CIA Drug Trafficking

Chip Tatum CIA Black Ops Interviewed By Ted Gunderson FBI


  Mossad Chief and Son of Terrorist Assassin Rahm Emanuael Runs the United States Government