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Hurricane Helene: Anthother Narco Dollar Investment Opportunity for Trump and Friends?

Trump's Treasonous Iran Plan

What the "World's Most Ethical" Army Does

The Georgia Guidestones: Killing Us Softly with Graphene

Mossad Chief and Son of Terrorist Assassin Rahm Emanuael Runs the United States Government

Ten Thousand Christopher Bollyns Wanted

Stephen Zarlenga's Plan to Save America from Bankruptcy

The Fire Sale of the United States of America

The Hitler Rothschild Connection

The Social Contract and the Lying Politician

The Kennedy Curse and the Fake Yitzhak Rabin Assassination Stunt

Traitor Tweedle Dee Biden vs. Traitor Tweedle Dum Trump Round 2

Would Donald Trump Walk a Mile for a Reefer?

Join the Fight against The Fraudocracy

Question the False Opposition to the Covid 19 Scamdemic

Why Does the SARS CoV2 Binding Sites
Like Only non-Ashkenazi ACE2 receptors?

Can you Trust the Science of the Great Reset?

Bankster Fraudonomics Revealed!

Are Cellphones the Twonkys of the Fraudocracy?


 The Social Contract and the Lying Politician 


The Social Contract and the Lying Politician

Every US election is a social contract between the politicians who run for office and the United States citizens who vote in that election. It is therefore governed by common law. When a politician and/or the media that supports that politician lie to the American people that contract is null and void by common law.

Every vote that a lying congressman makes is null and void. Every bill signed into office by a lying president is null and void because neither the lying congressman nor the lying president legitimately holds office.

Every law which the US congress has passed since the treasonous 7 trillion dollar stealing and genocidal Patriot Act is null and void not only because the Patriot Act was designed to destroy the US constitution but also because it was based on demonstratably evil lies.

Every president since George w. Bush has supported and contributed to that lie, has helped steel 7 trillion dollars from the US treasury and has murdered hundreds of thousands of innocent people abroad in the fraudulent "War on Terror" - not to mention the thousands of US citizens murdered in the Israeli 9/11 false flag event designed to kick off that war.

Sleazy Casino Owner Donald the child rapist Trump has proclaimed that he is going to get to the bottom of the JFK assassination if he gets re-selected by the Mossad's touch screen voting machines. More likely, he will conduct a search and destroy operation to eliminate any information which has not already been thrown into the Fraudocracy's deep-six shredding machines for his Zionist supporters.

Zion's Greatest Hits: US President John F. Kennedy

Does Sleazy Casino Owner Donald the child rapist Trump keep his word? Lets look at the record.

Before his first selection by the Mossad touch screen voting machines Sleazy Casino Owner Donald the child rapist Trump told the 9/11 truth movement on one side of his mouth that he was going to get to the bottom of the 9/11 psyop while, on the other side of his mouth, encouraged his Zionist war criminal supporters by not only supporting the 9/11 lies but even embellishing on them.

"So Trump went FURTHER than even the Zionist media narrative, by first claiming thousands of Muslims within New York and New Jersey were allegedly celebrating it, but then admitted he was a liar when he admitted it was hyperbole and not even 'thousands' who celebrated it, but still holding to a narrative which if anyone else aside from Trump would've been promoting it would have been rejected as DISINFORMATION by his supporters within the Truth movement.

These same supporters speak about the ways that the mainstream media has been lying openly to the masses, feeding them all sorts of myths and propaganda, yet they somehow ignore or dismiss when their own anointed Donald Trump promotes these very same lies. Trump has even admitted his own lies, by saying he speaks through hyperbole, using outrageous language to get a reaction from the same media which allegedly opposes him yet gives him all the attention he craves."

Trump is a Zionist Charlatan

The story of the Palestinians celebrating 9/11 was an Israeli trick to cover up the true dancing Israelis story. Israelis threw candy out to Palestinian kids to get them to cheer. That lying trick was repeated by Trump who even embellished on the Israeli lie.

"Remember the so-called "celebrating Palestinians?"

I, like you, sat in front of the TV and was presented with images of "Palestinians celebrating" the terrorism of 9/11/01 over and over again. I was even treated to a slow motion version with an accompanying song that instructed viewers that "You got to be taught to hate."

There is more to this story, although mainstream media and many "alternative" outlets don't want you to know.

Yet this is only the beginning of the story and it is explosive.

In New Jersey, 5 Israelis (Sivan Kurzberg, Paul Kurzberg, Yaron Shmuel, Oded Ellner and Omer Marmari) were taking video or photos of themselves smiling with the World Trade Center burning in the background. These men were arrested and their cameras were seized. I have seen videos and pictures seized by police shown on TV before, why not in this case? "

The Truth Behind The "Celebrating Palestinians"

"It became clear that a person was animating a couple of children to cheer in front of the camera. The woman cheering was offered a candy to act cheerful. She later said she was shocked that her pictures were shown in the context of the terrorist attacks. She had no idea what they were for."

The Truth Behind The "Celebrating Palestinians"

The analogy here is perfect. The phony celebrating Palestinians story was invented to cover up the true and suppressed story of the dancing Israelis just as the phony holocaust pushed by the Jewish "exterminationists" was invented to cover up the true and suppressed story of the Ukrainian and Armenian genocides and the Red Terror- all directed at Orthodox Christians for which the Talmud recommends extermination.

This is an MO, a religious MO, if you can call a cult which recommends theft, murder, lying, deception and genocide a "religion."

It is also a big lie that Bin Laden took responsibility for 9/11 - just the opposite! Bin-Laden never had any organization called "Al-Qaeda."

The Mossad created "Al Qaeda," and in its hubris gave it it's name which is a Joke on the stupid goys of America.

"Ana raicha Al Qaeda is colloquial (Arabic) for "I'm going to the toilet. A very common and widespread use of the word "Al-Qaeda" in different Arab countries in the public language is for the toilet bowl.

This name comes from the Arabic verb 'Qaada' which means "to sit", pertinently, on the 'Toilet Bowl'.

In most Arab homes there are two kinds of toilets: "Al-Qaeda" also called the "Hamam Franji" or foreign toilet, and "Hamam Arabi" or "Arab toilet" which is a hole in the ground. Lest we forget it, the potty used by small children is called "Ma Qa'adia" or "Little Qaeda". "

al-qaeda (sit up type toilet) compared to arabic toilet (squat-type toilet)

Al-Qaeda, Paul Johnson and two American Officers

Kawther Salam's website was probably killed by Mossad hackers. As Christopher Bollyn has pointed out 9/11 was a Mossad false flag carried out through the extensive use of electronic computer warfare. The Department of Homeland Security is a continuation of that electronic warfare designed to carrie out more false flags and to prevent discovery of Mossad/neocon treachery in the United States and around the world. Kawther Salam, may have been killed like Christopher Bollyn by the Mossad. Zionists have murdered or attempted to murder a long list of prominent people for political reasons.

Zion's Greatest Hits: Swedish Peace Maker Count Folke Bernadotte

Why is this disinformation so important to the traitors who did 9/11 like Giuliani who obstructed justice by sending all of the evidence that the World Trade center was brought down through controlled demolitions overseas?

Because the "dancing Israelis" not only knew that the WTC would be hit by airliners, they were part of the plot to bring those buildings down.

"Two of the things the US government / Israel do not want anyone to know are these:

One of the five dancing Israelis is named Dominik Suter and Israel has refused multiple requests from the US government for his extradition back to the USA to face questioning and possible indictment related to 9-11-2001 and the financing of terrorism. Why?

In the initial investigation of how 9-11 was financed the US government, specifically the FBI, focused on foreign bank accounts. One of the bank accounts that were apparently involved in the financing of 9-11-2001 was in the name of Dominik Suter."

Why Israel Spies On The USA

Trump's Support for the "Patriot Act" (the falsely named bill that rightly should be called the Traitors' Act) and NSA Surveillance State is not about keeping illegals and terrorists from entering the US.

It is about keeping the public and law enforcement from finding out about the on-going and past illegal and treasonous activities of the traitors in the US government and media and the false flag attacks by the criminal state of Israel.

"Welcome to the Mossad. Its full name is Ha Mossad, le Modiyn ve le Tafkidim Mayuhadim [the Institute for Intelligence and Special Operations].

Our motto is: 'By way of deception, thou shalt do war.'

By Way of Deception

In the "The Restoration of Israel" rabbi Crooll gives the game plan of the Mossad away: Get the gentiles to kill each other off.

The Israeli "false flag" is actually a religious concept. Rabbi Crooll's interpretation of chapter 15 of Genesis is God telling "Abraham's seed" to "divide and conquer" the Gentiles.

Rabbi Joseph Crooll

"The four Empires were shewn to Abraham.

In the shape of an heifer, Abraham saw Babylon: in the shape of a she-goat, he saw Persia and Media: in the shape of a ram, he saw Alexander the Great: in the shape of a turtle he saw the Romans: in the shape of a bird, he saw his family of Israel...

he took them and cut each of them into two pieces, and laid one piece against the other...he divided them, that is, he weakened their strength and power, by setting each piece against the other: that these four empires should be always one against the other, and they never should be quiet, but always fighting the one against the other; by so doing the Gentiles will fight one against the other, they now then will forget Israel, and sometimes they will have no time to meditate against them"

The Restoration of Israel

It is true that Crooll's dialectic makes "Israel" a passive bystander while God turns the gentiles against each other, but that is disingenuous on his part. According to the tenets of Judaism the rabbis have dominion over the earth. God's domain is in heaven.

"That the Torah had already been given at Mount Sinai; we pay no attention to a Heavenly Voice, because Thou hast long since written in the Torah at Mount Sinai, After the majority must one incline."

Elders of Zion Beat God in Argument (aka Baba Mezi'a 59b)

Here we have Jews whose Talmud says that Christians should be exterminated because they are idol worshipping polytheists (Pagans) convincing the Indians, who are real pagans to war against Islam which was created by Jews most likely for the purpose of destroying "pagan" Christianity.

And of course the Sabbatean Jews do believe in reincarnation (which has nothing to do with evaporated milk) even though they pretend to be Muslims don't they?

Talk about a tangled web! It is almost as twisted as Donald the child rapist Trump's campaign speeches!

Of course, Crooll is only trying to implement Ezekiel's foreign policy in the middle east.

Isaiah|19:2 And I will set the Egyptians against the Egyptians: and they shall fight every one against his brother, and every one against his neighbour; city against city, and kingdom against kingdom.

Thus spake the Jewish God Ezekiel (Deutero-Isaiah)!

Ezekiel|38:21 And I will call for a sword against him throughout all my mountains, saith the Lord GOD: every man's sword shall be against his brother.

to whom the flesh of the Egyptians is as the flesh of asses, and whose issue is as the issue of horses.

Ezekiel|23:20 For she doted upon their paramours, whose flesh is as the flesh of asses, and whose issue is like the issue of horses.

Controversy of Zion: The Forging of the Chains

And the followers of Mohammed (whose Jewish teachers taught him that the Trinity was Eloi, Jesus and Mary) said "Allah-eluia!"

"All those who have studied the matter know and declare that the great bulk of the Koranic material is of Jewish origin; and we have certain knowledge that Mohammed resorted habitually to learned Jewish teachers."

The Jewish Foundation of Islam: The Genesis Of The New Faith

From the behavior of the Zionists in the last two centuries I think that it is safe to conclude that the ancestors of the Muslims in the middle east who were all originally Christians were forcibly converted to Islam and tricked into fighting their Christian brothers in order to destroy Christianity.

The Bible requires that the slaves of Jews should all be circumcised.

"He that is born in thy house, and he that is bought with thy money, must needs be circumcised: and my covenant shall be in your flesh for an everlasting covenant."

Genesis 17:13

Even though the Koran says nothing about circumcision Muslims still circumcise themselves making them the slaves of Jews.

But now the tables have turned because the Christians of America have been tricked into genitally mutilating their infants to make them the slaves of Jews so that they will destroy Islam.

And since circumcision was originally a way to brand slaves, both Muslims and Christians have become the slaves of slaves.

"In ancient Egypt captured warriors were often mutilated before being condemned to slavery. Amputation of digits and castration was common, but the morbidity was high and their resultant value as slaves was reduced. However, circumcision was just as degrading and evolved as a sufficiently humiliating compromise. Eventually, all male descendents of these slaves were circumcised. The Phoenicians, and later the Jews who were largely enslaved, adopted and ritualized circumcision. In time, circumcision was incorporated into Judaic religious practice and viewed as an outward sign of a covenant between God and man (Genesis XVI, Fig. 2)"

The History of Circumcision

Babies have no constitutional rights under our fraudocracy. They can be tortured for religious reasons using the lying pretext of "health benefits."

Sound of a Baby Being Circumcised

The real advantages of circumcision accrue only to the rulers of empires who want to create a population of psychopathic killers with which to fill the ranks of their armies.

"Robert Ressler, in an off the record comment when interviewed by Mothering Magazine's web-editor, related the fact that the FBI realizes circumcision is a factor in violence. He explained they do not mentioned this because they would be considered raving lunatics and lose their jobs. Robert Ressler coined the term Serial Killer.

This attitude pervades throughout Law Enforcement from the U.S, Department of Justice down to local sheriff departments and Child Protective Services. Many have no clue, the same as the parents who are conned into the ritual. The con is the criminal approach used to lure victims.

In Norway, the only country that records the circumcision status of rapists, 2% of the population are circumcised and commit more than 80% of their rapes. And, since 1991 almost all wars involved one circumcised country with some conflicts between both factions being circumcised. This includes all USA conflicts since Vietnam.

No other statistical records are kept regarding the individual and social percentile circumcision status of serial killers or rapists. Yet, over 50% of rapes in Sweden are perpetrated by the minority of men who belong to circumcising cultures. Circumcision status may factor highly in the USA's highest of all other country's incarceration rate to population."

Circumcision, Serial Killing, Criminal Behavior and American Medical Violence

Society gets nothing out of it but crime, tyrrany and perversion.

"When the child is so young that they can't rationalise, nor ultimately remember the experience, the lack of control registers deeply within the unconscious. It is for that reason that I believe men circumcised as infants can often aptly be described as 'control-freaks.'

And if you look at the consciousness of the nations that circumcise as infants there is often an underlying obsession with control - a way to balance out the complete lack of control experienced during the mutilation and never fully processed in order to allow for healing.

When we feel powerless as children we seem to grow into adults that once in a position to exert control and power do so with a great ferocity."

The Violent Act of Infant Circumcision

"the Crisis Centers throughout Israel received more than 40,000 calls from women reporting sexual assault last year. Of those, fewer than 20 percent filed a claim. Of those who did file a claim more than 75 percent of the cases were dismissed."

Women don't trust the system, she said. These incidents (the judge's remarks) give them even less reason to trust it."

Israeli Judge Says Some Girls Enjoy Being Raped

"Several studies presented at the conference showed that children who were abused or otherwise severely stressed in childhood were far more likely than others to be violent as teenagers or adults. And, again, some of the data implicated changes in serotonin or related neurotransxmitter systems".

Early Violence Leaves Its Mark on the Brain

Jewish Ritual Cock Sucking Circumcision

"I'd like to exchange stories/fantasies with people (male and female), who find a adult male circumcision as an erotic event and who have fantasies and/or experiences about circumcision. I find an adult male circumcision including a pregoing examination of the penis and foreskin, discussion on it, diagnosis and the operation itself sexually very arousing and I think that the origin and original motives of circumcision include much of sexual and homoerotic elements."

Circs make me HARD!

"What turned me off the whole circumcision scene was to read a report recently about a bunch of men nursing erections as they watched a shrieking baby having his foreskin cut away. When I contemplate the perfection and symmetry of my little boy's body, including his penis, I feel a sense of pride at having produced such a beauty, and I shudder that there are perverts, like I describe, who would actually take pleasure in marring his perfection."

... Ms. A. C. Herts

In Memory of the Sexually Mutilated Child

"I'm sobbing. The baby's screaming. The doctor's cutting. There's blood everywhere. And the doctor looked into my face and said, 'There's no medical reason for doing this.'"

... Marilyn Milos

"It's absolutely horrible. I didn't know how horrific it was going to be. It was the most gruesome thing I have ever seen in my life. I told the doctor as soon as he was done, if I had a gun I would have killed him."

... Melissa Morrison

In Memory of the Sexually Mutilated Child

"There's something deranged about anyone who persists in circumcising babies after being confronted with the facts."

Infant Circumcision: The Perfect Crime

Getting back to the holy Cassino owner and child rapist...

"The Truth movement opposes the encroachment of the government with its Police State legislation, including the Patriot Act and NDAA, the continuous erosion of civil liberties, the militarization of the police, and the NSA surveillance of the American people. Yet, his naive supporters within the Truth movement are oblivious in how to explain why Trump has consistently supported all of this, as documented in his open statements throughout 2015 which he has since repeated during the Republican debates on live TV."

"I support legislation which allows the NSA to hold the bulk metadata. For oversight, I propose that a court, which is available any time on any day, is created to issue individual rulings on when this metadata can be accessed ... I err on the side of security."

In a December 2015 interview on the Hugh Hewitt Show, Trump was asked about restoring the Patriot Act, to which he responded: "

"I think that would be fine. As far as I'm concerned, that would be fine."

Trump is a Zionist Charlatan

Trump has proven by word and deed that he is indeed a crook and a traitor.

"Don't you find it interesting that among all the people who ran for the Presidency on both the Republican and Democrat sides, the two who had intermarried with the elite New York Jews ended up winning?

Chelsea Clinton's husband, Marc Mezvinsky is a Goldman Sachs alum who runs his own hedge fund in New York. The fund is reported to have lost nearly 90% of its investors' money, and his father, Edward Mezvinsky, embezzled more than $10 million dollars from people via both a Ponzi scheme and the Nigerian e-mail scams and was found guilty of fraud in 2001.

And Ivanka Trump's husband, Jared Kushner Ivankawed runs a megadollar real estate holding and development company in New York. Kushner was thrust into his role at Kushner Companies when his father Charles was arrested on charges of tax evasion, illegal campaign donations and witness tampering in 2004."

Trump and Putin: Agents of Chabad-Lubavich

Not only did Trump not "drain the swamp", he jumped into it and wallowed in it until it was dirtier than it was before. Trump was well versed on the 9/11 truth movement as his false opposition whores supported him no matter what he said. So he must have read Christopher Bollyn's open letter to him.

"The 9/11 Commission members themselves have gone on record saying that government officials lied to the commission. John Farmer, for example, senior counsel to the commission, wrote: "What government and military officials told Congress, the Commission, the media, and the public about who knew what when was almost entirely, and inexplicably, untrue."

Open Letter to Donald Trump on 9/11

Well, would you expect Trump to tell you the truth about money laundering in his Taj Mahal?

Money Laundering and the Trump Taj Mahal

Money laundering through the gambling industry

Trump's false opposition whores went after Saudi Arabia - one of the Arabic nations on the neocon's hit list.

"By hinting that the 28 pages implicate Saudi Arabia in 9/11 because of Saudi financing for some of the "hijackers" is a very effective ruse in that it deflects blame from Israel. It also supports the official myth, as I wrote in my response"

The 28 Pages and Other False Leads

What about Osma's son wearing Calvin Kleins, and defiling the sacred soil of Saudi Arabia with an American made Harley-Davidson? Not to mention his family building US Military Bases in Saudi Arabia!

"The sacred soil that the U.S. infidel soldiers supposedly desecrated was located in a series of top secret facilities built during the 1980s by the U.S. military at a cost (mostly to Saudi Arabia!) of - are you ready? - over 200 BILLION dollars.

This was the largest U.S. military construction project ever attempted outside the continental USA. As a Public Television program reported in 1993:

The contracts for building those bases, ports, and airfields went in part to Saudi construction companies. Osama's family company, Saudi Binladin Group

Welcome to the Saudi Bin Laden Group!

Will the real Bin Laden please stand up! He's my favorite martian!

"So as sure as death and taxes, Saudi Binladin Group got a nice chunk of that $200 billion. And while the bin Ladens were building those U.S. bases, who did Osama think was going to be using them? Martians? "


Bin Laden, Terrorist Monster: Take Two!

"American intelligence specialists are reported to have 'secretly' sought advice on handling terrorist attacks from Hollywood film-makers.

According to the trade paper Variety, a discussion group between movie and military representatives was held at the University of Southern California last week.

The group is said to have been set up by the US Army to discuss future terrorist activity in the wake of the attacks of 11 September.

Among those reported to have been involved were Die Hard screenwriter Steven E De Souza and Joseph Zito, director of Delta Force One and Missing in Action.

Other, more conventional, feature makers were also said to have been present, including Randal Kleiser, who made Grease."

US Army Gets Secret Advice from Hollywood

Them Muslims just love to behead people. Hollywood has proven it!

Off With Your Head!

There is no question that the supposed 911 hijackers used fake passports. And there is also no question that they were chosen because they were doubles used for the purpose of framing Saudi Arabia.

Framing Saudi Arabia would not benefit the US because Henry Kissinger made a deal with the Saudi royals that if they would only sell their oil for US devil dollars the US would keep them in power indefinitely. Framing the Saudis would only benefit the criminal Israeli government and its criminal Zionist supporters in the United States and around the world.

911 doubles

Eight of the alleged September 11th Hijackers are Alive

911 doubles

September 11 the New Perl Harbor

So if Saudi royals did 9/11 then why are they fighting Syria along with the US and Israel?

"In my opinion this 60 Minutes piece is yet another Zionist ruse to lead the public into thinking that Saudi Arabia was behind the 9/11 atrocity and to play this up as much as possible during the presidential campaign. It is just another layer of deception being played by the Zionists seeking to deflect blame away from the Israelis and Zionists"

"60 Minutes" & The Secret 28 Pages of 9/11

Never trust a cyclops over 30.

It may have something to do with the MI6/Mossad installed government of Iran being at war with Saudi Arabia. The criminal state of Israel has no quarrel with the Iranian government. Like the US government it is their toy.

"The following article from Ynet proves that most of the establishment and alternative media outlets feed off of fear mongering and in fact intentionally fuel the further dividing of different cultures and the international community.

Surely they will not tell you so because then it would become very obvious how shallow most of the establishment and alternative media really are. It would take away their empty shells? only reason for existence."

"Under American radar, dozens of Israeli companies secretly engage in relations with Islamic Republic through third parties

Iranian money appears to be stronger than the Iranian threat, as dozens of Israeli companies have been holding secret trade relations with the Islamic Republic in recent years."

Article Proves that Most of the Iran-Israel Threats Are Nothing but Show and Propaganda

Israel invented Islamic fundamentalism for the purpose of Balkanizing the middle east so that it can steal the Iranian oil fields.

Any government which would send hoards of Iranians out in human wave attacks with arms supplied by Israel and the United States against an American puppet regime armed by the United States government is no friend to the Iranian people.

The "Islamic fundamentalism" of Khomeini was a phony Zionist imitation of Islam designed to hijack the democratic revolution against the CIA installed Shaw of Iran.

"In 1978, the Iranian Ettelaat published an article accusing Khomeini of being a British agent. The clerics organized violent demonstrations in response, which led to the flight of the Shah months later...

Reflecting on his downfall months later, shortly before his death, the Shah noted from exile...

"I did not know it then - perhaps I did not want to know - but it is clear to me now that the Americans wanted me out."

Indications are that the actual planners of the Iranian Khomeini coup in London and within the senior ranks of the U.S. liberal establishment decided to keep President Carter largely ignorant of the policy and its ultimate objectives.

The BBC was so much identified with Khomeini that it won the name 'Ayatollah BBC.'"

What Really Happened to the Shah of Iran?

One thing that I have noticed about fundamentalist zionists is that they rarely dispassionately analyze the reasoning of fundamentalists who have a different religion from their own for fear of loosing their own brainwashed mindset. So they often come to erroneous conclusions about religions which are not their own.

"The representation of the human body was forbidden to Mohammedans. Indeed, even the study of anatomy at all was for- bidden, and that was a major handicap to Moslem science."

The Ascent of Man by Jacob Bronowski

When I told a pro-Shaw Iranian that I met at a bus stop that MI6 put Ayatollah Khomeini in power just as the CIA installed Saddam Hussein in Iraq he threw up his head in an ah ha! type of moment.

I also told him what I heard on CNN during the Iran-Iraq war - that the neocon infested-Regan administration was selling arms to both sides in the hope that the Muslims would "kill each other off."

This Iranian got a bad reaction to the COVID population control shot - no surprises there. He was probabley targeted because he was an Iranian.

The Iranian also had a picture of the Shaw in his wallet - kind of like the pictures you see of Ayatollah plastered all over the buildings in Iran - Very un-Islamic Bolshevick type iconography designed for Russians and Slav Orthodox Christians in the Soviet Union.

Bolshevik type iconography is a sin in the real Islamic faith. When I told him this he seemed to be puzzled and told me that all of the Islamic leaders of the "Islamic Republic" were homosexual even though they made homosexuality a crime punishable by death in Iran.

He said that no one in Iran believes in God anymore presumably because of their fake religious leaders.

He blamed them for Iran's hyperinflation but this could be the CIA at work again in cahoots with MI6 and the Mossad. The IMF wants Iran in their world wide Ponzi scam and Israel want's Iran's oil.


 The Fire Sale of the United States of America 


The Fire Sale of the United States of America

The US economy is headed for a fall, a really big fall. The longer the Fed props up the stock market with fiat devil dollars the further it will fall and the harder it will crash.

The Federal Reserve scam of not printing enough "money" to pay off the national debt so that the US must borrow more and more until it becomes bankrupt is coming to fruition. Bitcoins are just a means of having a bankruptcy fire sale on US assets especially when they are backed up by gold which the Rothschilds have cornered the world market on.

"Lincoln's economist Henry Carey said that the twin weapons used by the British empire to colonize the world were the "gold standard" and "free trade." The gold standard has now become the petrodollar standard, but the game is still basically the same: crack open foreign markets in the name of "free trade," take down the local currency, and put the nation's assets on the block at fire sale prices.

The first step in this process is to induce the country to accept foreign loans and investment. The loan money gets dissipated but the loans must be repaid. "

Web of Debt: The Shocking Truth about our Money System

Don't kid yourself. The people who own the Fed are not loyal Americans and they never were. They are international banksters

Bankster Fraudonomics Revealed!

who have used the United States as their personal war machine for the last one hundred years in order to create their world empire (i.e their "New World Order") by controlling all of its money and credit. They plan to Balkanize the United States the way they Balkanized Yugoslavia and are trying to Balkanize the middle east with their fraudulent "war on terror."

The Federal Reserve isn't federal at all!

It is in the American peoples' interest to take control now and put RFK's son in charge. But RFK Jr. has to stop listening to the people who killed his father, two of his uncles and his cousin. Jesus did not say "love your enemies and hate your friends" as they would have him believe.

They are telling him not to listen to the "right wing" whistle blowers about the scamdemic. They are telling him to support partial birth abortion so that he would lose an election to a warm bucket of spit if he ran against it.

The issues that RFK Jr. should be exposing are the Israeli 9/11 false flag, the genocidal fraudulent war on terror, the population control program that the scamdemic pushers Trump, Biden, the criminal controllers of the media monopoly and the treasonous fraudocrats in the US Congress have imposed on the American people and the people of the rest of the world.

RFK Jr. must realize that abortion, the pushing of perversion in a world of genetically engineered HIV and the Scamdemic are all apart of the same population reduction plan that seeks to reduce the world's population by 50% by the end of the 21st century.

We have to make a big change in the US economy not by going back to the gold standard as the libertarian fairies would have him do but by going back to greenbacks (a debt free currency system) and maintaining tight control over the money supply so that whenever inflation increases by a certain percentage the money supply should be reduced by that same percentage. When inflation is not balanced by deflation you will get permanent inflation which is an unconstitutional tax on the bank accounts of every American.

The sanity that runs in the Kennedy Family has always been a danger to the Fraudocracy. But the Kennedys have, likewise, always been challenged in the smarts department. The patriarch of the family Joe Sr. just barely made it through prep school and John John failed in his first attempt at the Barr Exam. The bankster controlled monopoly press called John-John "Hunk the Flunk."

But like the back flipping Robert Kennedy Jr., Joe Sr. was very good at athletics. In fact, I think that the real reason why he had such a big family was not because he was Catholic but because he wanted his own private foot ball team that he could coach.

When it came to banking, however, Joe Sr. seemed to be a savant. Joe Sr. quickly learned that insider trading was the road to riches and made his fortune through insider trading using put options with the knowledge that the Federal Reserve which caused the Great Depression intended to keep the pressure on until they got what they wanted – a second world war in Europe.

They got the US to pay for the First World War (funding all sides for they had already bankrupted Europe) to create the state of Israel and to gain control of all of the money and credit of the United States. They needed another world war to complete their objectives.

While it is claimed that the assassination of John F. Kennedy was the result of the betrayal that organized crime felt when Robert Kennedy Sr. went after the mob, the real feelings of betrayal must have swelled up in the hearts of the Fed banksters when Joe Kennedy Sr. helped institute the anti-insider trading laws while he was a member of the Roosevelt administration.

This must have been the start of the Kennedy curse. The banksters must have got wind of Joe Kennedy Sr. plan to create his own dynasty starting with Joe Jr. which he had planned to make first in a line of presidents of the United States.

The Kennedy Curse and the Fake Yitzhak Rabin Assassination Stunt

While RFK Jr. says that he is "for Israel" the same can not be said of the Israeli Prime Minister Benjamen Netanyahu visa-vi the United States.

"Once we squeeze all we can out of the United States, it can dry up and blow away."

Benjamen Netanyahu

So does RF Jr. want to go down in history with the traitors in the US congress who gave this man 29 standing ovations, who provided hush money to the families who died in the WTC controlled demolitions during the Israeli 9/11 false flag, and who made it possible to murder American citizens through lethal anti-gentile vaccines designed to reduce the world's population by one half by the end of the 21st century?

Israeli Cartoon Depicts Netanyahu as 9-11 Terrorist Pilot

Does he want to jump into bed with the most rabid anti-Semites in the world?

Rachel Corrie - Interview - YouTube

Israelis Chanting Death to the Children of Gaza

Sick Israeli Pseudo-Semites Making Fun of the Murder Rachel Corrie

Does he want to jump into bed with genocidal pedophiles?

"What do Ronald Reagan, President George Bush, former CIA Director William E.Colby, Democratic presidential candidate Bob Kerrey, billionaire and second richest man in America and now head of Salomon Brothers-Warren Buffett, and Ronald Roskens, the current administrator of the Agency for International Development, all have in common?"

"I give up,"former head of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA)Colby said."What could that group have in common?"

"Three things,"I replied,"all of them a burden at times for those who have to carry them.The three things are me (John DeCamp), a case called Franklin and a man named Larry King."

The Franklin Cover-up

Larry King of Franklin Cover-Up fame was a "high-class" Nebraskan homosexual pedophile-pimp who provided the rich and powerful Freemasonic businessmen (who control Nebraskan politicians and the Nebraskan media) as well as the big shot pedophiles in the National Republican Party with their little boys.

Does RFK Jr. really want to jump into bed with his clot-shot pushing inlaw Arnold "the pig" Schwarzenegger and his population control freak political pals Warren Buffet and Jacob Rothschild?

"According to his own account, Bob Kerrey entered politics to make money. In September 1981, as he was contemplating a run for the Nebraska governorship, Kerrey lamented to businesswoman Dana Saylor Robinson,that in business,

'You have to know someone or cater to this or that politician, to get anything. The only way you are going to be able to make any money is to be in politics.'

These are the men who will tell Bobby when to open his mouth, and what to say, so much so that I will make a prediction: Look for Bobby to start taking stands for population control. His financial angel Warren Buffett is a fanatic on the issue, and funds the most radical population reduction groups in the country."

The Franklin Cover-up

Does he really want to join the traitorous pedophile cock-suckers in the US Congress?

Pedophile Congress for Sale to Sponsors of Israelis who Danced on 9/11

What RFK Jr. must get straight is that while he might think that he is runninng for president in a democracy he is participating in a Fraudocracy make believe show. And New York State which is refusing to put him on the ballot even though his father was a senator from that state is at the very hub of that fraudocracy.

The American system of government pretends to be a democracy when it is really a government ruled by a secret elite which has always rigged US elections through its control of political parties and the secret ballot controlled by Judaeo-Masonry.

Christopher Bollyn: Who Controls Our Elections?

Eustace Mullins on the American Fraudocracy

Freemason Lyndon Banes Johnson was hardily disliked in Texas. He became the Majority Leader of the Senate by his fellow masons simply switching the vote count giving his opponent's votes to him and his votes to his opponent.

Zionist controlled thirty three degree Freemason Harry Truman probably made it into the Senate the same way. He was expected to loose to Thomas Dewey who was leading in all of the polls but surprise, surprise Truman won and mocked the radio commentator who predicted his defeat. Zionists attempted to assassinate Truman when he temporarily went off the Reservation.

Today with the easily rigged touch screen voting machines and scanners vote raud has never been easier and the Zionist bankster elites never more bold in flaunting the voters whom they despise.

JFK Jr. should stop playing their game and use his candidacy to wage war on the corrupt system that has been at war with his family ever since Joe Sr. broke ranks. And now is the time to do it!

Neither Trump nor Biden are qualified to be president for they are both mass murdering traitors which can be proven at the level of the Supreme Court.

Died Suddenly: Warp Speed to Mass Murder

Only the electors that JFK Jr. wins are qualified to choose who will become president. And if the Supreme Court disagrees it is either a time for another American revolution or another Gulag Archipelago - American Style - for the fire sale of America will be under way.

The Columbine Deception

RFK Jr. should stop acting like a politician and start pushing his uncle John's legacy.

If voting makes no difference then why do people do it? Well, some people may not want to make a difference. They might just want make an addition or division. Others might wish to extract a square root or solve a quadratic equation. Whatever their motivation, it is clear that democracy is futile whenever politics gets into the equation.

Poli: a Latin word meaning many
Tics: meaning bloodsucking creatures

Attributed to Robin Williams

American's of my generation would love to see another Kennedy in the White House if only to find out who killed his father and his uncle John; we will never know the entire truth with fraudocrats like Biden and Trump in charge.

Be a man like your father, not a disgrace like your uncle Ted.

Apollo 11 : The Triumph of Camelot

John F. Kennedy's "We Choose to Go to the Moon" Speech

You got a winning issue in the scamdemic. Use it! Use it in the electoral college and in the courts if necessary. Politicians who are elected by fraud do not ligitimately hold office. All the laws that they sign into law if they are president are null and void by the common law of contracts. Every vote they cast in the congress if they are elected to the Senate or the House of Representatives are null and void by the common law of contracts.

Even before the scamdemic began, a group of independent researchers made it clear that the rtPCR COVID-19 test (the basis on which the WHO declared a pandemic) is not only not specific for Sars 2, it is not even specific for SARS-viruses.

"The published RT-qPCR protocol for detection and diagnostics of 2019-nCoV and the manuscript suffer from numerous technical and scientific errors, including insufficient primer design, a problematic and insufficient RT-qPCR protocol, and the absence of an accurate test validation. Neither the presented test nor the manuscript itself fulfills the requirements for an acceptable scientific publication. Further, serious conflicts of interest of the authors are not mentioned. Finally, the very short timescale between submission and acceptance of the publication (24 hours) signifies that a systematic peer review process was either not performed here, or of problematic poor quality. We provide compelling evidence of several scientific inadequacies, errors and flaws...

Since the test cannot discriminate between the whole virus and viral fragments. The test cannot be used as a diagnostic for SARS-viruses"

External peer review of the RTPCR test to detect SARS-CoV-2 reveals 10 major scientific flaws at the molecular and methodological level: consequences for false positive results

Why? Why do We Ever Believe the In-Laws of Rupert Murdoch?

Especially, when his sister will inherit Murdoch's depopulation freak Rothschild derived fortune!

"Rupert Murdoch, an Australian Jewish agent of Israel, is very close to Shimon Peres. Murdoch's FOX News tried to smear Christopher B ollyn as an anti-Semite. Murdoch's son James, heir apparent of the Murdoch's News Corporation media empire, is married to Eric Hufschmid's sister. Hufschmid has carried on the attack against Bollyn since 2007. What a small world!"

The Faudulaent War on Terror

Actually, the idea that the Moon landing was a hoax did not orginate with false opposition leader Eric Hufschmid; it was first postulated by William Cooper. Cooper reasoned that since the Apollo astronauts could not jump over a building in a single bound as in the sci-fi flick "First Men in the Moon" they really were not on the moon but in a Disney studio. But Cooper was not aware of Hill's First Law of Locomotion which states that the height that an animal can jump is independent of its mass or weight. It depends only on the rate of contraction of the muscles of its legs and the distance that its legs extend which is the same on the moon as it is on the earth. (Newton Rules Biology p46-47).

I have lived in Florida all of my life (except for the summers which my family spent in New Jersey) and grew up with the space program. I remember my elementary school teacher taking our class outside to see the Mercury missile launches which began with Alan Shepard. who was the first American in space.

We could never see the launches because we were too far away and because they were always in the middle of the day so we could not see the fire from the rocket exhaust. But I did see the fire from the rocket exhaust of Apollo 14 which was at night.

I was surprised to see the flame being horizontal to the earth's surface. But that is exactly what you would expect to see when a rocket is launched into earth orbit. The moon program did not take place in a haphazard fashion but in a methodical learning process of trial an error to see if a moon landing was feasible.

First they had to see if man could survive in space for an extended period of time. They started with sub-orbital flights with monkeys and then with men in the Mercury program. A moon landing required that men should be able to orbit the earth as a stepping stone. This was achieved when John Glenn made his 3 orbital flights around the earth.

Then they had to see if they could dock 2 space graft in space to simulate the docking required between a moon lander and a moon orbiting space craft. This was the purpose of the Gemini program.

Nowadays people do not realize that during its heyday the American space program was not very popular with the American public. People often complained that the money could have been better spent on other things even though proportionally it was a miniscule part of the US budget. Why then did they do it?

The reason is that it was part of the cold war rivalry between the Soviet Union and the US. The US and Soviet governments wanted to convince other nations that their way of government was best because it produced the best technology.

Despite the lack of enthusiasm among the adults of the era (Star Trek was a baby boomer thing) the space program gained prestige for the US world wide. The "Space Race" was the best PR that the US and the USSR had going for them so they put everything they had into it. This became a butt of a joke in the 1964 comedy "Dr. Strangelove" in which Peter Sellers played the character "Dr. Strangelove" which was obviously a take on the director of NASA - the "ex-Nazi" Wernher von Braun.


Wernher von Braun.

Von Braun developed the V2 Rockets used by the German government during World War II.

In "Dr. Strangelove", the Soviets are not able to keep up with the US in the "Space Race", the "Arms Race" and the "Peace Race" so they decided to blast it all with a Doomsday Machine.

The Doomsday Machine

It is interesting that Sterling Haden who played "General Jack Ripper" in Dr. Strangelove also starred in Suddenly in which Frank Sinatra played the part of Lee Harvey Oswald except that Sinatra was not a "lone nut" but a psycho who was part of a conspiracy. The killers of JFK had to change the script making Oswald a "lone nut" because any investigation would have lead to the killers who just happened to be running the US government behind JFK's back. Haden even got the part about the conspirators having to kill Sinatra (playing Oswald) so that he could not lead them to the conspirators. It is interesting that the killer who blew JFK's brains out with a hollow point bullit was killed as a part of Nixon's "War on Drugs."

Opium Lords Israel, the Golden Triangle and the Kennedy Assassination

Of course, all this would be declared a ridiculous conspiracy theory by the Anneberg Foundation's Walter Annenberg created the Anneburg Foundation in memory of his dad Moses Annenberg - the founder of organize crime in Chicago. Nixon made Walter the Ambassador to the Court of St. James, Great Britain.

"Main article: Moon landing conspiracy theories

Some people insist that the Apollo Moon landings were a hoax. However, empirical evidence is readily available to show that manned moon landings did indeed occur. Anyone on Earth with an appropriate laser and telescope system can bounce laser beams off three retroreflector arrays left on the Moon by Apollo 11,[41] 14 and 15, verifying deployment of the Lunar Laser Ranging Experiment at historically documented Apollo Moon landing sites and so proving equipment constructed on Earth was successfully transported to the surface of the Moon. In addition, in August 2009 NASA's Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter began to send back high resolution photos of the Apollo landing sites. These photos show not only the large Descent Stages of the lunar landers left behind but also tracks of the astronauts' walking paths in the lunar dust.[42]"

Moon Landing

Fakery is nothing new but it has been taken to new heights thanks to the internet and personal computers made possible by the Apollo Space Program. Ironically, the very technology which was a spin off of the Apollo mission has made it possible for people to question the very existence of the Apollo program - at least in the minds of those who are not old enough to know better.

I remember listening to a charming story told by an elderly Jesuit missionary and teacher by the name of Father Marshall Moran (in the video - Marshall Moran tribute dinner (ARRL Video Library) - which really should be posted to youtube).

Moran said that when the US landed on the Moon a delegation of Nepalese came to him to congradulate him and his country. Then they ask him if he believed it.

Moran explained to the Nepalese that he had to believe it because of radio. HAM radio operators had followed the space program since its inception. They had heard the conversations between the astronauts and their NASA controllers so they knew that it was not fake.

"In July of 1969 a ham radio operator and amateur radio-astronomer by the name of Larry Baysinger, W4EJA, accomplished an amazing feat. He independently detected radio transmissions from the Apollo 11 astronauts on the lunar surface. Fortunately, his accomplishments were recorded by Glenn Rutherford, a young reporter for the Louisville (Kentucky) Courier-Journal."

Eavesdropping on Apollo 11

Then he went into an explanation on how much science had advanced and modified what we know about the world. How it took many thousands of years of evolution to create the world not 6 days and how this did not mean that the holy books were wrong. Then he told them that God is going to give them something better than the moon. That he was going to give them heaven and "you don't want the moon!" and his audience laughed.

Fr. Marshall D. Moran, S.J.

Their religion told the Nepalese that when they died their souls would go to the moon!


 The Kennedy Curse and the Fake Yitzhak Rabin Assassination Stunt 


The Kennedy Curse and the Fake Yitzhak Rabin Assassination Stunt

What is the "Kennedy Curse?" The Kennedy Curse is essentially a vendetta against the children of the "anti-Semite" Joseph Kennedy Senior - the patriarch of the Kennedy dynasty. Robert Kennedy Junior who is currently running for president and his children are under the curse and are in extreme danger from the psychopathic criminal morons of the world that we call "Zionists" who recognize no law except what is in their Talmud.

Numbers|14:18 The LORD is longsuffering, and of great mercy, forgiving iniquity and transgression, and by no means clearing the guilty, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth generation.

According to the Talmud, God's will on Earth is accomplished through the rabbis because Jehovah had given this power to them at Mount Sinai. The Talmud confines Jehovah's jurisdiction to the heavens.

The Talmud restricts the behavior of the religious Jew to essentially making money for the rabbi and doing whatever he says. If he calls the Armenians and the Palestinians Amalakites (as rabbis have done) then Jews know that they are to be exterminated.

I neither know nor care whether the attempted assassination of Donald the child rapist Trump was real or just another stupid Zionist stunt. While I know no other person who has the ability to instill the seething hatred of women that Trump has I do know that the famous assassination of Yitzhak Rabin started out as an election stunt to gain the sympathy of voters because of his low standing in the polls.

That is the official story. But as you will read below the real motive may have been to fake the assassination of Rabin in order to lure John F. Kennedy's son (affectionately known as John-John by my generation) to Israel for the purpose of killing him and blaming his murder on a Palestinian the way that Sirhan Sirhan was set up to take the rap for the assassination of Robert Kennedy.

John-John did not take the bait and was assassinated by a bomb placed in the tail of his plane.

Origin of the Kennedy Curse

There are 2 stories on how the Kennedy curse began. One implicates an angry rabbi.

"A notorious anti-Semite, Kennedy complained to the captain that the bearded, black-clad Jews were upsetting the first class passengers by praying on the Jewish high holy day of Rosh Hashanah.

In retaliation, or so the story goes, Rabbi Jacobson put a curse on Kennedy, damning him and all his male offspring to tragic fates."

Final Judgment by M. C. Piper

The other implicates Meyer Lansky.

"Meyer was ready to bust a blood vessel. His temples were actually throbbing when Sam Koenig told him what Kennedy had said. And then Meyer, almost like he was a born Sicilian, swore a blood revenge on the entire family.
'The sins of the father,'
he kept on saying to himself, mumbling like an old zeydah vowing revenge.
'The sins of the father,'

Final Judgment by M. C. Piper

These stories may be true but I think that the only curse that would have mattered was a curse that the Rothschild clan put on the Kennedy clan.

While an ambassador to Great Britten Joe Kennedy stayed in a six-story, fifty-two-room mansion J. P. Morgan had donated to the British government in 1920. And he "was well cared for" by Morgan's staff whenever he went to White Hall.

Joseph Kennedy's antisemitism was the result of his dealing with Jews in Hollywood, rather than any association with organized crime according to author David Nasaw

"In 1955, 20th Century Fox awarded Monroe the richest per-film contract of any actress. "It means," remarked Monroe, "I'll never have to suck another Jewish cock again!"

Marilyn Monroe and the Casting Couch

At any rate, Kennedy could speak his mind to Morgan's people because J.P. Morgan did not hire Jews. But what Joe did not know was that Morgan was a front man for the Rothschilds.

FDR was undoubtedly a Rothschild man. He was all in favor of the US getting into WWI - the Rothschild war to create the state of Israel - despite him later claiming that:

"I hate wauh; Elenor hates wauh; our dog Falla hates wauh"

(lyrics that Eustace Mullins and his comrades marched to during WWII).

Translation from New English:

"I hate war; Elenor hates war; our dog Falla hates war"

Joe Kennedy Sr. believed that FDR sent Joe Jr. to his death to prevent him becoming president.

"Joe Kennedy Sr believed President Roosevelt was responsible for the death of his oldest son, Joe Jr. Kennedy believed that Roosevelt reviewed the order to send his son on a high-risk bombing mission over France in which Joe Jr was killed. During the 1944 presidential campaign, Kennedy asked Senator Harry S. Truman, Roosevelt's running mate"

"Harry, what the hell are you doing campaigning for that crippled son of a bitch that killed my son Joe?" 26

Opium Lords Israel, the Golden Triangle and the Kennedy Assassination

FDR did the same thing to all of the witnesses to his wife's adultery.

"Unluckily for all concerned, this led G-2 to conclude that Lash and Mrs. Roosevelt were something more than political buddies, as they were allegedly recorded by a hidden microphone during a hotel-room tryst in Chicago.

According to the G-2 account, when President Roosevelt was advised of this and the recording was played for him, he blew his top and ordered a draconian crackdown. In particular, the FBI was told, Lash and all Army personnel who knew anything about the matter were to be subject to the direst sanctions ("sent to the South Pacific for action against the Japs until they were killed")."

Blacklisted by History: The Untold Story of Senator Joe McCarthy

The split between Israel's Likud and Labor parties is as contrived and phony as the split between the Democratic and Republican parties. They all are controlled by the Rothschild international print money for nothing for whatever you want to do zionist banking system.

That is why I believe that the assassination of Yitzhak Rabin was a ruse to lure John John to his death in Israel.

"In March 1997, President Kennedy's son, John, Jr., ran a controversial article in his magazine, George. The article was written by Guela Amir, mother of Yigal Amir, the man who assassinated Israeli prime minister Yitzhak Rabin in 1995."

Opium Lords Israel, the Golden Triangle and the Kennedy Assassination

Although John John said that he would not use his magazine to investigate the murder of his father because "too much time has past", Zionists had many reasons for not trusting the word of a Kennedy. And any investigation by John John would have led to the discovery that the Mossad's man in Dallas on the day that JFK was killed was (according to Leah Rabin's autobiography) Yitzhak Rabin.

Leah Rabin Attacks JFK Jr. Over Publication of Interview With Mother of Late PM's Assassin

Was Rabin's assassination a fake assassination that became real or a fake assassination whose script had to be changed when something went wrong?

"From Rabin's point of view a dramatic but unsuccessful assassination attempt on his life would increase his lagging position in the polls.

It seems (or it was made to seem) as if Yigal Amir was provoked by Raviv into being the instrument of what was supposed to be a fake assassination with blank bullets. Putting live rounds in his gun which he thought" held only blanks was really not too difficult. More and more information is oozing out about a shooting that may actually have been elaborately staged."

Avishai Raviv Today

Rabin was behind the 8 ball not only because of the "peace process" which was very unpopular amongst the rabid Zionists in Israel but also because of his cover up of the attack on the USS Liberty - which he refused to discuss (in connection with the murder of 1000 Egyptian POWs in the desert by the Israeli army) because it was "ancient history."

He had no chance of winning the "election" but he was "assassinated" anyway? Does that make any sense to you?

"It's nothing! Amir shouts...It's just a joke! Blanks, blanks!

November 4, 1995: Israeli Prime Minister Rabin Assassinated

Apparently, Rabin did not drop on cue so expediency required an explanation.

The Aristocrats of the World

Jacob fooled Isaac so that Jacob could get blessed. Did Yitzhak fool Israel so that Yitzhak could get blessed?

"Judah, from which today's Zionism comes down, was a tribe of ill repute. Judah sold his brother Joseph, the most beloved son of Jacob-called-Israel, to the Ishmaelites for twenty pieces of silver (as Judas, the only Judean among the disciples, much later betrayed Jesus for thirty pieces of silver), and then founded the tribe in incest, (Genesis 37-38). The priestly scribes who wrote this Scriptural account centuries afterwards had made themselves the masters of Judah and as they altered the oral tradition, whenever it suited them, the question prompts itself: why were they at pains to preserve, or possibly even to insert, this attribution of incestuous beginnings and a treacherous nature to the very people who, they said, were the chosen of God? The thing is mysterious, like much else in the Levitical Scriptures, and only the inner sect could supply an answer."

The Contorversy of Zion

A member of the "inner sect" did supply an answer in 1933, an answer that Douglas Reed was unaware of when he wrote his "Controversy of Zion."

And that is that deception is an integral part of the Jewish religion. The claim that Jews have on the land of Palestine is based on the Biblical story in which Jacob deceived his father Isaac into thinking that he was his brother Esau.

Jacob the Impostor Gets Blessed

This story undoubtedly influenced Machiavelli in his advice to princes that deception was a royal attribute. Royals are a rather incestuous group you know. Perhaps Reed's Christian view of royals being noble creatures blinded him to the biblical qualifications that one must have to rule other men.

One must be incestuous to keep the wealth in the family. And politicians must be all things to all people whose interests do not always coincide. Better to side with the rich and powerful; get them into your family; and deceive all the rest.

"I'll drown more sailors than the mermaid shall, I'll slay more glazers than the basilisk, I'll play the orator as well as Nestor, Deceive more slyly than Ulysses could, And, like a Sinon, take another Troy, I can add colours to the chameleon, Change shapes with Proteus for advantages, And set the murderous Machiavel to school. Can I do this,and cannot get a crown?"

Richard III

The Machiavelli insight on the biblical view of aristocracy was not lost on the man who blackmailed president Wilson into getting the US into World War I in order to destroy the Ottoman Empire so that the state of Israel could be created.

The problem was that Jews did not want to go there and the Jews who Hitler forced to go there did not like it and came back to Europe or went to other countries so a war was needed to funnel these Jews back into Palestine and the myth of the Holocaust (used in WWI to mask the genocide of Christians in Armenia and in the Soviet Union) had to be re-created.

The Armenians were the economic backbone of the Ottoman Empire which had to be destroyed before a Jewish state could be created in Palestine. They were also very successful competitors to Jews in that empire. Perhaps that is the real reason why they were called "Amalakites" by the masonic Zionist Jews who wanted them out of the way.

"Armenia is also sometimes called Amalek in some sources, and Jews often referred to Armenians as Amalekites.

Encyclopedia Judaica

"Since the Armenians are considered descendants of the Amalekites, they are called among the Jews of the Orient also Timheh"

Universal Jewish Encyclopedia

1 Samuel|15:2 Thus saith the LORD of hosts, I remember that which Amalek did to Israel, how he laid wait for him in the way, when he came up from Egypt.

1 Samuel|15:3 Now go and smite Amalek, and utterly destroy all that they have, and spare them not; but slay both man and woman, infant and suckling, ox and sheep, camel and ass.

To top it all off the Czar of the Russian Empire considered himself to be the successor of the Roman Christian Caesars and the protector of Orthodox Christians everywhere. Slaughtering the Armenian Christians would definitely get his attention and drag him into a war with Germany with which the Ottoman Empire had made an alliance.

Documents proving the "Holocaust" was invented on "Trick or Treat Day" in 1919 as a cover up of the Armenian Genocide are provided below.

Jews and the crypto-Jewish Donmeh of the Committee for Union and Progress overthrew the Sultan of the Ottoman Empire in 1909.

"It is a well-known fact that the Salonika Committee was formed under Masonic auspices with the help of the Jews and Donmehs, or crypto-Jews of Turkey, whose headquarters are at Salonika, and whose organization took, even under Abdul Hamid, a Masonic form... These facts, which are known to every Government in Europe are also known throughout Turkey and the Balkans. "

The London Times,
July 11, 1911.
"Jews and the Situation in Albania"

The Real "Warrant for Genocide" was the Jewish Masonic memorandum outlining the extermination of the Armenians who were the economic backbone of the Ottoman Empire and therefore the chief obstacle preventing the destruction of that empire - a necessary condition for the establishment of a Jewish state in Palestine since the Sultan refused to sell Palestine to the Zionist bankers.

It was sent to a British official in Constantinople in the year 1919 - the same year that "The Crucifixion of Jews Must Stop" was published by the B'nai Brith's "American Hebrew."


(1). Profiting by Arts: 3 and 4 of Comitee Union and Progress, close all Armenian Societies, and arrest all who worked against Government at any time among them and send them into the provinces such as Baghdad or Mosul, and wipe them out either on the road or there.

(2). Collect arms.

(3). Excite Moslem opinion by suitable and special means, in places as Van, Erzeroum, Adana, where as a point of fact the Armenians have already won the hatred of the Moslems, provoke organised massacres as the Russians did at Baku.

(4). Leave all executive to the people in the provinces such as Erzeroum, Van, Mumuret ul Aziz, and Bitlis, and use Military disciplinary forces (i.e. Gendarmerie) ostensibly to stop massacres, while on the contrary in places as Adana, Sivas, Broussa, Ismidt and Smyrna actively help the Moslems with military force.

(5). Apply measures to exterminate all males under 50, priests and teachers, leave girls and children to be Islamized.

(6). Carry away the families of all who succeed in escaping and apply measures to cut them off from all connection with their native place.

(7). On the ground that Armenian officials may be spies, expel and drive them out absolutely from every Government department or post.

(8). Kill off in an appropriate manner all Armenians in the Army - this to be left to the military to do.

(9) All action to begin everywhere simultaneously, and thus leave no time for preparation of defensive measures.

(10). Pay attention to the strictly confidential nature of these instructions, which may not go beyond two or three persons."


Here is the article that appeared in the American Hebrew on October 1919 - Halloween Day - a 6 million Holocaust trick for a $35,000,000 treat!)

American Hebrew
October 31, 1919

"The Crucifixion of Jews Must Stop!
By Martin H. Glynn"

"From across the sea six million men and women call to us for help, and eight hundred thousand little children cry for bread... In this threatened

holocaust of human life...

giving $35,000,000 in the name of the humanity of Moses to six million famished men and women...Six million men and women are dying ... eight hundred thousand little children are crying for bread... six million Jewish men and women are starving across the seas; eight hundred thousand Jewish babies are crying for bread. "

The Crucifixion of Jews Must Stop!
(Trick for Treat Day)

Philip Cowen, the founder of the American Hebrew was the secretary and treasurer of B'nai B'rith of which he had been a member for more than half a century. B'nai B'rith is the world's leading Jewish Free-masonic organization.

It is inconceivable that Cowen did not know about the ongoing genocide of Armenians by the crypto-Jewish masons who seized control of the Ottoman Empire. The reference to the "Amalakites" (whom Jews are supposed to exterminate) in the article, and the ADL's opposition of the Congressional recognition of the Armenian genocide are dead giveaways. The ADL is the creation of B'nai B'rith.

"Funeral services will be held here tomorrow for Philip Cowen, founder and publisher for 27 years of the American Hebrew and former official of the U.S. Immigration Service, who died at his home in New Rochelle yesterday, aged 89. He will be buried at Mt. Neboh cemetery, Brooklyn.

Shortly after his appointment to the United States Immigration Service by President Theodore Roosevelt in 1905, Mr. Cowen went to Russia on a special mission to report on the cause of the large migration from Eastern and Southern Europe. He spent part of the Summer of 1906 in Russia. He also inquired into the conditions of Jews in other Central and Southern European countries, notably Rumania, and was partly responsible for the entry into this country of a large number of refugees.

Mr. Cowen spent twenty-two years in the Immigration Service, first at Castle Garden and later at Ellis Island. He retired from active business life in 1927, but continued as secretary and treasurer of B'nai B'rith, with which he had been connected for more than half a century. Mr. Cowen's connection with B'nai B'rith dated from the time his father was prominent in the councils of Jerdan Lodge in New York. He developed an interest in that movement and was secretary and treasurer of Manhattan-Washington Lodge 19, B'nai B'rith, which honored him with a grand reception at the clubhouse on his eightieth birthday.

Philip Cowen, Founder of "American Hebrew" Dead. Funeral Today

Freemasons are very big on everything Egyption and the cutting off of hands was an ancient Egyptian way of determining the body count of the enemies that its soldiers had slain. But in the case of the Armenian genocide it may have been a way of determing how much the killers of the Armenians would get by way of pay.

Texe-Marrs on the cutting off of Armenian hands during the Armenian Genocide

While the man who blackmailed Wilson into WWI, Samuel Untermeyer, complained that the same Jewish bankers that he was working for was funding Hitler his declaration of war against Germany via a boycott on German Goods (which threatened one third of the German population with starvation) inevitably lead to WWII - which was used to communize half of Europe turning it into a giant slave camp run by Jewish aristocrats like himself and to funnel his lessor brethren into Palestine. How Machiavellian of him!

Samuel Untermeyer Says

"Revolting as it is, it would be an interesting study in psychology to analyze the motives, other than fear and cowardice, that have prompted Jewish bankers to lend money to Germany as they are now doing. It is in part their money that is being used by the Hitler regime in its reckless, wicked campaign of propaganda to make the world anti-Semitic...

But why dwell longer upon this revolting picture of the ravages wrought by these ingrates and beasts of prey, animated by the loathsome motives of race hatred, bigotry and envy. For the Jews are the aristocrats of the world."

Samuel Untermyer's article in the New York Times, Monday, August 7, 1933

World of Make-Believe

So did Rabin retire to the Riviera where he was later joined by Saddam Hussein and Muammar al-Qaddaffi where they sipped Mint Julips together?

Absolutely ridiculous, you say? "I saw it on TV and TV never lies!"

"Lots of times I see my father on the TV and its not my father. They make copy of my father and they say he say this and they say that. So I know my father. Why should I listen to these people?"

Omar Bin Laden on the doubles portrayed as his father by the fraudocracy's fake news media

Omar Bin Laden on the Doubles Portrayed as His father by the Fraudocracy's Fake News Media

Indeed, why should anyone "listen to these people" when the script they are followig comes directly out of the Protocols?

"The political has nothing in common with the moral. The ruler who is governed by the moral is not a skilled politician, and is therefore unstable on his throne. He who wishes to rule must have recourse both to cunning and to make-believe. Great national qualities, like frankness and honesty, are vices in politics, for they bring down rulers from their thrones more effectively and more certainly than the most powerful enemy."

Doubles Used in the 9/11 Psy-Ops

The Protocols of the Meetings of the Learned Elders of Zion: Protocol No. 1

Whole lotta make-believe goin on here!

"Mr Gaddafi told Stirring Trouble that he is enjoying his new life in exile, contradicting all those stories that he wanted to die a martyr.

"When you have several billion dollars, like I do, dying is the last thing that is on your mind,"

he said with his tradition nod and a wink that he does so often.

"I may look stupid, but I'm not an idiot."

Dead Man Shown On Libyan TV Is Gaddafi's Double. Real Gaddafi Is In Switzerland (censored)

"Gaddafi's son was doing business deals with Nathan Rothschild and they were friends"
Daryl Bradford Smith

Ever wonder why we never saw the real Saddam Hussein on CNN during the Gulf War – only his doubles? And was Bernie Shaw really in a building in Baghdad when it was being bombed or was he broadcasting from a CNN studio? After all CNN was a pioneer in Blue Screen tech-foolery.

Fake Reporting and Video Faking by CNN

CNN Fake Newscast

"This is not my husband but his double. Where is my husband? Take me to my husband...You think I do not know my husband? I was married to the man for more than twenty-five years! "

Our "Saddam" prisoner in Iraq - is NOT Saddam!

The above article along with the entire apfn website has been dropped into the deep six memory hole and has not been archived - except by websites that link it to questionable "conspiracy theories" that all to often smell like false opposition...

"we shall set up our own, to all appearance, opposition, which, in at least one of its organs, will present what looks like the very antipodes to us. Our real opponent sat heart will accept this simulated opposition as their own and will show us their cards."

Protcol 12: Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion (pdf)

..designed to "muddy the waters" with disinformation and absurd fabrications ("conspiracy theories" and ridiculous ideas used to smear real truth-seekers).

"in order to put public opinion into our hands we must bring it into a state of bewilderment by giving expression from all sides to so many contradictory opinions and for such length of time as will suffice to make the GOYIM lose their heads in the labyrinth and come to see that the best thing is to have no opinion of any kind in matters political, which it is notgiven to the public to understand, because they are understood only by him who guides the public."

Protcol 5: Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion (pdf)

These days, he who "guides the public" is often a bribed and blackmailed politician controlled by the Mossad (which controls US elections), the "neocons" and the Rothshilds' CFR.

"Catapulting the propaganda", the moron in the White House abducted a moron from the middle east charging him with being the "mastermind of 9/11" expecting that the morons and "useless eaters" whose votes the Fraudocracy pretends to count during election time would not notice.

"I was not at all surprised to read that officials in New York City took David Axelrod aside and told him that the city could not allow the trial of Khalid Sheik Mohammed and other 9-11 suspects to go ahead.

The media discussion about the high cost of security is just the cover story. The FBI and the U.S. government do not want it to be exposed that a scapegoat has been used to push the fraudulent "War on Terror."

"There's no case, there's no judge, there's nothing,"
said Navy Lt. Cmdr. Richard Federico, a military lawyer appointed to defend alleged plotter Ramzi bin al Shibh.

The real Khalid Sheik Mohammed studied mechanical engineering at North Carolina Agricultural and Technical University. The man said (by U.S. officials) to be Khalid Sheik Mohammed is clearly not a bright-eyed and articulate English speaking engineer.

Is the so-called Khalid Sheik Mohammed really Ahmed Abdul Qudoos?

The U.S. government cannot hold an open trial in the United States with the false Khalid Sheik Mohammed because there are people in the United States who knew and remember the real Khalid Sheik Mohammed, such as his former teachers in North Carolina.

As I wrote in 2007:

Furthermore, the real Khalid Sheik Mohammed was a person who had traveled and worked extensively across Asia and had lived in many foreign countries, from the United States to the Philippines to Bosnia. With this level of education and foreign travel, the real Khalid Sheik Mohammed would have a much greater command of the English language than what we find in the transcript.

The detainee sat with an Arabic interpreter to his left and a U.S. military officer who was his official representative to his right.

"I not take the oath" the detainee said in broken English about why he was not taking an oath in the court. "Just to explain for this one, does not mean I'm not saying that I'm lying. When I not take oath does not mean I'm lying."
David E. Klett, a retired professor of thermodynamics, had the real Khalid Sheik Mohammed in several of his classes. Asked about the photos of the person said to be the terror mastermind, Klett said, "I did not recognize that person. I never saw that face before."

Why the 9-11 Trial is Being Blocked

The Blessed Dead

The blessed dead do not have to make a deal with the Palestinians or answer questions about being in Dallas on 11/22/63 or answer questions about the Israeli attack on the USS Liberty being related to the Israeli war crime of forcing a thousand Egyptian POWs to dig their own graves in the desert.

Zionists had plenty of reasons for hating and not trusting JFK after he became president but the hit put on JFK may have preceded his presidency.

"Agronsky told how he had bet fifty dollars with Texas Governor John Connally, in 1960, that Lyndon Johnson would accept the number two spot on the Democratic presidential ticket if Kennedy offered it to him. According to Agronsky, Connally was certain that Johnson would turn down the number two position"

Opium Lords Israel, the Golden Triangle and the Kennedy Assassination

Why would the powerful Senate Majority Leader of the US Senate trade his job for the vice presidency when the VP spot was described back then as not being worth a "warm bucket of spit?"

LBJ, a much older man than Kennedy, would not have run for vice president unless he knew that JFK would not complete his term.

John F Kennedy was the only president in history to threaten to cut off aid to Israel.

If the Israeli PM did not allow the inspection of Dimona to make sure that it was not a nuclear bomb making factory it would loose JFK's support and with it the "Samson Option" which was a way of intimidating the world into letting it create a greater Israel from the "Nile to the Euphrates" - the Zionist dream that has always had the full support of the Rothschilds.

Before John John's plane was sabotaged, there was, I believe, an attempt to lure him to Israel where undoubtedly another Sirhan-Sirhan would be waiting for him. It was Yitzhak Rabin's wife who placed her husband at Dallas on the date that John-John's father was killed.

Rabin was no peacenick and no bleeding heart liberal.

"With anger, hatred, and sheer ferocity, thousands of youngsters hurled rocks at their Israeli occupiers, undaunted by the gunfire that greeted them.

The Israeli response to the uprising was brutal. Defense Minister Yitzhak Rabin ordered the use of tanks, armored vehicles and automatic rifles against an unarmed population.

Israeli Defense Minister Yitzhak Rabin announced that Israeli civilians have the same authority as soldiers to shoot. He added that soldiers need not fire warning shots before shooting Palestinians.

Newsweek was more explicit:

"The decree meant Israeli soldiers could shoot to kill Palestinian youths

Yitzhak Rabin was effectively deputizing settlers."

The Hidden History of Zionism

Sirhan-Sirhan, may not have been the trigger man who killed Bobby Kennedy but he is a Marionite Christian, not a Muslim as most Americans have been lead to believe.

I remember overhearing two Lebanese "Christians" circa 1976 talking about how the Phalangist Marionite "Christians" were for Israel. This was before Ariel Sharon used them to massacre Palestinian women and children.

The Phalangists, like Sirhan-Sirhan, and John Hagee's favorite anti Muslim pro-israeli bigot, Brigitte Gabriel, are very, very anti-muslim and very very pro-Israel.

"The phalange militia were Israel's proxy in Lebanon, their members were recruited from the Maronite Christian community. They were payed for, trained and armed by Israel

Knowing that the camps were full of unarmed civilians - mainly women and children, only around 150 phalange were deployed....Over 3000 elderly men, women and children were murdered."

Eyewitness to the Sabra-Shatila Massacre

Like John Kennedy in his motorcade, Robert Kennedy in his entourage was redirected toward his assassins: Redirected by a member of the Anti-Defamation League of B'nai B'rith (Frank Mankiewicz) towards his death.

"where Frank Mankiewicz was insistent that Bobby leave through the kitchen, rather than the ballroom. I discreetly asked others who had campaigned with him for a long time if it made any sense that Bobby would leave through the kitchen rather than through his crowd of supporters and they all said RFK preferred to walk through a crowd after a speech.

Neither at the time'nor for many years afterward'did I mention the incident that I witnessed, nor did I see any published accounts anywhere explaining why Bobby went through the kitchen.

Frank Mankiewicz, who had previously served as a West Coast director for the Anti-Defamation League of B'nai B'rith, worked with the Kennedy campaign. Why did Mankiewicz insist that Kennedy go through the pantry, where Sirhan was waiting with a loaded gun?

What kind of hotel security would allow an armed stranger to loiter in the kitchen for a half-hour with a presidential candidate speaking in the next room?

The fact that the Ambassador Hotel and the World Trade Center were owned and controlled by individuals with high-level connections to Israel is very significant. This makes it possible to consider that Israeli agents could have taken advantage of these connections to carry out both false-flag operations."

Political Assassinations

Sirhan-Sirhan may have been a Zionist patsy and fall guy but why was he carrying a gun in the Zionist run Ambassador Hotel? And why has he remained silent all of these years?

Given what the Maronite Christians did to the Muslim women and children of Lebanon at the behest of Ariel Sharon the Watergate "I don't remember, I don't recall" (the same story that Yigal Amir gave to the world) does not whitewash his shooting the people in front of RFK.

Manchurian candidates who take hypnotic drugs are supposed to shoot themselves after the job is done or to not remember what they have been programmed to do when the effects of the drugs ware off.

Chip Tatum - Black Ops Interview with Ted Gunderson

But there must be other more plausible scenarios than Hollywood scripts. Key witness to the RFK assasination Rosie Greer gives us some clues on how things are done in the real world.

I remember watching Rosie on TBN talking about how Jews had always helped him. How they payed for his Condo when he did not have the money to pay off the mortgage. It is not so much what Rosie said as how he said it. It was like out of the blue - something came to mind and Rosie thought that he had to mention it. Maybe it was the association of the Ambassador Hotel with the Jewish mob that triggered his memory.

RFK had put Micky Cohen (the Jewish mobster who got Marylin Monroe to find out what John Kennedy's intentions toward Israel were) in prison. And Cohen had frequented the Ambassador Hotel where Bobby Kennedy was assassinated. But Zionist organized crime's ties to the Ambassador Hotel went much higher than Micky Cohen.

"The Ambassador Hotel in Los Angeles was owned by Junius Myer Schine, father-in-law of Lester Crown, son of Henry Crown (born Krinsky), the largest shareholder of General Dynamics, a leading defense contractor.

Henry Crown was a high-level Zionist agent who sent an aircraft manufacturing plant to Israel in the early 1950s in violation of U.S. law.

The factory he sent to Israel illegally became the original Israel Aircraft Industries (IAI) plant. "

Political Assassinations

Nothing in politics happens by accident as FDR used to say. And there is no way that any conspiracy to assassinate a sitting US president could have been successfully carried out with out the complicity of the sovereigns of the land.

"JFK's father, Ambassador Joseph P. Kennedy assured Hooker that an ultimate long-term aim of the Kennedy dynasty would be the destruction of what the senior Kennedy described as"

"the Rothschild-dominated Federal Reserve."

Final Judgment by M. C. Piper

It is interesting to note that William Jennings Bryan was accused of antisemitism for just mentioning the name of a Rothschild in connection with the Federal Reserve.

William Jennings Bryan vs. Nathan Mayer de Rothschild:
Freedom vs. Tyranny

Carrying on this tradition the B'nai B'rith's Antidefamation League made sure with its connections with the masonic director of the FBI that no Kennedy would ever re-enter the White House or threaten the Rothschilds' masonic miracle in the desert again. And with the Rothschilds' money for nothing largess would color the opinions of Jews (and non-Jews) all over the world. Hold onto your hats for some real hate speech from Dante's Devil!

"Considering the venomous hostility toward the Kennedy family in some influential quarters, it is interesting to note that on July 21, 1999 John Podhoretz'son of American Jewish Committee leader (and longtime CIA collaborator) Norman Podhoretz' and editorial page editor of The New York Post (which featured Mossad man David Heymann's disinformation in the first place) penned a column entitled "A Conversation in Hell," putting forth his view of JFK Jr's death. "

A Conversation in Hell
by John Podhoretz
New York Post, July 21, 1999

"JOE! Joe Kennedy! Come on in. Nice to see you. Are you enjoying the air conditioning? I know it gets pretty hot out there. Where are you these days, in the eighth circle or the ninth?

Kind of a tough choice where you're concerned. After all, the eighth circle is for the fraudulent and the ninth for the treacherous. You sure were fraudulent when you had Mayor Daley fix the 1960 presidential election for your son Jack, weren't you? And you were pretty treacherous most of your life, what with your compulsive philandering and double-dealing.

But listen, that's what I love about you. I can't tell you how it filled me with pride just to know you back when you were America's ambassador to England, saying all those nice things about Hitler, doing everything you could to prevent Jewish emigration from Nazi Germany. Thousands of Jews died because of you. That was quite a demonic performance!

I always knew you had it in you. I don't remember a soul I was happier to procure when you called on me back in, what, in 1912? You knew exactly what you wanted. You wanted wealth, fame and power, and you wanted it to stretch through the generations. You wanted to be the creator of a dynasty what would rule America.. It did my ancient heart a bit of good to hear just how ruthless you could be. And you were such a tough negotiator it was fun doing business with you.

It seemed like you'd thought of everything. You wanted access to power and for you that meant marrying the daughter of the mayor of Boston. Done; you and Rose Fitzgerald were joined two years later. You wanted to remain attractive and alluring to the world's most glamorous women. Done; you became a motion picture executive and had affairs with Gloria Swanson and many other stars and starlets.

You wanted wealth beyond the wildest dreams of any other Irish Bostonian. Done; you were a millionaire many times over, and lost none of it when the Great Depression hit. You wanted social position. Done; you were given the most glamorous job in government at the time. Ambassador to the Court of St. James.

And you wanted your son to president. Done as well You dotted the 'i's, you crossed the 't's, you did everything in your power to maximize your part of the deal and minimize mine. Like all mortals whose most distinctive quality is their unbounded sense of self, you believed your soul was so valuable that it was worth the exchange.

You got everything you wanted. But when a I make a deal for a soul like yours . so unyielding in it sense of entitlement, so sure that the world should bow before it, so damned tough . its raw to me, like uncooked meat. I need to season it, to pound on it a bit so that it becomes tender, brown it a bit on the fire before I am ready to put it in the infernal oven. So if I'd let that son of yours that you wanted to become president make it to the White

House, it would have meant that the supper I intended to make of your soul indigestible. He simply had to go And that hurt, didn't it, Joe,when your namesake's plane went down in World War II? You said so little about your daughters in contract that I felt free to toy with them a little. I made poor Rosemary a little slow . but for Pete's sake, you didn't have to lobotomize her Joe! That was all your doing! And you seemed to be getting over young Joe's death so well that I felt I needed to remind you of it by sending your daughter Kathleen down in another plane crash a few years later.

Oh, this trouble hurt. But it infuriated you too, because you thought I had reneged on the deal! Remember that conversation, right there on the beach in Hyannis Port? I reminded you there was Jack, beautiful Jack, the one you rode so hard. He was so like you, so hungry for Hollywood beauty, so driven. wouldn't it be even sweeter if it were Jack? You were so triumphant with Jack's victory and all that I tried to let you know that things weren't going to work out like you planned again. You had a grandson born in the White House in August 1963, remember? Little Patrick? I took him after two days, just to get you prepared for November 22.

I said I'd make Jack president. I didn't say he would finish out his term. And I didn't say you'd get another. That was your mistake, trying again with Bobby. That was a violation of the contract. You only got one.

And you didn't listen, you just wouldn't listen, you were still intent on the idea that Teddy might do it . Teddy, the least of your boys. But I have news for you. That Chappaquiddick business? He called on me to save him from a mans laughter charge. He'll be keeping you company when his time is up.

Your time was up, wasn't it, after Chappaquiddick. You died a few months later, came down here. But you know what? Your soul just wasn't done yet. You were still a little too tough.

So every time you think the deal is done, every time you think your family is on it sway back to glory, I just have to do something. Like I did this weekend, with your grandson John.

You understand, don't you, Joe? It's because I'm hungry. And when I'm hungry, Joe, the ends justify the means. See why we're so alike? Yes. Oh, yes. I think you're ready now."

Final Judgment by M. C. Piper

Advice for all you sellers of ridiculous false flag "conspiracy theories." Put it all together and fly right!

The Spirit of Marilyn Lives!
The Monroe Doctrine on JFK Conspiracy Theories

You may not get published by the main stream cesspool because the killers of JFK control the media. But at least you will be on the right track. And if we can get all of the good guys with media stock and some of the good guys with enough dough to buy enough media stock then the truth might stand a chance of getting out there.

Role of the Federal Reserve

The Secret Service is an agency of the U.S. Department of the Treasury which was originally set up to fight counterfeiting but after the assassination of presidents Greenbacks Lincoln, protectionist McKinley, and money-trust-buster Garfield, The Secret Service was placed in charge of protecting the chief executive.

"Whosoever controls the volume of money in any country is absolute master of all industry and commerce

And when you realize that the entire system is very easily controlled, one way or another, by a few powerful men at the top, you will not have to be told how periods of inflation and depression originate."

James Garfield

The U.S. Department of the Treasury works so closely with the Federal Reserve that even though the IRS is a division of the Department of the Treasury

"The tax billions which are hauled in by the IRS from working Americans are immediately trucked to the nearest Federal Reserve Bank"

The Rape of Justice: America's Tribunals Exposed

In fact,

"the framers of the Federal Reserve Act had provided that the Federal Reserve Banks should act as fiscal agents of the Government."

The Notes of the Journal of Political Economy, October, 1917

So who was Secret Service agent Roy Kellerman taking orders from when he prevented the autopsy of JFK, which was required by Texas law? And why was Kellerman not indicted for obstruction of justice after the US Congress had determined that JFK's assassination was the result of a conspiracy?

"When the entourage had moved into the main hall, Dr. Earl Rose, chief of forensic pathology, confronted the men in suits. Roy Kellerman, the man leading the group, looked sternly at Dr. Rose and announced,
"My friend, this is the body of the President of the United States, and we are going to take it back to Washington."

Dr. Rose bristled and replied,

"No, that's not the way things are. When there's a homicide, we must have an autopsy."

"He's the President. He's going with us,"

Kellerman barked, with increased intensity in his voice.

"The body stays,"
Dr. Rose said with equal poignancy.

Kellerman took an erect stance and brought his firearm into a ready position. The other men in suits followed course by draping their coattails behind the butts of their holstered pistols.

How brave of these men, wearing their Brooks Brothers suits with icons of distinction (color-coded Secret Service buttons) pinned to their lapels, willing to shoot an unarmed doctor to secure a corpse.

"My friend, my name is Roy Kellerman. I am special agent in charge of the White House detail of the Secret Service. We are taking President Kennedy back to the capitol."

"You are not taking the body anywhere. There's a law here. We're going to enforce it."

Admiral George Burkley, White House Medical Officer, said,

"Mrs. Kennedy is going to stay exactly where she is until the body is moved. We can't have that

he's the President of the United States."

"That doesn't matter,"

Dr. Rose replied rigidly.

"You can't lose the chain of evidence."

For the second time that day, there was little doubt in my mind as to the significance of what was happening before me.

"Goddammit, get your ass out of the way before you get hurt,"

screamed another one of the men in suits. Another snapped,

"We're taking the body, now."

Strange, I thought, this President is getting more protection dead than he did when he was alive.

Had Dr. Rose not stepped aside I'm sure that those thugs would have shot him.

They would have killed me and anyone else who got in their way.

Dr. Kemp Clark wanted to physically detain the coffin, but the men with guns acted like tough guys with specific orders. "

Opium Lords Israel, the Golden Triangle and the Kennedy Assassination

These secret service agents were undoubtedly working for the Rothschild's Federal Reserve.

Lazard Brothers Knew Exactly When JFK would be Killed

Dying on Time

Jack Ruby Absconds to Israel

"Show business is an extension of the Jewish religion"
John Lennon

As Hollywood is an extention of the Protocol's "make believe" this statement does seem to be true. At any rate, Jack Ruby (the mobster that shut the mouth of Lee Harvey Oswald before he could defend himself on charges that he had assassinated the President of the United States) was into show business. Ruby ran a strip club that catered to the Dallas police force - the very same police force that had arrested Oswald, help set him up to take the rap, failed to protect him from Ruby and cooperated with the FBI and Secret Service in the cover up of the assassination and in the end let Ruby out of jail so that he could abscond to Israel now releaved of the threat of a cut off in aid by JFK if it did not allow the inspection of Dimona for nuclear warheads.

"Six days after Jack Ruby's funeral was publicized in the press, Grace called me very excited and said, 'I was just watching the news. They turned the TV camera on a ramp up to a plane loading for Israel from New York, and who do you think went up the ramp? I screamed to George in the other room, calling him and saying, 'Come quickly! Jack Ruby is boarding that plane!'' At the top of the ramp he stopped, turned around, and looking straight into the camera he tipped his hat and entered the plane."

Mike Piper on Grace Pratt's Witness of Jack Ruby Getting on a Plane to Israel

As Piper relates, the story that Jack Ruby was poisoned came from his family. But if Ruby's family really thought that Ruby had been poisoned they would have complained to the Texas government and Ruby's alleged death would have been investigated. The murder of even a condemned man is a crime.

The story that Ruby suddenly developed cancer because he had been injected with cancer cells is ridiculous. When Ruby was imprisoned scientists did not even know whether human cancer was caused by viruses. They later found out that Human cells are extremely resistant to being transformed into cancer cells compared to the cells of other animals.

The first evidence that viruses can cause cancer in human beings came with the outbreak of AIDS among homosexuals. They were coming down with Kaposi's sarcoma. HIV suppresses the immune system and integrates into DNA. The infection lasts about 8 years before the infected individual comes down with full blown AIDS.

Scientists use "nude (athymic) mice" when studying human cancers because it is extremely difficult to get cancer tissue from a human to survive in a mouse with an intact immune system.

The Role of Freemasons in the JFK Assasination and Cover-Up

Freemasons are crawling all over the JFK assassination. That Lee Harvey Oswald was a "lone nut" was put out by J. Edgar Hoover, a 33rd degree Freemason. That Jack Ruby was a "nut" was put out by Gerald Ford, a 33rd degree Freemason. The guy who convened the Warren Commission to cover up the JFK assassination Lyndon Banes Johnson was a 33rd degree Freemason. The guy who directed JFK's brother to his death was Frank Mankiewicz. Mankiewicz ranked all of the aforementioned 33rd degree Freemasons by being a member of the B'nai B'rith.

It is not until a mason reaches the 30th degree that he is confronted with a rabbi in a coffin who tells him that there is no turning back. This rabbi is the same rabbi who wrote in the Talmud "the best of the gentiles should all be killed."

Texe Marrs: Voices From the Dead

Jack Ruby was a member of the Jewish Mafia which was part of a syndicate with the Italian Mafia, a masonic organization. The syndicate was run by Meyer Lansky at the time of the JFK assassination.

Lansky probably did not do the JFK assassination itself, that was done by the European corporation Permindex (which executed 2 attempts to assassinate Charles DeGaul), but he may have participated in the murder of many of the witnesses to the JFK assassination including Roger Craig, the policeman who found the rifle that morphed into a different make during the LBJ/Hoover cover up.

JFK on Secret Societies

Craig was told by a superior in the Dallas Police Department to tell the press that "you did not see anything and you do not know anything." So the Dallas Police Department was being controlled by the people who were part of the conspiracy to kill JFK, probably freemasons, no doubt about it. It is easy to see how Jack Ruby could have slipped out of jail and hopped onto a plane for Israel – all well planned before hand.

The Clear and Present Danger that JFK tried to Stop

RFK Jr. is right to want to drastically cut the defense budget but he should remember what his father wrote in "To Seek a Newer World." His father listed the number of nuclear bombs that Japan could make a year. Two nuclear bombs were dropped on Japanese cities by 32 degree Freemason Harry Truman with a Christian church being ground zero for one of them. After the bombing, Truman got his 33rd degree. The devils who made this carnage possible have committed genocide against Christians and Muslims in the 2 world wars that they instigated and in their phony war on terrorism.

It is most likely that before Israel goes down it will try to pull off a nuclear false flag against the United States and Russia as depicted in the science fiction film The Terminator. As Christopher Bollyn has indicated Zionists are fond of Hollywood type Ideation of their intentions with their enemies taking the blame for their false flag. Only in this case the villains will not be cyborgs from the future but Zionist psychopaths from the present.

"(IAP News) -- An Israeli professor and military historian hinted that Israel could avenge the holocaust by annihilating millions of Germans and other Europeans.

Speaking during an interview which was published in Jerusalem Friday, Professor Martin Van Crevel said Israel had the capability of hitting most European capitals with nuclear weapons.

'We possess several hundred atomic warheads and rockets and can launch them at targets in all directions, perhaps even at Rome. Most European capitals are targets of our air force... We have the capability to take the world down with us. And I can assure you that that this will happen before Israel goes under.'

Asked if he was worried about Israel becoming a rogue state if it carried out a genocidal deportation against Palestinians, Creveld quoted former Israeli Defense Minister Moshe Dayan who said

'Israel must be like a mad dog, too dangerous to bother.'

Crevel argued that Israel wouldn't care much about becoming a rogue state.

"Our armed forces are not the thirtieth strongest in the world, but rather the second or third. We have the capability to take the world down with us. And I can assure you that that this will happen before Israel goes under."

Israeli Professor - 'We Could Destroy All European Capitals'

Crevel is not just some "lone nut" but represents the clear and present danger that the Zionist state presents to the world. For genocide is the mandate in the Old Testament and according to the first president of Israel the bible is the mandate of the Israeli state.

1 Samuel 15:2-3

"Now go and smite Amalek, and exterminate everything that is his. Don't pity him, but kill man, woman, infant and nursling, ox, sheep, camel and ass."

Deuteronomy 7:1-2:

"the seven nations greater and mightier than thou; And when the LORD thy God shall deliver them before thee; thou shalt smite them, and utterly destroy them; thou shalt make no covenant with them, nor shew mercy unto them."

Joshua 6:21:

"And they utterly destroyed all that was in the city, both man and woman, young and old, and ox, and sheep, and ass, with the edge of the sword."

Joshua 10:40-41:

"So Joshua smote all the country of the hills, and of the south, and of the vale, and of the springs, and all their kings: he left none remaining, but utterly destroyed all that breathed, as the LORD God of Israel commanded. And Joshua smote them from Kadesh-barnea even unto Gaza, and all the country of Goshen, even unto Gibeon."

1 Samuel 27:8-9:

"And David and his men went up, and invaded the Geshurites, and the Gezrites, and the Amalekites ... And David smote the land, and left neither man nor woman alive, and took away the sheep, and the oxen, and the asses, and the camels, and the apparel. And David saved neither man nor woman alive"

Numbers 31:1-18:

"...And they warred against the Midianites, as the Lord commanded Moses, and they slew all the [adult] males. And the children of Israel took all the women of Midian captives, and their little ones...And they brought the captives, and the prey, and the spoil, unto Moses...And Moses was angry with the officers of the host And Moses said unto them, Have ye saved all the women alive? Behold, these caused the children of Israel, through the counsel of Ba'laam, to commit trespass against the Lord in the matter of Peor, and there was a plague among the congregation of the Lord. Now therefore kill every male among the little ones, and kill every woman that hath known man by lying with him. But all the female children, that have not known a man by lying with him, keep alive for yourselves."

These accounts of genocide may actually come from the Egyptian records of the raids of a pack of bandits by the name of the "Habiru" (from which we get the name "Hebrew") on the towns of Canaan when Canaan was a part of the Egyptian Empire. There is no historical evidence outside of the bible for anyone by the name of "Moses" leading any "Hebrews" out of bondage.

The figure of Moses in the bible is actually a composite of 2 pharaohs (the pharaoh who drove the Hyksos out of Egypt and the pharaoh Akhenaten who was a monotheist at war with the polytheist priests of Egypt) and an ancient king of "Babylon."

The Hyksos were Canaanites who invaded, conquered and ruled Egypt for 100 years. It was their empire that ruled from the Nile to the Euphrates not the Kingdom of Israel which appeared on the scene after the Hyksos were driven out of Egypt. Israel existed only briefly between the empires of Egypt and Assyria with Judah (which paid tribute to Assyria) lasting a very short period of time afterwards, when the Assyrian Empire was conquered by the Chaldean Empire ("Babylon.")

"The story of Moses's discovery in the bulrushes was plainly borrowed from the much earlier legend (with which it is identical) of a king of Babylonia, Sargon the Elder, who lived between one and two thousand years before him; the Commandments much resemble earlier law codes of the Egyptians, Babylonians and Assyrians.

Whether Moses lived or not, he cannot have led any mass-exodus from Egypt into Canaan (Palestine). No sharply-defined Israelitish tribes existed (says Rabbi Elmer Berger) at any time when anyone called Moses may have led some small groups out of Egyptian slavery. The Habiru (Hebrews) then were already established in Canaan, having reached it long before from Babylonia on the far side: Their name, Habiru, denoted no racial or tribal identity; it meant "nomads".

Long before any small band led by Moses can have arrived they had overrun large Canaanite areas, and the governor of Jerusalem reported to Pharaoh in Egypt, "

"The King no longer has any territory, the Habiru have devastated all the King's territory".

The Controversy of Zion

"The only clue to the' historical source of the account of how Moses slew an Egyptian would appear to lie in the Amarna Tablets, the foreign archives of the Eighteenth Dynasty, which were found by a peasant woman in the ruins of Akhenaten's capital in 1887 and, unfortunately, suffered considerable damage before they reached a dealer in antiquities and their importance was realized.

Among them is a letter, sent to Akhenaten by Abd-Khiba, King of Jerusalem, in which the king accuses him of allowing the Hebrews in Egypt to kill two Egyptian officials without being punished for their crime: "

'the Khabiru (Hebrews) are seizing the towns of the king ... Turbazu has been slain in the very gate of Zilu (Zarw), yet the king holds back ... Yaptih-Hadad has been slain in the very gate'

Moses and Akhenaten

"the vengeful conquerors of Asia. Never before had Egyptian territory been held for centuries by foreigners. And although the rulers these foreigners dressed themselves in the titles and authority of native pharaohs, they were never accepted as rightful kings. Only for a short period did they succeed in conquering Upper Egypt and ruling the whole country.

Thebes made a stout fight against them at the beginning under the later Intefs; and it was at Thebes under their descendants the Sekenenres that the national revolt began which ended in their final expulsion by the founder of the XVIIIth Dynasty, I'ahmases or Ahrnose (Aahmes, Manetho's Amosis), an event which the great Jewish historian Josephus regarded} and justly, in the present writer's opinion, as the original of the biblical story of the Exodus"

"The Middle Kingdom and the Hyksos Conquest"


 Traitor Tweedle Dee Biden vs. Traitor Tweedle Dum Trump Round 2  


Traitor Tweedle Dee Biden
Traitor Tweedle Dum Trump
Round 2

Back during the 2020 frauocracy phony election show the Biden campaign started playing this patriotic song when it was reported that Trump had called US Veterans "suckers and losers."

It was, of course, "suckers and losers" who made casino owner Trump who he is today, but telling the truth is the kiss of death in politics (from "poly" meaning "many" an "tics" meaning "small blood sucking insects").

The suckers who went off to Gulf Wars I and II are losing their lives and any chance of ever having normal offspring due to the depleted Uranium poisoning which they were deliberately exposed to by their treasonous Diebold government. Their treasonous Diebold congress gave 9/11 conspirator Binjamin Netanyahu numerous standing ovations.

"U.S. intelligence sources report that the one Israeli who is considered an extreme threat to U.S. national security is former prime minister and current prime minister hopeful Binyamin Netanyahu.

Not only has Netanyahu visited convicted Israeli spy Jonathan Pollard in his North Carolina prison cell and advocated strenuously for his release, but he was once overheard by an ex-CIA agent as saying to a group of his supporters,

"Once we squeeze all we can out of the United States, it can dry up and blow away."

Benjamen Netanyahu

Considering the damage the neocons and their Israeli facilitators are causing for U.S. national security, Netanyahu may soon have his wish."

The Demise of Global Communications Security the Neocons' Unfettered Access to America's Secrets

The very same treasonous politicians who sent the nation's national guard off to war to destroy the equipment that the US government had sold to a former CIA asset which was installed as the puppet ruler of Iraq.

Of course, Bush could find no "weapons of mass destruction" in Iraq because if he did the world could see that they had made in USA written all over them.

As I recall from watching CNN in those days, the joint Reagan - neocon - Israeli policy with regard to the Iran - Iraq war was to get the Muslims to "kill each other off" for the sake of Israel. They, therefore, sold weapons to both sides making the Zionist bankers and the military industrial complex in the US and Israel happy.

"November, 1983. A National Security Directive states that the U.S would do "whatever was necessary and legal" to prevent Iraq from losing its war with Iran. [1] & [15]

Donald Rumsfeld -Reagan's Envoy- provided Iraq with chemical & biological weapons

October, 1983. The Reagan Administration begins secretly allowing Jordan, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, and Egypt to transfer United States weapons, including Howitzers, Huey helicopters, and bombs to Iraq. These shipments violated the Arms Export Control Act. [16]

December 20, 1983. Donald Rumsfeld , then a civilian and now Defense Secretary, meets with Saddam Hussein to assure him of US friendship and materials support. [1] & [15]

July, 1984. CIA begins giving Iraq intelligence necessary to calibrate its mustard gas attacks on Iranian troops. [19]

May, 1986. The US Department of Commerce licenses 70 biological exports to Iraq between May of 1985 and 1989, including at least 21 batches of lethal strains of anthrax. [3]

May, 1986. US Department of Commerce approves shipment of weapons grade botulin poison to Iraq. [7]"

Arming Iraq: A Chronology of U.S. Involvement

"Teicher said he also went to Iraq with Rumsfeld in 1984 to convey a secret Israeli offer to assist Iraq after Israel had concluded that Iran was becoming a greater danger. "I traveled with Rumsfeld to Baghdad and was present at the meeting in which Rumsfeld told Iraqi Foreign Minister Tariq Aziz about Israel's offer of assistance,"

The Untouchables

Iraq was attacked at the behest of the criminal rulers of the state of Israel who have designs on the oil fields bordering Iran and Iraq.

"Iraq and Saddam Hussein are the next target. We're starting now to build him up as the big villain.

The Mossad had all but saturated the intelligence field with information regarding the evil intentions of Saddam the Terrible, It was very clear what the Mossad's overall goal was.

The Mossad leaders knew that if they could make Saddam appear bad enough and a threat to the Gulf oil supply, of which he'd been the protector up to that point, then the United States and its allies would not let him get away with anything, but would take measures that would all but eliminate his army and his weapons potential."

How Mossad Got America to Bomb Libya & Fight Iraq

All the world is a stage, as Shakespeare said. Perhaps that is why actors get the most knighthoods and why Diebold governments all over the world consider their citizens and their veterans to be suckers and losers.

Diebold's politicians are now acting all patriotic after having made it a crime for Veterans to disclose their medical records thereby proving that their own treasonous government has made them joint victims in the United States of Diebold's crimes against humanity.

"I used to be proud to be an American. Today I am ashamed.

Our doctors tell us that we will most likely die of some type of cancer as a result of the uranium and tungsten poisoning that is just eating away at our organs. "

"numerous cases of severe birth defects occurred in families of veterans from that war."

"Of the 400 sick vets who had already answered [Don Riegle's Senate Banking] committee inquiries, a startling 65 percent reported birth defects or immune-system problems in children conceived after the war."

Depleted Uranium Weapons - The Real Dirty Bombs

We have entered a new era where the purpose of law is the obstruction of justice (DU gate); where hush money is used to stuff the mouths of the victims of US war crimes against its own citizens (9/11), and where genocide is carried out in the name of public health (the COVID-19 scamdemic). And Traitor Tweedle Dee Biden during his round of musical chairs as Commander-in-Thief has made sure that US military personelle are victims of the sterilizing fatal clot shots of the scamdemic.

The United States of Diebold is a puppet government of the criminal state of Israel and the Federal Reserve criminal syndicate. The latter which was given the power to create money out of nothing in the year 1913 has used that power to engage in a hostile takeover of the United States government. With that power it has bought up the mass media and every US politician in the United states: through them it has made the people of the United States its debt slaves.

Russian Oligarch Mobsters Linked to Putin, Trump and Netanyahu

All that stuff about Putin trying to manipulate the US election was a smoke screen by the crooks who are running this country.

According to the Irish Times the big fight between Putin and the Oligarchs had to do with Putin wanting to form a syndicate. Those Oligarchs who refused to join were imprisoned or fled the country.

Oligarchs and Unexplained Wealth: London's rich Russians

Those who fled apparently invested their ill gotten gains into real estate. And this eventually turned into a money laundering racket with the help of slime balls like Trump.

Trump's Russian Laundromat

Two Oligarchs, Len Blavatnik and Viktor Vekselberg, appear to have ties with Trump's legal defense fund, Putin and Netanyahu.

"A Soviet-born billionaire who is considered close to Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu donated to a private legal defense fund for U.S. President Donald Trump...the costs have been paid for by a number of wealthy donors including Len Blavatnik...

Blavatnik is a Ukrainian-born Jewish billionaire and friend of Netanyahu...

Blavatnik was called upon this month by Israeli police investigators to provide information in connection with their investigation of the prime minister

Blavatnik's name has also surfaced in connection with another investigation against Netanyahu... involving gifts

In 2013, Mr. Blavatnik earned billions when he, Mr. Vekselberg and two other partners sold their stake in the oil company TNK-BP to Rosneft, a Kremlin-controlled oil company...Rosneft's is led by a man called Igor Sechin who is considered a top ally of Russian President Vladmir Putin."

Kremlin-linked Billionaire, Netanyahu Friend Donated to Trump's Private Legal Fund

As all of Trump's hush money slush fund seems to have come from the Oligarch-Mobsters, it is looking like Trump is just their front man and that they are trying to protect him for their own sakes.

"as detailed below, within approximately 75 days of the payment to Ms. Clifford, Mr. Viktor Vekselberg, a Russian Oligarch with close ties to Russian President Vladimir Putin, caused substantial funds to be deposited into the bank account from which Mr. Cohen made the payment. It appears that these funds may have replenished the account following the payment to Ms. Clifford."

Michael Cohen Executive Summary by Michael Avenatti

Trump Child Rape Victim Katie Johnson Withdrew Her Lawsuit Because of Death Threats

That this creep could wind up with a second nomination for president shows you just how far this country has been corrupted.

"The Johnson lawsuit states that at their fourth encounter at an Epstein party:

"Defendant Trump tied Plaintiff to a bed, exposed himself to Plaintiff, and then proceeded to forcibly rape Plaintiff. During the course of this savage sexual attack, Plaintiff loudly pleaded with Defendant Trump to stop but with no effect.

Defendant Trump responded to Plaintiff's pleas by violently striking Plaintiff in the face with his open hand and screaming that he would do whatever he wanted."

Trump told Johnson that if she ever revealed the sexual encounter with Trump, the girl and her family would be "physically harmed if not killed." Johnson also stated that Epstein periodically reiterated to her Trump's earlier threat that if she were to

"reveal any of the details of his sexual and physical abuse of her or else,"

she and her family would be

"seriously physically harmed, if not killed."

Because of the threats, Johnson pulled her lawsuit just prior to the 2016 presidential election and no hearing occurred.

So, we return to the allegations in the "Jane Doe" (aka Katie Johnson) lawsuit despite the practice of pundits, lawyers, trolls, fanatics and thugs, many well-paid or fanatically ideological, using their varied skills to claim that there's nothing to see or know. You be the judge, based on these lawsuit claims:"

Welcome To Waterbury: The City That Holds Secrets That Could Bring Down Trump apparently has not got the news that we are living in a fraudocracy not a democratic republic. In a republic no man is above the law. In a democracy real news - the real facts about the phony pretexts for wars and the corruption of politicians who start them is not hidden from the people; in a democratic republic the value of peoples' money is not halved every 10 years nor are public health measures used as a pretext for population control through mass murder, shortening peoples lives through harmfull vaccinations and forced abortions (i.e. vaccine induced misscarriages.)

Bimbo Bombs Away: Madsen Uncovers Mossad Russian Jewish Mafia Bribes to 100 Trump Bimbos

Trump makes Bill Clinton look like a monk but the real story here is the drug money laundering of Trump hush money by Trump's friends in the Mossad and the Russian Jewish Mafia.

"Michael Avenatti, the loquacious and extremely focused attorney for porn actress Stormy Daniels, has finally worn out his welcome on the cable news networks.

Avenatti, in releasing details of massive cash payments to Donald Trump's personal attorney, Michael Cohen, either inadvertently or quite purposefully, revealed the inner workings of money laundering by the Russian-Israeli Jewish mob and its friends in Israel's Mossad.

The governing authorities of Israel are virtually indistinguishable from the mobbed-up Russian Jewish oligarchs who travel freely between Tel Aviv, Moscow, Geneva, London, and New York...

On May 8, Avenatti released a report, titled "Project Sunlight," from his law firm that focused on suspected bribes paid into accounts maintained by ... Essential Consultants LLC, an entity formed by Cohen to handle cash pay-offs to women who accused Trump of extramarital affairs and sexual assaults...

Michael Cohen may be a common name in Jewish circles, but claiming to be an "international consultant" residing in Ottawa and being paid by a Malaysian boutique actuarial company to a Toronto bank account linked to a mailing address for a firm specializing in immigration from the UAE, all the while working on an unspecified "project" in Tanzania, has the unquestionable hallmarks of a Mossad and Russian-Jewish mafia money laundering operation...

There are suspicions that some of the $75 million paid to Broidy, aka "David Dennison," and his wife for their 'services" in helping to make the Justice investigation "go away" ended up in Cohen's Essential Consultants LLC accounts to pay off Bechard, McDougal, Daniels, and, possibly, as many as 100 other women. "

Avenatti Incurs the Wrath of the Kosher Nostra and Mossad by Wayne Madsen

Real News on the Trump/Epstein Rape of Little Girls Oozes Out of the Trump Swamp

These are the qualifications required to hold high office these days.

"new information has emerged in the joint Wayne Madsen Report(WMR)/Justice Integrity Project investigation of the "maria" case. as we previously reported, katie johnson alleged in federal law suits that donald trump and his friend, billionaire jeffrey epstein, raped her, when she was 13, and a 12-year old girl...

Madsen has written many such reports on the WMR site naming names to document how powerful entities use pedophilia and other hidden sex scandals to install, blackmail or otherwise influence high-ranking government officials."

Wayne Madsen Report: New Information Emerges in "Maria" Trump Story

I would suggest that Madsen look into a possible connection between the Maria story and the laundering of drug money through Trump's Casinos.

Trump and Macron Shilling for the Rothschilds

The Talmud says that Jews should always try to deceive gentiles. Based on what Trump says and does it certainly seems like Trump is a Talmudic Jew or at least a sabbot goy (a gentile politician that shills for the Jewish money power - the US governement is full of them.)

"Emmanuel Macron, the highly-paid Rothschild investment banker who became president of France less than a year ago, told French media on Sunday that "we convinced President Donald Trump to stay in Syria."

Emmanuel Macron: The Rothschild Agent Who Convinced Trump to Stay in Syria

Sure he did, and this is how he did it!

Mossad Behind Syrian Pipeline Bombings

This oil in the Golan snooker allows Israel to pump oil from the Zagros Oil Belt to the Golan and thence to Haifa for export. That is the reason why Israel has been blowing up Syrian pipelines.

Mossad Behind Syrian Pipeline Bombings

Amazing how a few thousand dollars in campaign contributions can leverage trillions of dollars of interest bearing US debt isn't it?

Oil wells up in cracks made by colliding continental plates and massive meteor impacts which have nothing to do with the Goland. Oil is actually quite abundant just like diamonds but like diamonds it is under the control of a world wide money monopoly that acts as a protection racket for the oil sheiks of the world.

In fact the entire crust of the earth may rotate from north to south due to its resting upon a vast sea of oil and diamonds with the diamonds acting like lubrication ball bearings. This is just a guess but there is no doubt that the position of earth's magnetic poles have changed in the past and in fact have completely changed their positions - the north pole of today used to be where the south pole is and vice versa.

Can you Trust the Science of the Great Reset?

If the US and NATO ever loose control of Iraq this Golan oil shtick will evaporate.

"scientists have found that ethane and heavier hydrocarbons can be synthesized under the pressure-temperature conditions of the upper mantle - the layer of Earth under the crust and on top of the core. The research was conducted by scientists at the Carnegie Institution's Geophysical Laboratory, with colleagues from Russia and Sweden, and is published in the July 26, advanced online issue of Nature Geoscience.

The transformations suggest heavier hydrocarbons could exist deep down. The reversibility implies that the synthesis of saturated hydrocarbons is thermodynamically controlled and does not require organic matter."

Deep-Earth Hydrocarbons

"Last week, Mexico announced finding another giant oil field off Veracruz, the Noxal, estimated to hold more than 10 billion barrels of oil. Exploration yielded surprising results. It turned out that Mexico's richest oil field complex was created 65 million years ago, when the huge Chicxulub meteor impacted the Earth at the end of the Mesozoic Era. Scientists now believe that the Chicxulub meteor impact was the catastrophe that killed the dinosaurs, as well as the cause for creating the Cantrell oil field."

"Proponents of the abiotic, deep-Earth theory of the origin of oil point argue that the deep fracturing of the basement bedrock at Cantarell caused by the meteor's impact was responsible for allowing oil formed in the Earth's mantle to seep into the sedimentary rock that settled in the huge underwater crater.

An important, but neglected, study of the bedrock underlying the Saudi oil fields provided strong evidence that the oil fields resulted from fractures and faults in the basement rock, not from a disproportionately large number of dinosaurs having died on the Arabian Peninsula. "

Basement tectonics of Saudi Arabia as related to oil field structures

"according to the abiotic, deep Earth theory of oil's origin, we do not have to assume that all the dinosaurs herded like Elephants to Saudi Arabia at the end of the Mesozoic Era, where they died in a giant heap that produced oil. Bedrock cracks, whether or not due to meteor impacts, can serve to open the above sedimentary layers to trap oil deposits seeping upward. Cantarell has stimulated interest in meteor impact structures as potential locations to explore in order to find oil producing sites."

Another Nasty One for the Peak Oil Know-It-Alls

Besides being a conduit for stolen Iraqi oil, the Goland is also an important source of fresh water that the belligerent pip-squeak nation of Israel needs and could have if it was at peace with Syria and the rest of the Arab world. But being nice to the Palestinians is out of the question, so Rothschild's toy nation has to get America into the act.

Through political pressure and blackmail Israel and its Zionist banker backers have persuaded the elite scum of Europe and the US that it is in their interest to go along with the idiotic schemes of the rabid rabbis in Israel for a Greater Israel.

The Real Eyes Wide Shut

Eyes Wide Shut (or Hey there, Orgy Girl!)

The Synagoge of Satan

"The most skilful manipulators of property ally them selves with Communists; the peculiar and chosen people touch the hands of all the scum and low castes of Europe".

The Controversy of Zion

If there were no oil in the middle east the Zionists would be screaming that the West has to have all that desert sand for their glass making factories! Then people would be blaiming Corning and Coca Cola for the wars in the middle east and we would have a sand dollar instead of a petro-dollar!

Traitor Biden Confronted with WTC Super-Thermite Evidence

Let's not forget good ole uncle Joe. After all, he represents the left prong of the Zionist pincer movement. The first president of Israel threaten the British aristocracy with a communist revolution if they did not go along with the Zionst agenda.

"Yale said he had a talk with Weizmann "somewhere in the Mediterranean in 1919," and asked him what might happen if the British did not support a national home for the Jews in Palestine. Weizmann thumped his fist on the table and the teacups jumped, "If they don't," he said, "we'll smash the British Empire as we smashed the Russian Empire." "

Robert John on the Balfour Declaration

Just like uncle Joe is threatening to OD America on queers, clot shots, transgender freaks, and unisex bathrooms in order to bring back the Trump war party. Long before uncle Joe became the Commander-in-Thief he demonstrated his treason by the expression on his face when confronted with the evidence that the government's 9/11 story was a big lie.

"The space had gone silent, and every single person, including the press, the residents, the politicians and the Secret Service were listening intently to Jeremy's question, and they all could not help but witness Biden's discomfort and his loss for words. At this point Biden asked to see the report and took it into his hands to look at it.

With the paper in the Vice-President's hands, Jeremy finished up the question by asking: "And if you all are not going to do that, is it possible for We the American People to trust you with our economy if we can't trust you with restoring the rule of law?"

Biden Questioned Regarding WTC Super-Thermite

Dancing Israeli Dominik Suter Financed the 9/11 False Flag Attacks
So why did the US Government do Nothing About it?

In a word - blackmail. Just as in Europe the prime qualification for holding high office in the Fraudocracy is to be blackmailable. The blackmail, in the case of Clinton and the Bushes, was their involvement in the CIA drug smuggling activities of the 1980s.

Cop Mike Ruppert vs the CIA Wall Street Drug Money Laundering Racket

In the case of many congressmen the blackmail involves the entrapment of pedophiles that the Mossad has installed into office.

In his article, Karl Schwarz describes how Israel has been smuggling in children from around the world to service the powerful pedophiles in the US congress for the purpose of blackmailing them into going along with the Israeli agenda.

"Two of the things the US government / Israel do not want anyone to know are these:

One of the five dancing Israelis is named Dominik Suter and Israel has refused multiple requests from the US government for his extradition back to the USA to face questioning and possible indictment related to 9-11-2001 and the financing of terrorism. Why?

In the initial investigation of how 9-11 was financed the US government, specifically the FBI, focused on foreign bank accounts. One of the bank accounts that were apparently involved in the financing of 9-11-2001 was in the name of Dominik Suter.

How do you get your way in peace time and force the opposite direction than the citizens of a nation wish to go and against the will of a people, state, or nation? The most obvious method is spying and blackmail.

In 1995 I was asked by a friend to go to the Adams Morgan area of Washington DC to look at a possible investment in a bar and restaurant. We had to drive around the block many times looking for a parking place.

It was along one of those streets that something very peculiar was going on. It was a school day and at about 1:40pm in the afternoon there were around 30 to 40 boys and girls that looked to be in the age range of 8 to 14 or thereabouts. It was both peculiar that boys and girls of those ages and obviously many different nationalities were not in school and lined up down the street are cars, power status cars, limousines, government executive cars with drivers and government limousines.

It was a meat market for sexual predators and the District of Columbia is full of them. It is pretty disgusting to see the inner workings of DC in light of the pretense of how honorable and law abiding they pretend to be and they are not.

I finally found a parking place over 2 blocks away and was walking towards where the restaurant / bar were to be. Straight ahead where the street ended at a T was this scene of people picking up children, picking a boy, girl, or two of each, etc. and driving off with them.

The expressions on the faces of these children were uniform very scared, terrified expressions.

As we were walking down the street a van sliding door opened and as one man is exiting they were speaking in Hebrew. They had video and still cameras set up in the van with telephoto lens and recording the entire scene where these Washington DC pedophiles were picking up children for their sick entertainment.

I personally reported this to the FBI and they were told to stand down, too. When DC Metro police tried to move on it, threats were made of the bodily harm type.

I recognized some of the faces in these cars and then watched in disgust how huge political issues were being debated and certain members of our Senate, House and even agencies (the pedophiles in those same cars) just rolled over for what Israel wanted."

Why Israel Spies On The USA

Israeli Kickbacks to US Politicians

Reuven Schossen on Israeli Kick-backs to US Politicians


List of US Politians Getting Israeli Kickbacks

Notice that Rand Paul is the cheapest whore in the Senate, selling out his country for only 5000 bucks! Most congressmen get bigger Israeli kickbacks than that!

Rand Paul is last (99th on the list) with a kickback of only $5,000. The reason for this is despite Rand's obsequious groveling to the Israeli lobby his poppa has come out against the Federal Reserve which is controlled by Zionist Jewish bankers. Even though poppa Paul is false opposition (he supports the official lies about 911 and is in bed with the libertarians who would turn over control of the US banking system to the Rothschilds who control the world wide supply of gold and could easily buy up all the silver mines in the world).

More disturbing is the case of Ron Johnson: who is 97th in the list with a kickback of $12,400. Johnson called to task the Biden administration for trying to hide the toxicity of the vaccines given to US military personnel.

Defense Mecial Database: Covid shots are "very effective if you want to kill people."

Like Netanyahoo, Biden participated in a stupid stunt of being injected with a saline solution to prove that the COVID vaccines were safe. He was not injected with the same toxic batch that were given to the US military personnel and the many Americans and people world wide who developed deadly strange white blood clots that no one has ever seen before. Just what caused these clots is a matter of speculation and we can not trust the US government to investigate the matter because it would likely lead to an Israeli/Rothshild connection,

Israel is Developing 'Ethnic Bomb' for Growing Biological Weapons Arsenal

Israel Raw Sewage Spraying Homes, Protestors

Gaza: De Facto Biological Warfaree

Traces of Poison: Israel's Dark History Revealed

Not to be outdone, the Israeli occupied capital of the United States has done even worse to Iraq.

Biological Warfare and the people of Iraq

These crooked politicians are the best investment possible. For a measly $16,873,730 Israel gets $38,000,000,000 in military aid alone! That is a 2,252% return on the Israeli investment! Here is a list of the crooked politicians who made the covid genocide experiments possible.

Select your Fraudocrat:

Special Interest Funding of US Politiicans: Israeli Kickback War Crimes Division (old list)

So what do Americans get for their 38 billion besides a congress full of traitors? We get war crimes and a whole lot of horror from the people who think nothing of murdering 3,000 Americans at the World Trade Center and then framing and tortuing people from the middle east who had absolutly nothing to do with it.

"The Israeli criminal State is using new, forbidden weapons. Nobody knows what they are. These weapons inflicts vicious wounds which will burst into flames when exposed to air even after the initial infliction.

Palestinian Dr. Joma Sakka said that

"the bodies of dead Palestinian victims which reach the Al-Shifa Hospital disintegrate into crumbles and liquid. The organs inside the bodies of the victims are totally burnt and carry small pieces of metal which can't even be seen under the X-ray, also, a white powder covers the internal organs of the victim's bodies. "

The Doctor said when we try to open the injuries, they do not see the splinters which had inflicted the wounds, and could not identify the damaged area even after opening the bodies. The doctors said that the injuries must be inflicted by a new, unknown weapon as they had not seen injuries like that before. These are serious injuries which leave the victims shredded and covered with burns. Even in cases when the doctors medicate them successfully, the victims die after a couple of days for unknown reasons."

US Officers planned the Beit Hanoun Massacre

These same horrific weapons may have been used against the people of Iraq and Syria but we do not know about it because of media censorship and the shooting of journalists who try to report the truth about what the US has been doing to the people in the middle east. Eisenhower ordered that anyone who tried to feed the starving German POWs that he was starving to death was to be shot.

What happened in the post war period in Germany immediately following World War II is probably the most censored story in history. Here and there you see allusions to it made in the media but always with a spin to spin away the truth.

One 50s TV Flash Gordon episode that showed the bombed out buildings in Berlin only hinted at the truth.

Godzilla may have been a disguised way of getting the truth to the American people about what happened to Japan during the Second World War. It was not a giant dragon's breath that destroyed Tokyo but B29 bombers dropping fire-bombs.

A Twilight Zone episode called The Mute seems to hint at US government censorship of the German firebomb holocaust and its genocidal aftermath. In the story a German cult decided that it would not teach its children to talk but to only communicate through telepathy.

A German family from this group consisting of a man, a woman, and their little girl emigrated to the United States.

Their house caught fire and the parents died but the little girl survived. She was adopted by an American couple who became alarmed that her parents did not teach her to talk so she was prevented from contacting her relatives in Germany.

So goes the plot - very reminiscent of the post WWII censurship of all news from Germany.

"It is interesting to note, however, that at each such pause before the next phase of the Roosevelt-Morgenthau Plan was to be put into effect, there were solemn statements that the Morgenthau Plan had ceased to exist.

In the period in which the U. S. Army maintained rigid controls over who entered and exited Germany and censored all communications entering and exiting the country, this was really no major accomplishment. Such censorship was the rule rather than the exception...

In supporting such a monsterous plan... these horrendous true stories would instead be effectively stiffled by the strict censorship the perpetrators would impose as occupiers in Germany and the cooperation they could command in this Country from the co-conspirative news dissemination media...

Even the belated investigations of the post-war treatment of Germans during this merciless period...were obediently buried by SPD Chancellor 'Weinbrand' Willy Frahm upon request (demand) by the occupying powers of Germany.

The United Nations (U. S.) Plans for the Permanent Dismemberment and Long-Time Occupation of Germany

Peter Lore was going to make a movie about post war Germany but it never came off. The purported explanation in "Heroes of Horror" was that the Germans did not want the world to see Germany's shame. The Germans were starving to death and they did not want anyone in the world to know about it? Sure.

Sounds like genocidal censorship to me. This is what the US government did not want anyone to know about:

"I was on the island of Guam in his command in March of 1945. In that single night, we burned to death 100,000 Japanese civilians in Tokyo: men, women, and children.

Tokyo was a wooden city, and when we dropped these firebombs, it just burned it."

Why was it necessary to drop the nuclear bomb if LeMay was burning up Japan? And he went on from Tokyo to firebomb other cities. 58% of Yokohama. Yokohama is roughly the size of Cleveland. 58% of Cleveland destroyed. Tokyo is roughly the size of New York. 51% percent of New York destroyed. 99% of the equivalent of Chattanooga, which was Toyama. 40% of the equivalent of Los Angeles, which was Nagoya."

Fog of War Transcripts

Eisenhower Slaughter Of 1.7 Million Germans

Did the Allies Starve Millions of Germans?

Apocalypse at Deresden

The WWII Dresden Holocaust -'A Single Column Of Flame'

Dresden - A Real Holocaust

The Holocaust As A Mechanism For Suppressing The Truth

Why Does SARS CoV 2 Like Only non-Ashkenazi ACE2 receptors?

ACE2 coding variants in different populations and their potential impact on SARS-CoV-2 binding affinity

Actually, the Amish and the Finns who both may be related to the Ashkenazi Jews seam to be similarly protected. As the Ashkenazim come from a region of Eurasia – the Caucuses - which were inhabited by the Neanderthals we may be looking at a Neanderthal trait.

Neanderthals tended to be bow legged. This may not have been a genetic characteristic but due to the lack of vitamin D which resulted in a high incidence of rickets in the Neanderthal population. Lack of vitamin D would also be expected to weaken the immune system putting a selection pressure on the Neanderthals to develop ACE2 receptors which are not susceptible to viral attack.

The Amish like the Ashkenazi Jews tend to be clannish. This may be due to chemical receptors in the nasal cavities that detect differences in the Major Histocompatibily proteins which determine the differences between self and non-self and the means by which members of the same species recognize each other. It could also be the reason why the Khazar king chose Judaism for his state religion – there was a neanderthal colony in Israel during the last ice age.

"The difference between a Jewish and a non-Jewish person stems from the common expression:

'Let us differentiate.'
Thus, we do not have a case of profound change in which a person is merely on a superior level. Rather, we have a case of 'let us differentiate' between totally different species."

The Chabad Lubavitchers

Much more on this is contained in "The Chosen People From The Caucasus" by Michael Bradley.

Michael Collins Piper Interviews Michael Bradley

It is Bradley's theory that the aggressiveness of caucasian Europeans (and Ashkenazi Jews in particular) is due to the genes that they inherited from the Neanderthals.

"Trinkhaus and Stewart subjected all known Neanderthal skeletal material to a coroner's style forensic examination. Their conclusion was that Neanderthal bones exhibited a much greater number of violence inflicted injuries than any comparable number of bones from other groups of human ancestors. "

The Chosen People From The Caucasus by Michael Bradley

This he attributes to a "psychosexual maladaptation" to the Ice Age.

"In this newly-discovered essay, Sigmund Freud came perilously close to overturning his own theories of psychosexuality and psychotherapy because he concluded that many, or even most, acute anxiety neuroses stemmed not from childhood trauma, but from racially remembered centuries-long trauma of trying to survive during the last Ice Age.

According to this short, 12-page essay, survival outside the stone age caves was so brutal that the only respite from it were "perverse" sexual pleasures within the caves where Ice Age men took their frustration, aggression and fears out on their women."

The Chosen People From The Caucasus by Michael Bradley

However, the Finns and the Amish do not engage in the type of violent behavior against "non-self" peoples that the Ashkenazi Jews have been noted for down through the ages. So perhaps additional factors such as infantile circumcision and religion may be involved.

Israeli Girls Write Messages on Lebanon-Bound Shells

And broken bones could have other causes than violent attacts as a well known nursery rhyme informs us.

Yack and yill ran up the hill to fetch a pale of water. Yack fell down and broke his crown and Yill came tumbling after.

Yack got up off the ground and yelled at Yill:

"Oy! I told you we should have waited for the ice to melt, bitch!"

In other words, nurture as well as nature should be considered in the determination of the cause of human behavior.

The Aztec empire was probably the bloodiest in history with thousands of human sacrifices each year and constant warfare; they were cannibals who considered the neighboring tribes to be a food source.

Their bloody reign was ended by blue eyed Europeans from Spain.

Aztec imperial cannibalism: an inconvenient truth for Conquest critics

Our Lady of Guadalupe and the Conquest of Darkness

Dr Lee Merritt has made the connection between 9/11 and the scamdemic depopulation agenda. The very un-American Project for a New American Century raised the possibility of using bio-weapons against the enemies of the neocons.

This fits in with Protocols 10 and 7 of the Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion. As Henry Ford has said, the predictions of the Protocols fit what had happened till his time in the 20th Century. They fit what has happened in the 21st Century.

"it is indispensable to trouble in all countries the people's relations with their governments so as to utterly exhaust humanity with dissension, hatred, struggle, envy and even by the use of torture, by starvation, BY THE INOCULATION OF DISEASES, by want, so that the GOYIM see no other issue than to take refuge in our complete sovereignty in money and in all else...

we replaced the ruler by a caricature of a government - by a president, taken from the mob, from the midst of our puppet creatures, our slaves.

if we allow the possibility of a general rising against us, we shall respond with the guns of America or China or Japan."

Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion (pdf)

You don't have to believe that the "Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion" are genuine to believe that Zionists have genocidal intentions toward all non Jews. Just read your bible or the genocidal verses in the Talmud. But the protocols do fit in quite nicely with the eugenics of the COVID 19 scamdemic.

So why have the Protocols been so suppressed even to the point of making it a crime punishable by death in the old Soviet Union to have a copy of the Protocols in your possession? As Dr. Merritt has said when you are over the target you always get a lot of flack.

Dr Lee Merritt - Covid "Vaccine" is Selective-Bioweapon Designed Spare Ashkenazi Jews

We do not know what were in the toxic vaccines given to the people who got the fatal blood clots. The toxins in the different batches may have been different. Given the gradation in toxicity the vaccine manufacturers were obviously conducting a dose - response study to determine the LD50 of the toxins that they were using. An LD50 is the dose at which 50% of the animals (i.e. people) die.

Here is an excerpt from a Reiner Fuellmuich forum with some health experts talking about the Scamdemic stats.

Calibrating Genocide

Being good de-nazified Europeans, the Fuellmuich group naturally brings up the Holocaust and the Nurenburg war crime trials where German prisoners were kicked in the groin until they confessed to crimes of which they were innocent.

Fuellmuich's favorite American judge, Justice Brandeis, was likely a Zionist war criminal himself because he conspired with other Zionist to destroy both Germany and the Russian Empire - a conspiracy which led to the death of millions of Christians.

"In the U.S., in July 1917, a special mission consisting of Henry Morgenthau, Sr., and Justice Brandeis's nephew, Felix Frankfurter, was charged by President Wilson to proceed to Turkey, against which the United States did not declare war, to sound out the possibility of peace negotiations between Turkey and the Allies.

In this, Wilson may have been particularly motivated by his passion to stop the massacres of Armenian and Greek Christians which were then taking place in Turkey ...

Weizmann, however, accompanied by the French Zionist M. Weyl, forewarned, proceeded to intercept them at Gibraltar and persuaded them to return home. ...

I asked him if Weizmann had told him how the special mission had been aborted. He replied that Weizmann said that the Governor of Gilbraltar had held a special banquet in their honor, but at the end all the British officials withdrew discreetly, leaving the four Jews alone. "Then," said Weizmann, "we fixed it." "

Robert John on the Balfour Declaration

Weizmann also participated in the genocide of Orthodox Christians during the Jewish led Bolshevik Revolution in Russia which was financed by Jewish bankers - the same bankers who funded all sides of both world wars.

"Yale said he had a talk with Weizmann "somewhere in the Mediterranean in 1919," and asked him what might happen if the British did not support a national home for the Jews in Palestine. Weizmann thumped his fist on the table and the teacups jumped, "If they don't," he said, "we'll smash the British Empire as we smashed the Russian Empire." "

Robert John on the Balfour Declaration

Israeli President Chaim Weizmann was very non-discriminatory in his attitude toward Gentiles.

"We hate equally anti-semites and philo-semites."

...Chaim Weizmann

Controversy of Zion: The League to Enforce Peace

Actually, I believe that Weizmann was not being honest in his letter to Lady Crewe. I believe that Zionists hate philo-Semites far more than anti-Semites otherwise they would not have cooperated with the Nazis in funneling Jews into Palestine and provided the Nazis and Neo-Nazis with so many of their leaders.

According to Mike Piper Zionists virtually run the Journal of Historical Review which gives the false impression that the German concentration camps were filled with only Jews. London Times reporter Douglas Reed was there and said in his "Controversy of Zion" that the German concentration camps contained at least 90% non-Jews.

I know first hand what Martin Luther meant when he said that Jews play all sorts of mean tricks on gentiles. I was a philo-Semite myself and used to drink Manischewitz and Mogen David all the time. They are very good sweet wines except when put on sale on a table prepared especially for Christians during Easter in Winn Dixies. Then they taste like vinegar.

Reiner Fuellmuich's group seems to want to pin the scamdemic on the Nazis by bringing up the Jewish Holocaust, Jewish Holocaust survivors, the travesty of the Nuremberg trials in which Germans were kicked in the groin until they confessed to committing crimes invented by their Jewish torturers. The real Holocaust survivors were the German people who managed to survive the firebombs dropped on Germany during the Jewish war against Germany while Jews were safely tucked away in concentration camps in the country while German cities and Germans burned.

He skirts the fact that the scamdemic is almost an entirely Jewish run affair, that the spike protein is directed against non-Ashkenazis ACE2 receptors, that the fertility rate of Israel actually rose during the scamdemic while the fertility rates of other countries fell.

He ignores the fact that the Israeli government has been working on bioweapons specifically targeted to Arabs and that it has used bioweapons such as typhus with genocidal intent against the Arabs before. He ignores the fact that Israeli soldiers routinely murder Palestinian children with genocidal intent - proving that we are all Palestinians now!

Are COVID-19 injections the “ethno-bomb” Israel began developing in the late 1990s?

The article sources another article that says that "COVID-19" raised the fertility rates, which is ridiculous. It only makes sense in the light of the fact that every pathology associated with the vaccines have been ascribed to COVID19. So it is the vaccines which raised the fertility rates of Israeli women not the non-existent pandemic. Yet another indication that the vaccines have been used as a form of genocide and "eugenics."

"I don't know something called International Principles. I vow that I'll burn every Palestinian child (that) will be born in this area. The Palestinian woman and child is more dangerous than the man, because the Palestinian childs existence infers that generations will go on"

Ariel Sharon: interview with General Ouze Merham, 1956

But no! There are thousands of Mengeles out there now! If that were true then thousands of pregnant Jewish women would be getting gifts of flowers when their babies were born!

"Mengele was "given to occasional flourishes of gallantry: after transferring a pregnant Jewish doctor to Cracow to do research for him, Mengele sent her flowers upon the birth of her son."

Lessons of the Mengele Affair

It is no surprise to me that Reiner Fuellmuich wound up in prison. Nobody likes an ass-kisser.

"Even God does not like ass-kissers."

...Roseanne Barr

Eustace Mullins on the Biggest Lie Ever Sold

Note the drop in the German population due to WWII - about 6 million. Isn't that interesting?

But then again, may be Fuellmuich was false opposition to begin with. May be his job was to divert attention from the Jewish-big shot connection (no pun intended). Jewish big-shots have millions to give away to their false opposition and shills; billions at stake - not to mention millions of potential murder charges and lawsuits. As long as Fuellmuich is in prison (or pretends to be in prison) he serves as a warning to DAs and lawyers to "back off" the way that historians investigating the "Jewish Holocaust" are told to "back off." But will Fuellmuich get the David Irving treatment to make it more convincing?

"The statements which were admitted as evidence were obtained from men who had first been kept in solitary confinement for three, four and five months ... The investigators would put a black hood over the accused's head and then punch him in the face with brass knuckles, kick him and beat him with rubber hoses ... All but two of the Germans, in the 139 cases we investigated, had been kicked in the testicles beyond repair. This was standard operating procedure with our American investigators...

Despite the fact that "confessions" pertaining to the extermination of the Jews were extracted under these conditions, Nuremberg statements are still regarded as conclusive evidence for the Six Million by writers like Reitlinger and others, and the illusion is maintained that the Trials were both impartial and impeccably fair.

When General Taylor, the Chief Public Prosecutor, was asked where he had obtained the figure of the Six Million, he replied that it was based on the confession of S.S. General Otto Ohlendorf.

He, too, was tortured and his case is examined below. But as far as such "confessions" in general are concerned, we can do no better than quote the British Sunday Pictorial when reviewing the report of Judge van Roden:"

"Strong men were reduced to broken wrecks ready to mumble any admission demanded by their prosecutors."

The Nuremberg Trials

Or perhaps Fuellmuich and his group are just brainwashed and have never read the Journal of Historical Review because their countries are run by AshkeNAZIS.

Sure, Fuellmuich told some great truths but this is also true of the best disinformation agents. "Dr. Derek Knauss" alias youtuber and warp-speed Trump supporter "Patrick Gunnels" (if that is indeed his real name) was very interested in making money. Did he get a kickback from Trump, Gates or Moderna etc. for pretending to be what he was not in order to descredit the stats that showed that the WHO was calling the flu and other respiratory diseases COVID?

"We at the 7 universities that did the lab tests on these 1500 samples are now suing the CDC for Covid 19 fraud. The CDC has yet to send us a single viable, isolated and purifed sample of Covid 19. If they can't or won't send us a viable sample, I say there is no Covid 19, it is fictitious. The four research papers that do describe the genomic extracts of the Covid 19 virus never were successful in isolating and purifying the samples. All the four papers written on Covid 19 only describe small bits of RNA which were only 37 to 40 base pairs long which is NOT A VIRUS.

A viral genome is typically 30,000 to 40,000 base pairs. With as bad as Covid is supposed to be all over the place, how come no one in any lab world wide has ever isolated and purified this virus in its entirety? That's because they've never really found the virus, all they've ever found was small pieces of RNA which were never identified as the virus anyway."

Lab Analysis at 7 Universities Proves No COVID19 Exists!

But wait!

"Dr Derek Knauss is a fictional character. The claims are a hoax."


Dr. Derek Knauss: "When my lab team and I subjected the 1500 supposedly positive Covid-19 samples to Koch's postulates and put them under an SEM (electron microscope), we found NO Covid in all 1500 samples."

Gunnels story is a hoax, ergo the truth of a non-existent pandemic is also a hoax - that's the way the false opposition works - their favorite trick. Gunnels is probably crying all the way to the bank.

Mike Yeadon made some great statements about how the government and media lies but now he questions the very existence of viruses and has suggested that the vials that contain the COVID vaccines should be destroyed. This would be an obstruction of justice as we do not know what toxins are in those vialls. We have only the word of those people in the Vax industry and governments that have lied to us.

As a respiratory therapist, has Yeadon ever seen anthing like this before?

Massive White Clot from the lung of a Vaccinated Person

My guess is that this "clot" is actually a gigantic granuloma created by pegylated graphene. Graphene is known to create granulomas in the lung. And what do you know, so does SARS2! How about that! Every weird thing that these COVID shots do so does SARS2! Even though there is no evidence of any pandemic and plenty of evidence of fraud these strange papers pop up in the literature trying to convince you that all of the lies are really true!

There is no virus in the world that can create that thing that came out of a vax victim. Nor is there any natural physiological or pathological process that can create the weird white rubbery structures pulled out of the veins and arteries of vax victims that resemble that thing.

For some reason "material scientists" have figured out that graphene nanoparticles are the wave of the future in medicine. They can augment the people of the future to fight the cyborgs which self assemble from graphene nanoparticles you know.

But graphenes can cause apoptosis and necrosis in cells. Apoptosis is a special kind of cell death in which all the cell's goodies are digested and packaged into a few blobs for phagocytes like macrophages and neutrophils to eat so that it will not create an inflamatory response that can damage the tissues. This is not true of necrosis which can induce a inflammatory response.

"Material scientists" who are more interested in profits than the public health say - no problem! We will just add some polyethylene glycol (PEG) so that at just the right concentration the cells will not go pop! But too much PEG can cause cell fusion and cause the cells to pop.

The way that granulomas are formed is that some toxic substance like aluminum or graphene is injested or absorbed onto a cell's surface. The cell is then recognized as being foreign by a macrophage which upon eating the cell becomes recognized as being foreign by another macrophage which upon eating the macrophage becomes recognised as being foreign by another macrophage and so on and so on until you get a giant multinucleate cell which keeps growing until it forms a dead white solid mass known as a granuloma - because it is composed of dead granulocytes and macrophages (phagocytes - all white blood cells).

But no granuloma can achieve the size shown by these white things. Living tissue requires a blood supply if it is to grow greater than a diameter of about 1 millimeter. Ergo we are looking at an inorganic chemical reaction not a biological reaction – probably involving graphene and the fusion of many granulomas into solid masses perhaps triggered (in some instances) by a 5g electromagnetic field. In which case people all over the world are now subject to the tender mercies of those who perceive them as a different species - i.e. as laboratory mice.

"In 2017, in a now-scrubbed-off-the-internet was a study from Italy looking at adjuvants. Researchers found that 15 traditional vaccines (and 44 variations of these), all manufactured by leading global companies, shared a previously unreported and troubling similarity: the vaccines were

"heavily contaminated with a variety of nanoparticles."

This is an indisputable fact

"If your nanoparticles self-assemble correctly with Harvard's Charles Lieber injectable nano meshes, you can actually get a nice little wireless nano network going in the target,"
says Investigative Journalist George Webb, who has looked into Lieber and the Wuhan origin story since 2020.

"Corona didn't just launch DARPA's mRNA technology, Corona also launched nanotechnology for immunology. Gold, silver, iron oxide, silicon dioxide, and graphene are all nanoparticles being researched for COVID applications." It's all part of the Covid Industrial Complex."

Covid, 5G, Nanotech, Transhumanism & Charles Lieber

Think about how human beings treat laboratory mice (a different and competing species with Homo sapiens). In order to examine the mouse's guts after an experiment the mouse is sacrificed. The experimenter grabs the mouse by the tail with one hand and its neck with the other. Then he/she pulls on its tail until its neck is broken. For experiments which use a large number of mice a guillotine is used – perhaps not unlike the guillotines being stored in the American gulags (i.e. Fema Camps) according to whistle - blowing FBI agent Ted Gunderson.

For those of you who do not think that nanotechnology is the greatest thing since sliced heads check out these references:

Nanoparticles: McGraw-Hill Encyclopedia of Science & Technology, 10th Edition, Volume 11

Nanochemistry: McGraw-Hill Encyclopedia of Science & Technology, 10th Edition, Volume 11

The mechanisms of graphene-based materials- induced programmed cell death: a review of apoptosis, autophagy, and programmed necrosis

Nanotech - potentially more dangerous than nuclear waste!

The most famous false opposition leader was Adolf Hitler, himself. According to Eustace Mullins Hitler ordered that his Jews were to be sent to the east when he learned that the Allies had planned to bomb all of the German cities. The healthy Jews were sent to camps in the countryside (away from the firebombs) while the Jews who were too sick to work were to be sent to the east.

The main problem that the Jews who made it to the eastern camps faced was that the Allied bombers were destroying the German infrastructure (roads and bridges) and Allied fighters were shooting anything that moved, even farmers on their tractors. The result was that famine and disease spread not just all over Germany but all over Europe as well for the Allies had also block-aided the entire European continent.

The German doctors were so overwhelmed by the conditions in the concentration camps that they sent their sickest inmates to Bergen-Belsin. Bergen-Belsin was a camp set up just for the terminally ill. The mass grave at Belsin used by propagandists to demonstrate how evil the Nazis were and to prove that the Holocaust stories were true was actually the result of what the Allies were doing.

Millions died so that the Zionists and their stooges could bestride Germany and the rest of Europe going "cock a doodle do."

In time their carnage was transformed into the "Holocaust" as a means of driving Jews that the Nazis had rounded up for them to Palestine where a Zionist state and endless battles with the native population were waiting.

The Hitler Rothschild Connection

The Biblical Warrant for Genocide

"And Moses said unto them, Have ye saved all the women alive? ...

Now therefore kill every male among the little ones, and kill every
woman that hath known man by lying with him.

But all the women children, that have not known a man by lying with him, keep alive for yourselves."

Numbers|31:15, 31:17, and 31:18

Well, that is just ancient history, isn't it?

"Israel used biological weapons even before it was created on Arab soil in 1948 and ever since. The purpose, according to Ben Gurion, is genocide...

In his 220-page continually updated report, entitled: Bioterrorism and Biocrimes: The Illicit Use of Biological Agents since 1900, dated February 2001, Dr W Seth Carus of the Center for Counterproliferation Research, National Defence University, Washington, DC, lists the following subtitle, p.87:

"the cholera outbreaks in Syria and Egypt received extensive attention in the international press. The first report about the cholera in Egypt was published in the Times of London on September, 1947, p4. By the time the final cases appeared in January 1948, 10,262 people died."

He also states that the outbreak in Syria is much smaller. It was limited to two towns, about 60 kilometres south of Damascus, i.e. close to Palestine border. The first report appeared in the New York Times on 22 December, 1947, p5."

"The Syrian army formed a cordon sanitaire and the casualties were limited to 44, including 18 deaths. Soon after, the Beirut French-language newspaper, Orient, reported that several Zionist agents, who employed cholera to disrupt the mobilisation of the volunteers' army, were arrested."

Traces of Poison: Israel's Dark History Revealed

A Grown up View of the Bible

Some people, horrified about what Zionism has done and is doing to the world, are ready to chuck Christianity (upon which Western civilization has been built) out of the window. Christianity came out of Judaism and Judaim is evil they say.

But scholars have determined that the bible (the old Testament) is actually two bibles - one written by the "Northern Kingdom of Israel" and the other written by the "Southern Kingdom of Judah."

"Much of the Old Testament is best seen through the lens of two related rivalries, one between Israel and Judah and the other between two circles of priests..."

"Who Wrote the Bible?" by Richard Elliott Friedman

That, presumably, is why there are so many contradictions in it.

"I am reminded of a conversation about the Bible I had several years ago with a skeptical friend. When he asserted that the Bible contained contradictions, I hastened to correct him-- there are no contradictions in the Bible, I said, only apparent contradictions.

In retrospect, I see that he was right; there are contradictions, and they aren't hard to find. There are two creation stories, two flood stories, and two instances of Moses bringing water from a rock, to cite just a few well-known examples.

And as if to top all the contradictions off, D calls P a lie, using the startling wording, "the lying pen of scribes." Finally, in what must be one of the most astounding ironies of all time, someone known as R (the Redactor) combined all these disparate sources into one document, which forms the core of the Old Testament we have today. "

"Who Wrote the Bible?" by Richard Elliott Friedman

Douglass Reed in his "Controversy of Zion" gives, I believe, the correct interpretation of the situation - that Christianity evolved from the universal religion of the kingdom of Israel while Judaism evolved from the racist tribal religion of the kingdom of Judah.

"today's authorities agree about the separateness of "Israel" and "Judah". In the Old Testament Israel is often called "the house of Joseph", in pointed distinction from "the house of Judah".

The Jewish Encyclopaedia says, ''Joseph and Judah typify two distinct lines of descent" and adds (as already cited) that Judah was "in all likelihood a non-Israelitish tribe". The Encyclopaedia Britannica says that Judaism developed long after the Israelites had merged themselves with mankind, and that the true relationship of the two peoples is best expressed in the phrase, "The Israelites were not Jews".

Historically, Judah was to survive for a little while and to bring forth Judaism, which begat Zionism. Israel was to disappear as an entity, and it all came about in this way:"

The Contorversy of Zion: The End of Israel


  Would Donald Trump Walk a Mile for a Reefer?  


Would Donald Trump Walk a mile for a Reefer?

It is well known by just about everybody that drug smuggling is the major means by which the CIA funds its off the books terrorism. And lets face it, the Contras were CIA funded terrorists.

The government subsidized the drug smuggling of cocaine into the United States in the 1980s so that it could skim off some of the profits to fund the Contras.

Reagan wanted to fund the Contras but the Democrat Congress refused. So he used the CIA to do it by breaking the law. The only reason why Reagan did not go to prison was because of the Israeli connection.

"Truth no longer will out, unless it absolves Israel. That is why virtually nothing significant emerged from the congressional hearings on the Reagan administration's arms-for-hostages dealings with Iran. Because every line of investigation led directly to Israel, no single line was pursued for long. The result is a near-total information blackout. Extremists in the government of Prime Minister Yitzhak Shamir count on it, and conduct themselves with total disregard for American public opinion. "

What You Won't Read About Michael Harari, Noriega Israeli Adviser Who Got Away

Iran-Contra was just a very small part of the CIA's drug smuggling money laundering opration.


Profits of War Inside the Secret U.S.-Israeli Arms Network by Iranian Mossad Agent Ari Ben-Menashe

US Military Planes Carrying Afghanistan's Heroin

US Generals Trafficking Heroin

There is an unbroken train of crime from Iran-Contra-Mena to 9/11 to the Fake "War on Terror."

DEA agent Celle Castillo on the CIA Smuggling Drugs into America

LA policeman Mike Ruppert on the CIA Smuggling Drugs into America

Akransas D.A. Jead Duffy on the US Government Smuggling Coccaine into Clinton's Arkansas

Linda Ives on Government Corruption in Clinton's Arkansas

Linda is the mother of Kevin Ives who was murdered with his friend Don Henry because they witnessed a drug drop by Barry Seal over Mena Arkansas. Seal was smuggling coccaine into Arkansas for the CIA. Don and Kevin were murdered by Arkansas Policemen.

The Bush-Cheney Drug Empire

As soon as the Don slithered into office he offered the Treasury job to two corporate raiders with connections to RJR Nabisco's drug money laundering operations.

He first offered it to Henry Kravis but Henry, like any sensible coorperate raider, was uncomfortable being in the limelight so he declined the offer. Twice!

Kravis Says "Scary" that Trump Would Ask Him to Be Treasury Chief

Trump Touts Henry Kravis as Treasury Secretary Again...and Again He Declines

But Carl Icahn, accepted the Fed's national debt collection agency job.

Carl Icahn accepts Donald Trump's offer to be Treasury secretary

Both Carl Icahn and Henry Kravis were vying for control of RJR Nabisco when it was being used as a laundromat for laundering drug money for the CIA and the Columbian drug cartel.

"In 1987, a bidding war ensued between several financial firms to acquire RJR Nabisco. Finally, the private equity takeover firm Kohlberg Kravis and Roberts & Co (commonly referred to as KKR) was responsible for the 1988 leveraged buyout of RJR Nabisco.

R. J. Reynolds Tobacco Company

Icahn Sells His Stake in RJR, Citing Difficulty of Proxy Fight

"Icahn formed Icahn & Co., receiving most of his finance from Michael Milken, but also a significant chunk of capital from a "prominent investor" named Zen Wolfson.

Since then, Wolfson has been involved with a number of Wall Street brokerages that are tied to the Genovese Mafia."

Bernard Madoff, the Mafia, and the Friends of Michael Milken

The biggest takeaway that I got from analyzing "The European Union versus RJR-Nabisco" is how the legal fiction of the "person" gimmick works: how it is used to shield both crooked politicians and crooked CEOs. This is a simplified version of how the drug money laundering racket works. The part where the cartel pays off the crooked politicians has been omitted.

How Drug Money Laundering Works

Governments are not persons any more than corporations are persons. They are supposed to represent persons - i.e. voters and stock holders. But it is the voters and stock holders who get left holding the bag when the CEOs and politicians jump out of the plane with their golden parachutes."


acting on its own behalf and on behalf of the
MEMBER STATES it has power to represent, and the
Kingdom of Belgium, Republic of Finland,
French Republic, Hellenic Republic,
Federal Republic of Germany, Italian Republic,
Grand Duchy of Luxembourg,
Kingdom of the Netherlands,
Portuguese Republic, and
Kingdom of Spain, individually,

- against -


The European Union vs.RJR-Nabisco

Is that a Camel or a reefer that Joe is puffing on? In any case, why do the stockholders of Nabisco (who may own the stock just because they like shredded wheat) have to pay for what the crooked CEOs of RJR did and how will this help the Europeans by forcing them to pay through the nose for their cigarettes?

Do high taxes on cigarettes make cigarettes any less carcinogenic or do they encourage the selling of illegal tax-free cigarettes by drug cartels?

Cigarette taxes turn governments into drug cartels. My sister smoked almost all of her life and had to use nicotine patches to get off of cigarettes. She never bought illegal cigarettes. If they were not legal she would not have bought them nor would her car, home, and body smelled like an ashtray; nor would she had died of lung cancer.

Of course she also always got her flu shots which probably contributed to her developing lung cancer a second time: She got lung cancer; got a lobe removed then developed a second lung cancer after quitting smoking. Carcinogenesis is a multistep process caused by mutations induced by chemical carcinogens and viruses injected via flu shots (e.g SV40).

Regular flu shots progressively weaken the immune system by destroying the lymphatics. Every vaccine induced systemic response produces free radicals which causes mutations in lymphatic cells accelerating the aging of the lymphatic system making it less able to fight off cancers.

Note that in the listing of the plaintiffs and the defendants there is no mention of George Bush whose invasion of Afghanistan after the Taliban had killed the heroin crop brought it back to life; No mention of Donald Trump - a big time name in the Panamanian and Afghanistan money laundering business; No mention of his picks for the Treasury - former bidders for RJR - Henry Kravis and Carl Icahn. No mention of Bill Clinton whose CIA's drug smuggling operations propelled him into the presidency. No mention of George Soros a big supporter of left wing causes, a destroyer of economies world wide and the biggest currency exchanger in the world who just happens to want to legalize narcotics and just happens to be one of George Bush's Godfathers.

"Democracy Now, the most important American dissident outlet has never discussed the Jewish Lobby with Mersheimer, Walt, Petras or Blankfort - the four leading experts who could have informed the American people about the USA's foreign policy domination by the Jewish Lobby. For the same reasons, Democracy Now wouldn't explore the Neocon's Judeo-centric agenda nor would it ever discuss Jewish Identity politics with yours truly. Democracy Now will host Noam Chomsky or Norman Finkelstein, it may even let Finkelstein chew up Zionist caricature Alan Dershowitz all very good, but not good enough.

Is the fact that Democracy Now is heavily funded by Soros relevant? I'll let you judge."

the controlled false opposition funded by george soros

Controlled Opposition

The United States has been morally bankrupt for quite some time. Now it is about to become financially bankrupt (about 30 trillion in debt and climbing exponentially so maybe the Fed might want a man with experience at the helm. But can Trump swing a LBO with the international drug lords (i.e Wall Street, the CIA, the Russian Jewish mafia, and the Mossad)?

"Donald Trump - the Don of real estate – has been betting his chips on casino development for decades...But did you know that the Don has gone bankrupt on three separate occasions? Make that four.

But a brief reprieve has been granted to Trump's second casino, T rump Taj Mahal, just this week, thanks to a last minute loan by the company's largest creditor, Carl Icahn, whose $5 million emergency loan should keep the resort operating until January...

Why Donald Trump is Always Bankrupt

A four time loser! No wonder he got two nominations for the job of being the Commander in Thief for the drug lords who keep bailing him out!

The only reason why junk bond king Michael Milken went to prison is because he ruffled the feathers of Goldman, Sachs - one of the principal perpetual owners of the Fed. Talk about "insider trading!" When the Fed talks Wall Street listens.

Time to prime the pump and get the economy out of the recession the Feds' contraction of credit caused? Time to call call call. Time to pull the plug on the economy to "fight inflation?" Time to put put put all the way down to the next contraction of credit or end of the economic cycle whichever comes first.

Business cycles are normal and predictable when you have a stable currency. You do not see them now because the Fed's inflationary policy maskes them. But when you correct for inflation - there they are!

Cycles: The Science of Prediction

When you manipulate the money supply to swindle the suckers who are trying to preserve their wealth in the face of the exponentially decreasing value in their money you are engaging in a form of grand larceny. Organized crime has always used casinos in their money laundering operations and a big casino where the House (owners of the Fed) always wins is what the Fed and Wall Street are all about.

Corporate Kleptocracy at RJR Nabisco

By the way, Investopedia tells us that RJR's international tobacco business was sold off to Japan Tobacco but fails to mention that

"As a part of the purchase agreement, the RJR DEFENDANTS entered into a "transitional services agreement" under which, for a period of at least two years, the RJR DEFENDANTS would continue to manage and operate all or part of the international operations purchased by Japan Tobacco. "

How Drug Money Laundering Works

while "Carl Icahn was in there."

"Feb. 28, 1997

Mr. Icahn had bought his RJR Nabisco shares at prices ranging from $28 to $32, an average of about $30. After trading costs, lawyers' fees and close to $30 million spent in two proxy fights, Mr. Icahn was believed to have cleared more than $100 million."

Icahn Ends RJR Nabisco Proxy Fight

Which leads us to ask why were all these LBO operators so eager to acquire a tobacco company whose sales were plummeting because of all of the bad PR? Could it be that they knew that government insiders were using it as a drug money laundromat? And who were all these junk bond sellers who were offering such fabulous returns on investment in their bonds?

Money Laundering Through Russian Junk Corporate Bonds: A Closer Look

Is the fabulous increase in stock prices due to the "new economy" or to money laundering by the Federal Reserve?

"The Fed manipulates markets with accounting-entry money funneled through its "primary dealers" – a list of about 30 investment houses authorized to trade government securities, including Goldman Sachs, Morgan Stanley, and Merrill Lynch.

These banks then use the funds to buy government bonds, in the sort of maneuver that might be called "money laundering" if it were done privately."

Web of Debt: The Shocking Truth about our Money System

Sounds like stock price inflation to me. When the stock price inflation of Wall Street hits main street (as it is already doing and none of the fraudocrat politicians are talking about it) it is time to go digital because then the money will not be worth the paper it is written on. Better to chuck the devil dollars for greenbacks and level the playing fields by chucking all of the Fed's LBO billionairs and their fraudocrat stooges in congress and the White House. Like Trump they are not too big to fail.


  Ten Thousand Christopher Bollyns Wanted  


Ten Thousand Christopher Bollyns Wanted

As the result of the lemming like response of the American people and the people of the world to the Scamdemic, I had given up on trying to make any difference in the fight against fraudocracy. It seemed to be hopeless. But then I overheard two old guys on the bus talking about the trivialities of New York City. Rudely, I interrupted asking them what is wrong with the people of New York City. There was molten steel at the bottom of the WTC after the Zionist false flag terrorist stunt. The new Mayor Bloomberg had promised to get to the bottom of it but then after he was elected told everybody to "forget about it." I asked them what the hell was wrong with new yorkers, are they brainwashed? One old guy said nothing but the other said emphatically: "Yes!" Then they went back to talking to each other about their trivial memories of New York City.

But I don't think that the old guy was right or even honest about it. He obviously was not brainwashed but was afraid to talk about it. This was probably also true of his friend. From their responses I could tell that New York City was under a reign of terror – the same reign of terror which brought down the WTC buildings.

In the documentary September 11 the New Perl Harbor there was a New Yorker being interviewed who had heard explosions in the buildings but was afraid to say the word "explosion" so he used the word "impact" or "whatever it was." Obviously, he was told not to talk about explosions and was afraid that if he used that word that he would get into trouble. If he was a state employee he might loose his job. If he was living in a high rise a "terrorist" might fly into his building bringing it down on his head. He might be charged with a crime that he did not commit. Whatever was going through his mind he was obviously paranoid like the two old guys on the bus.

America is being controlled by corrupt politicians who rule by fraud and fear. This is the fraudocracy. The fearless Christopher Bollyn and his family may have become martyrs in the fight against this fraudocracy (which Bollyn called a "crimeocracy"). They have not been heard from since the great Scamdemic of 2019 began. Hence, it is obvious that the same fraudsters who gave us 911 gave us the scamdemic. They were planning to murder millions of people world wide anyway so they took this opportunity to get rid of the gadfly in their side. For if they were the same people who did the scamdemic they certainly knew that Bollyn would expose their hidden hand.

10,000 Christropher Bollyns Wanted


  Join the Fight Against the Fraudocdracy  


Join the Fight Against the Fraudocracy

Christopher Bollyn and his family may have fallen in the fight against the fraudocracy as has Gary Web. But life must have some meaning, even if it is only to die defending what is right.

Christopher Bollyn's website is a treasure trove of superb investigative journalism that I would encourage everyone interested in joining the fight against the fraudocracy to download and study.

As a primer to this study I would suggest viewing the following video lectures given by Christopher Bollyn:

Tricked into War

Solving 9/11 Ends the War

The Dual-Deception of 9/11 and the Fraudulent "War on Terror"

Listen to Bollyn's website with a free text-to-speech reader

I use this reader almost every time I surf the net. Just navigate to Bollyn's website and copy and paste the text.


  Question the False Opposition  


Question the False Opposition to the Covid 19 Scamdemic

While questioning everything is the way to go, when there is an enormous amount of credible non-biased scientific research supporting an idea one has to wonder about the motivation of people (who should know better) who question its basic premises. The idea is that you should keep an open mind but not so open as to let your brains fall out. If you do the latter you are apt to give succor to the genocidal criminals behind the Great Scamdemic of 2019 who wish to discredit their opposition.

It is obvious that they have countless billions of dollars to fund the fake research to support their diabolic plans for mankind and all kinds of institutions doing scientific work to control the minds of individuals and society at large. There was a RAND study cited by William Cooper that showed that even if people know that the government's story is a lie they will tend to support it if the opposition to the big lie is confused by a false opposition.

Questioning the existence of viruses is as absurd as questioning the Apollo Moon landing and the theory of evolution, the latter of which is supported by so many facts that it really should be called a law or a principle rather than a theory.

For instance, the Ced-9 gene of Caenorhabditis elegans (a roundworm used as a model in developmental biology studies) prevents developmentally programmed cell death (called apoptosis) in this organism. The human homologue of the gene (Bcl2) can substitute for the worm gene in preventing apoptosis in the worm when the worm gene is "knocked out."

Prevention of programmed cell death in
Caenorhabditis elegans by human bcl-2

In other words, the function of apoptosis in animals is so important in animal development that it has been conserved from the common ancestor of roundworms and human beings to the roundworms and human beings of today.

There are enumerable such studies all supporting and none contradicting the law of evolution. The only theories today is how evolution has occurred in various species not whether it has occurred at all.

Evolution is a certainty today because of the work of virologists who isolated genes of viruses that produce enzymes that slice, dice and recombine the genes of their hosts. These enzymes have been used by other biologists to study such processes as evolution, cancer and aging through the use of genetic recombination.

As a result of these genetic engineering studies such incredible advances in the science of biology have occurred that we can now see the prospect of curing diseases once viewed as incurable in the last century and increasing human lifespan indefinitely.

But there are those who are evil who would use these new advances to shorten (not lengthen) the life span of those people who do not look or think like themselves and who have such enormous wealth that they can make there evil schemes a reality.

Concern over the comforting religious beliefs of Christians is not an excuse for lying about unsettling scientific facts. There are both good and evil things in "the bible" that has brought us to such an impasse.

The same book that has brought us the New Testament which proclaims that all men are brothers and that one should love ones enemies as oneself has brought us the Talmud and the Kabbalah which both proclaim that even the best of the gentiles should all be killed.

These sentiments fall into the realm of sociobiology. They have at their roots genetic components which we must understand in order to survive and prosper as a species.


According to pro-bono Rothschild tax collector and snappy dresser David Martin you got your head up yor ass if you suspect the Rothschilds having anything to do with the Scamdemic. It's really them insurance agencies who are behind it, you see.

Dr. David Martin - How Did We Get Here?

You can find funny things while looking up your rectum.

System and Method for Testing for COVID-19: Patent by Richard Rothschild

No one ever claimed that HIV came from a human being having sex with a monkey. HIV came from the trial of the first live polio vaccine which was produced in cell cultures derived from low life chimps whose sexual habits resemble those that are being pushed by the Biden administration designed to further the cause of depopulation and global goy control.

"The Laboratoire Médical de Stanleyville (LMS), which tested CHAT vaccine for safety and coordinated the early African vaccinations, was situated just a few miles from a chimpanzee colony, Lindi camp, which operated from 1956-1960. During those years, more than 500 chimps and pygmy chimps (bonobos) were sacrificed there, mostly in the course of the polio vaccine research. Almost complete secrecy surrounded that research. The only official statements about Lindi camp were brief and anodyne."

The Story of a Man-Made Disease

You know, the kind of goy control going on in Palestine in the state created by the Rothschilds.

Why Does the SARS CoV2 Binding Sites Like Only non-Ashkenazi ACE2 receptors?


  Can You Trust "Science?"  


Can you Trust the Science of the Great Reset? or "The Economic Motivation Behind the Corruption of Science in America"

You may wonder why the wicked Wikipedia called the theories of Charles H. Hapgood in the "Earth's Shifting Crust" "pseudo-science" when their favorite uncle Albert Einstein wrote the forward to this book and was not so excited about an idea since he discovered relativity while reading Poincare's "Science and Hypothesis."

The Earth's Shifing Crust

My opinion of Einstein since learning of his collaboration with Hapgood in the development of Hapgood's theory in the "Earth's Shifting Crust" has increased enormously in the positive direction.

But Einstein was not the only scientist that Hapgood collaborated with in the development of his theory; he used many others. In fact Hapgood's theory was not Hapgood's personal theory at all but a collaborative effort of many scientists across a broad spectrum of disciplines, for Hapgood realized that any important advancement in science is the result of a collaborative effort between many scientists - an idea that Einstein worshipers have yet to figure out.

The wicked Wikipedia opposed Hapgood's idea that the entire crust of the earth could move, I believe, because the logical outcome of this idea (and the data supporting it) is that the ice ages and warm periods on the earth were not due to any warming or cooling on a global scale but due to the movement of the crust of the earth that changed the relative positions of the north and south poles.

This throws out the window the theory that supposed global changes in the earths climate are do to changes in the amount of CO2 in its atmosphere - a theory which the wicked wikipedia supports - and which truely is a pseudo-science.

Can you Trust the Science of the Great Reset? or "The Economic Motivation Behind the Corruption of Science in America"

A global ice age would have caused the extinction of the tropical corals which are extremely sensitive to temperature changes. As the tropical corals have never become extinct this means that their distribution on the earth's crust must have changed as the position of the crust under which they grew changed from a tropical to a more temperorate climatic zone.

The idea is essentially sound and explains much of the fossil record but just how it occurs may be difficult to solve because we have what is called in physics a "3 body problem." The earth revolves around the sun with its location rotating about a point near its surface which is the center of gravity of the moon and the earth as they jointly revolve around the sun together. The forces acting on the crust may be periodic but unpredictable which is what we see in the fossil record with regard to the ice ages. Only Hapgoods theory can make any sense of what is going on if the situation can be resolved at all.


  Bankster Fraudonomics Revealed!  


Bankster Fraudonomics Revealed!

Another pseudo-science is what we might call "the science of scarcity" or "economics." It is divided into 2 branches: One branch is called Keyensian economics dedicated to a Ponzi scam that says "we are all dead in the long run" so lets live it up at the expense of our posterity. Mortgage their future to the banks. They will own nothing and be slap happy about it!

"If the American people ever allow the banks to control the issuance of their currency, first by inflation and then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around them will deprive the people of all property, until their children will wake up homeless on the continent their fathers occupied."

Thomas Jefferson

The other branch of this pseudoscience is called "Austrian economics" or blathernomics which is lucid in only one thing and that is exposing the Keyensian fallacy.

But it uses such repitative and abstruse arguments that you have forgotten what the fallacy was all about as you study the blather and have forgotten your name as you continue to study.

You get only one thing out of such an excercise and that is a hypnotic desire to return to the gold standard with gold being the one and only currency that you should use.

The BF Skinner book "Beyond Freedom and Dignity", widely held to be a blueprint for mass mind control uses a similar pedagogy. Skinner takes a very simple well known idea: that animals will do tricks for treates and beats it to death repeating it ad-nausea in endless vague variations. The school of teaching that Skinner founded is called "programmed learning." "Programmed learning" was found to be a very poor method of teaching but understanding does not appear to be what it is all about.

The book "Economic Concepts a Programmed Approach" purports to use the "Socratic Method" engaging in "frames" or exercises that try to draw out from the student what the programmer puts into his head. It has no index or references which is very odd for a college text book.

And what does the Austrian blathernomics professors try to put into the heads of its students?

"Bring back the good old days of the great depression when bankers with inside knowledge could get a 700% return on their investments by making put options. After you go broke and sell the company you spent a life time building for pennies on the dollar you can always blame your bad luck on the Rothschild stooges in congress and the White House and the Rothschild controlled freemasons who run the US court system for their pleasure."

The great Depression was not caused by a bumbling government that did not know what it was doing. It was caused by a 30% contraction in the gold-backed money supply. The people who caused the Great Depression still have a monopoly on the world's gold supply and frequently meet in London in order to set the world wide price of gold. And who are these people?

According to the Israeli Russian and Jewish Christian Israel Shamir: although Jews constitute only about 2.5 percent of the US population about 50% of the billionaires in the US are Jews. Now, how did that happen? Consider the "anti Semitic" fact about who the perpetual owners of the Federal Reserve are:

Rothschild Bank of London
Warburg Bank of Hamburg
Rothschild Bank of Berlin
Lehman Brothers of New York
Kuhn Loeb Bank of New York
Israel Moses Seif Banks of Italy
Goldman, Sachs of New York
Warburg Bank of Amsterdam
Chase Manhattan Bank of New York
Lazard Brothers Bank of Paris

Let's not get anti-Semitic about it, so why not make that 100% of the billionaires being Jews? After all, blessed are zee homeless for they shall inherit zee shopping carts!

The Austrian school does give references - mainly to other blathernomic textbooks. It gives no references to the "money cranks" which it vaguely cites only to ridicule. It complains about the "German historical school" but gives no references to its arguments.

The reference to the "money cranks" by the Austrian hypnotists is obviously a back-handed slight to Louis Even whose cartoons can teach you more about the bankster fraudonomics than all of their blather put together.

The Money Myth Exploded

It is interesting to note that the bankster Oliver in this story looks like Edward G. Robinson, a Jewish actor who played a mobster in the movie "little Caesar." This was the Hollywood version of the life of Italian mobster Al Capone. At least that was what the movie-goers believed at the time of its release. As usual for Hollywood, it is pure fantasy bearing no relationship to reality much like Hegelian Austrian/Keyensian fraudonomics.

In his The Lost Science of Money, Stephen Zarlenger conclusively demonstrates that what passes for economics today is only the propaganda of the money power; that money does not organically grow out of free trade but is a function of government; that when government disappears money disappears; that usury causes a grossly disproportionate concentration of wealth into the hands of those who control the money; and that those who control the money are the government - all else being the trappings of a fraudocracy.

William Jennings Bryan vs. Nathan Mayer de Rothschild:
Freedom vs. Tyranny

We need a Third American Revolution. We have already had a Second American Revolution on the day that the Rothschild controlled Bank of England regained its sovereignty over its American colonies which have since been renamed as the "United States of America."

"When the Federal Reserve Banks were opened for business on November 16, 1914, Paul Warburg said, "

"This date may be considered as the Fourth of July in the economic history of the United States."

The World Order

So long as we have a few super rich Zionist Jews controlling the creation and value of money via the Federal Reserve we will never see justice done in the case of 9/11, just as justice was never done in the case of the assassinations of John F. Kennedy, his brother and Martin Luther King. Nor will there ever be justice done to the people who orchestrated the Great Scamdemic of the 21st Century.

Nathan Rothschild is infamous for saying that "the time to buy is when blood is running in the streets." But he is also infamous in his contempt for democracy and constitutional government as was his father. He knew full well that true sovereignty is in the hands that have control of the money and credit of society - as did William Jennings Bryan.

Mayer Amshel Rothschild

"Let me but issue and control a nation 's money, and I care not who writes its laws. "

Nathan Rothschild

"I care not what puppet is placed upon the throne of England to rule the Empire on which the sun never sets. The man that controls Britain's money supply controls the British Empire, and I control the British money supply."

William Jennings Bryan

"We believe that the right to coin money and issue money is a function of government. Those who are opposed to this proposition tell us that the issue of paper money is a function of the bank and that the government ought to go out of the banking business.

I stand with Jefferson and tell them, as he did, that the issue of money is a function of the government and that the banks should go out of the governing business.

When we have restored the money of the Constitution, all other necessary reforms will be possible, and until that is done there is no reform that can be accomplished."

Web of Debt: The Shocking Truth about our Money System

Murder By Injection

Secrets of the Federal Reserve

The Rape of Justice: America's Tribunals Exposed

Sovereigns make sovereigns, when they no longer control and make sovereigns they are no longer sovereign. The history books always make a great deal about ideology and political movements shaping world politics but the history books are controlled by publishers who have to answer to the money lenders and what the money lenders do not want in the history books do not get published - at least by the major publishing houses which are controlled by Zionist Jews and Freemasons. This is why Eustace Mullins could not get his book the "Secrets of the Federal Reserve" published for such a long time and was why his book was burned – Nazi style – in Germany after the Nazis were supposedly defeated and dumped into the trash bin of history.


  I have no complaints!  


Are Cellphones the Twonkys of the Fraudocracy?

I remember watching an actor saying on a TV show that there are only about 7 plots used by Hollywood and that these plots are used over and over again. If a robot from the future coming to plague mankind in the present is one of them then surely the Terminator has its origin in the 1953 science fiction comedy "The Twonky."

And since Hollywood plots seem to have become the mainstay of Fraudocracy mind control ("The Lone Gunmen" and 9/11 is an example) then surely the modern cellphones, smart-phones, and other portable communication devices are Twonkys.

"The terrorism in Milchan's film Brazil made in the 1980s shows amazing prescience of our world today. Milchan showed similar prescience of the events of 9-11 in his first film, The Medusa Touch (1978), in which a Boeing 747 crashes into a skyscraper. Later, in 2000, a remotely-hijacked aircraft is flown into the World Trade Center in the pilot episode of "The Lone Gunmen," a television series produced by Arnon Milchan's close friend and business partner, Rupert Murdoch."

Censorship in the 9-11 Truth Movement:

The Twonkys will not let you think out side of the box and if you try to they will zap you so that you will keep saying "I have no complaints" all in the guise of serving you and your everyday needs.

They are constantly watching you with their videocams, listening to what you say with their microphones, and taking notes on every move you make on the Internet. Practically every site that you visit asks you to sign a privacy agreement that legally allows them to spy on you. And if you don't sign it they will spy on you anyway and there is nothing that you can do to detect it.

The result is that you live in a "concentration camp of the mind" as Christopher Bollyn used to say and you don't even know it! You have no complaints in the modern day superstate!

The Twonky


  I have no complaints!  


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