Resolved: The US Government Shall be a Fraud 


Resolved: The US Government Shall be a Fraud

Posted 2/22/25
Last Update 3/3/25

There was a very funny commercial that used to come on TV now and then with a fat guy saying "calories are our friends." Well the government fraudocrats are not our friends because there is not a one of them who has challenged the 7 trillion dollar (and counting) big lie of 911 and phony War on Terror that 911 was designed to kick off. Nor have I heard of anyone besides the heroic Robert F. Kennedy Junior challenge the fake scamdemic that the fraudocrats used to throw away trillions more dollars resulting in the murder of countless Americans as well as countless people world wide all just to keep the fed's fraud machine running and its population control freaks happy.

Robert Kennedy Jr. just barely squeaked through his conformation hearings despite the fact that a poll on Youtube said that 80 percent of people thought that he would be confirmed. Very strange because the American people know for a fact that the US government does not represent them. But not so strange when you realize that this is how the American people would have had their representatives vote. But the US government has thrown away the US Constitution and now rules by fraud.

Library of Congress scholar and former resident of that institution Eustace Mullins informs us that there used to be a sign hanging up on the wall in the US Congress saying "nothing for nothing." Even though like the Freemasonic Georgia Guidestones that sign has disappeared it is still evidence that the US has in fact, been unconstitutionally changed from a republic into a corporation after the Civil War by a bunch of Freemasons and that the passage of the unconstitutional Federal Reserve Act was an act of treason that ratified that change with a quorum of only 4 congressmen being present.

Federal Reserve's Mandate: A Four Vote Quorum

In other words, that sign tells us that the US government is no longer a constitutional government "of the people by the people and for the people" but a corporation "of the money by the money and for the money" as is the typical corporation set up by state law.

Eustace Mullins on the Federal Reserve and IRS Frauds

The Corporation of the United States has its corporate officers re-elected with its old and new stockholders contributing to the corporation every 2, 4 and 6 years but its stockholders are themselves beholden to the Federal Reserve because the Federal Reserve holds their notes. It holds everyone's notes because everyone is using the Federal Reserve's debt back money which is not money at all but notes of debt which can never be paid back and can only grow because no money is printed to cover the interest on the notes.

Surveys Show US Citizens Appose 85% of the Policies of US Government

These paper notes are backed up by paper bonds. This is not only illegal but high treason for the US constitution says that the US money supply can only be made up of gold and/or silver coins which only the US Congress has the power to regulate (by controlling the supply of the coins) not a private bank. The US constitution requires this because the predecessor of the Federal Reserve - the Bank of England - ruined the Continental by counterfeiting it as an act of war. And the Federal Reserve in the same way with its minions in Congress has been at war with the US constitution ever since it was illegally foisted upon the people of the United States in 1913 and swindled the United States Government out of its hard money supply and stole all of the gold of the American people at gunpoint. The US is a bankrupt corporation being liquidated under maritime law.

Bankruptcy of The United States of America (pdf)

Bankruptcy of The United States of America (audio)

While it is true that a currency is a substitute for real money, real money is also a substitute. It is a substitute for real goods and services - a substitute for barter and the value of peoples' labor. If it was not possible for real money to be used to swindle people out of the value of their labor and property we would not be in the predicament we are now.

This is the point that Stephen Zarlenger addresses in his

Lost Science of Money.

But his recommendations for reform are fraught with danger for to implement them he would have us ignore the constitution which is the only safeguard left to the American people. Any reform which is valid would have to change the US constitution and this could result in an even worse predicament than we are in today for the whole system has been corrupted.

The seed of that corruption is in the Freemasonic orders which gave us the American Revolution. Almost all our founding fathers were Freemasons. Freemasonry started out as an engine of money lenders to overthrow feudal societies and replace them with capitalist societies that required debt to function. Secrecy in government has to be eliminated even as the privacy rights of citizens are restored.

It is a long and complicated story but it boils down to the much admired Imperialism of ancient Greece and Rome and their use of terrorism and tax collection as a means of empire building.

Terrorism is and has always been a strategy of empire building. It is a way a small population can subjugate a large population to the will of its would be conquerors and to maintain that control once the large population has been subdued. It is no coincidence that imperial Great Britain calls the people of its empire "subjects."

Nor is it a coincidence that Roman law made a distinction between Roman citizens and the peoples within the conquered nations of the Roman Empire. Capital punishment meant decapitation for a Roman citizen but crucifixion for everyone else.

The United States, like Rome (whose architecture adorns Washington DC), has been transformed by its money lenders from a republic into an Imperial state which has been and is still using false flag terrorism as a means of its own empire building.

To change the system we need to recognize these facts. Reform must come at all levels and all branches of government. We aught not to throw the baby out with the bathwater. Constitutional reform has to come after institutional reform otherwise we will throw the baby out and keep the bathwater.

We aught also to change our relations with other nations in the recognition of the causes of empire building - the stresses caused by over population which forces people to emigrate and conquer the nations which resist their immigration.

There is nothing wrong with overpopulation. It is the result of economic success and the reason why the human race encompasses the entire globe. Rather than committing suicide it is better for the people in the cities of the world to learn to create their own clean recycling environments, even growing their own food, so that they can exist in the most inhospitable of environments such as Antarctica.

Then some day the descendants of these cities may become like the people on Noah's ark carrying human life and life on earth to the farthest stars of the galaxy and even the Universe.

The Moon is Like a Boat (a stepping stone to the stars)

Great Scott! Tips from Frank Costello and Eustace Mullins!

Then again, city life is not for me. I can't understand how people can stand to live in boxes in the sky. The county where I live named a road after a big shot Scott by the name of McNab. The city where I live named a park after him (he donated the land to the city). I used to live a half a block down the street from his house and used to play with a kid from his extended family by the name of Charley. Charley made a tree house in one of his huge ficus trees in his back yard. While playing in the tree house with Charley, I accidentally knocked over a flower pot which fell down, hit Charley on the head and knocked him out.

I feel pretty bad about that. Anyway, they moved the McNab house down a few blocks toward the beach so that they could build a "luxury condominium" where it used to stand."You got to be kidding" I thought to myself. I remember being in one of those high rises on the beach. The ceiling was so low that it gave me claustrophobia. I put a dent in the front fender of my car trying to get out of the damn parking lot on the first floor. I can just imagine the ghost of old man McNab wondering around the now empty lot saying "where is my house?, What have you done with my house?" in a Scottish accent.

When I think about the high rises that are going up around my area just waiting for all of those Hispanics to immigrate into them I begin to think about the Hispanic ghetto that they may become in the future and how Fred Sanford did not get along with his Puerto Rican neighbor. I think about my Puerto Rican friends I had when I was a kid and how beautiful the Puerto Rican girls looked to me in my 20s when I went to visit our old home in Vineland. I think abot how my brother lost all of his money in a Atlantic City casino.

My brother and I went to Atlantic City to see the Board Walk. He won some money playing against the one armed bandits. I told him to stop while he was ahead because I knew that the odds were against him and he would lose it all if he kept playing. He did not take my advice and kept playing until he lost all of his winnings and the one armed bandit emptied his pockets.

Slot Machine Fever

My father did well in the very risky business of being a produce broker. He was the son of a farming Italian immigrant who use to tell him "you need spaghetti to fill your belly not bullshit." So he went into a business where he knew the most about what the odds of success were - i.e. how fast and under what conditions would peaches, zucchini, and eggplant rot - the produce business.

He also had a very good sense of probability. He always beat me at gin and poker. I know that the cards were not marked but when it came to the race track I wonder. He studied the race track programs published by the guy who owned TV Guide - Walter Annenberg who was the son of Moses Annenberg - the "father of organized crime in Chicago." So you could say that Walter's brother was Al Capone in a manner of speaking. Any way, after studying these programs my father would go to the trotters and come back with big wads of cash.

I found a penny in my father's room with the name "Frank Costello" engraved on its polished surface in fancy letters where Abe Lincoln should have been.

This defacement of US coinage was, of course, a violation of the US code but Costello knew that FBI director J. Edgar Hoover would do nothing about it. Hoover got his Costello pennies (tips) through Walter Winchell (the Jewish guy who used to do the narrations for the TV series "The Untouchables").

Costello did not want to give Hoover his tips directly because in Costello's words

"they'll accuse me of consort'n with questionable characters."

Hoover was a cross-dresser, you know.

"The Untouchables" Narrated by Walter Hand out the Race Track Tips Winchel

No matter how I looked I could not find that coin so I surmise that the famous "race track tips" given out by Costello that you so often hear about were actually pennies with the face of Lincoln removed and replaced by the name of "Frank Costello" engraved in fancy letters in its place. A gambler would buy the tip from a bookie (or get it for free from Walter Winchell if he happened to be the director of the FBI) and then take the tip to a betting booth where a teller would tell him which horse in the Annenberg program would win the race if it was fixed. Just how many Costello pennies went into circulation I do not know but they must be quite a collectors item today.

My father used to say that the government was the biggest racket around so he may have known that Hoover was on the take. He also liked Mussolini because Mussolini made faces during his speeches that made him laugh. He defended Mussolini's invasion of Ethiopia by saying the British were colonialists too. He might have added the French and Americans as well - thanks to Napoleon and the Spanish American War. Now we have Iraq and Syria as part of our evil empire!

He was very loving and kind but did not believe in sparing the strap when correcting little monsters like me and my brother whenever our mother ratted on us about throwing chairs at each other,

You can see a tinge of sybling rivalry in the center photo below, taken on February 2, 1962 - my brother is on the left, I am on the right. On either side you can watch my brother morphing into a werewolf in Newberries on Landis Avenue in Vineland New Jersey (top to bottom and left to right). Not sure when these series of photos were taken but the moon must have been full at the time.

When ever I see the actor Jose Ferrer on TV his face seems familiar. My father once told me when he was in his 70s "do you think that I always looked like this?" In going over the old photos of my family I just realized that my father looked like Jose Ferrer when he was in his 40s (He married at 40 and was 20 years older than my mother).

The photo on the left is my father standing in a garden in 1939 or 1940. The photo in the middle was probably taken in 1950 since I am not in it but my brother is and my brother was born in 1950.

From left to right is my father, my mother, my sister, my brother. "uncle Joe" (Joe Dalessandro - really my cousin son of Lena Dalessandro - my father's sister), holding my brother when he was a baby and aunt Rose (Rose Scarpa).

The photo on the right below was taken in 1937 in a pineapple farm in Florida one year after my father began buying produce in 1936.

This photo was taken in 1973. My father at 65 is on the left, his sister Lena (age 80) is on his left and aunt Rose (age 63) is on aunt Lena's left.

Aunt Lena could barely speak English. Aunt Rose had a thick New Jersy accent. Betty Davis did a very good impersonation of my aunt Rose in one of her movies. She may have thought that she was speaking in a New York accent but she was actually speaking in a New Jersey accent.

In the 50s I used to do a pretty good Jimmy Durante impersonation which my father got a kick out of.

I believe that Walter Annenberg (the guy who published TV Guide and the race track phamplets that my father studied) had a hand in the firing of Jack Parr as a favor to his friend Richard Nixon who appointed Annenberg to be an ambassador to Great Britain. TV Guide featured a story about Parr crying on his TV show (He was the second host to the Tonight Show after Steve Allen). Shortly after this Parr was gone and replaced by Johnny Carson.

I believe this because Nixon's "Committee to Re-elect the President" (CREEP as it was called) was engaged in dirty tricks against Senator Edmund Muskie who was the moderate alternative to George McGovern who CREEP wanted Nixon to run against. McGovern's military cuts would not just cut the fat but cut into the muscle of the US defense budget - said Hubert "proud as punch" Humphrey.

CREEP made Muskie cry by circulating a nasty story about his wife. In responding Muskie said that his wife was a "good woman" and then he began to cry on camera. Real men "don't cry" you know. Neither do big girls according to the song.

Parr was fired because after his interview with Nixon and Nixon had left the stage Parr started to say - "tricky, tricky." Nixon's enemies gave him the nickname "tricky Dick." is an excretion of the "Annenberg Foundation" - an organization set up by Walter Annenberg to smooth over the public image of his father, Moses Annenberg, credited with being the founder of organized crime in Chicago. Moses worked for William Randolf Hearst. He was charged with increasing the circulation of Hearst newspapers in Chicago. Annenberg did so by roughing up paper boys who worked for Hearst's competitors. So Factcheckers is definitely working in the tradition of Walter's father by taking kickbacks from the Vaccine industry and in helping Bill Gates rub out the useless eaters.

Not that the "Annenberg Foundation" has done no good. It has brought us "The Mechanical Universe" and "The Mechanical Universe and Beyond" - which could be called "sleepy time physics 1" and "sleepy time physics 2" as they are more effective in putting you to sleep than in teaching you physics.

This is a safe and effective alternative to our deadly "health care" and pharmaceutical industries - brought to you by the same folks who bring you your fraudocratic government.

"Doc Simmons' lucrative dominance of the American Medical Association led him into numerous sidelines. In 1921, he established the Institute of Medicine in Chicago. This apparently was nothing more than a holding company for his bribes. He had also been enjoying the perquisites of the American success story, a buxom mistress installed in a luxurious Gold Coast apartment.

Scoundrel that he was, Simmons was not content to flaunt this liason to his wife; he also became increasingly cruel in his determination to get rid of her. He then embarked on a classic ploy, the physician attempting to dispose of an unwanted wife by plying her with narcotics, trying to convince her that she is going insane, and hopefully, driving her to suicide. After some months of this

treatment, his wife fought back by filing suit against him. A highly publicized trial in 1924 ended in his wife's testimony that he had given her heavy doses of narcotics, prescribed on the strength of his "medical experience," and then began proceedings to have her declared insane.

She testified in court that he had tried to have her framed on a charge of insanity. This trial inspired more than a dozen subsequent books, plays, and movies based on the story of a physician who tries to drive his wife insane through a campaign of ministration of drugs and psychological terrorism. The most famous was "Gaslight," in which Charles Boyer played the role of "Doc" Simmons to perfection, the luckless wife being played by Ingrid Bergman."

Murder By Injection (pdf)

Murder By Injection (audio)


Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Chapter 4

Chapter 5

Chapter 6

Chapter 7

Chapter 8

Chapter 9

Chapter 10

See also:

Big City Newspapers and the Mob - An Example: The Chicago Tribune

Annenberg-A Biography of Power

Citizen Hearst

Mullin's books make a very convincing argument that all of our institutions are geared to funnel money, wealth, and power into the hands of the same elites who control the American institutions which control medicine, science, education, law, media, and government by controlling the money and credit of banking institutions. Money today is just another form of credit with no backing other than the debt which the elites control. Although he may not be correct in some trivial points the over all thrust of his books gives us an incredibly revealing insight into how the fraudocracy works.

Resolved: the CFR (Counsel on Foreign Relations) Shall Run America and Control US Foreign Policy

Before the US government went to fight its endless wars for Israel and control of the world's oil supply in the middle east the CFR was calling for the overthrow of Saddam Hussein (a former employee of the CIA who was very friendly to the US governmment but who stood in the way of the Greater Israel meglomaniacs in the US and Israel and the British commonwealth - Rothschild protectorates all).

As anyone in Washington DeCeipt can tell you the CFR runs the US government for the international banksters who own the Federal Reserve. "Think tanks" (more properly called stink tanks) are set up as corporations to influence it. This is how a handful of "neocons" hijacked American foreign policy, murdered millions of people in the middle east and robbed the American people of 7 trillion dollars (and counting) all against the whishes of the American people.

"After I started The Hamilton Securities Group, I was approached by Nick Brady, still Secretary of Treasury, to serve as a Governor of the Federal Reserve. When I declined, John Sununu, then White House Chief of Staff, had me appointed to the board of Sallie Mae, the corporation that helps to provide financing for student loans. While on the board of Sallie Mae, I was taken aside by the Chairman who explained that it was essential for me to ask Nick to sponsor me for membership in the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR). When I said that this was not something I felt comfortable doing, he said, quite alarmed in a generous and caring manner,
"You don't understand, if you don't join the Council, you will be out for good."

Hamilton Securities Group

Foundations and Tax Free institutions serve the needs and wants of the elites who run the CFR and through it the US government. They and the media monopoly that they control try to control the minds of the US public so that it will buy into the notion that they are living in a consitutional republic and not a fraudocracy - a fraudocracy that has given us all of the major wars and revolutions of the last century; all of its recessions and depressions; all of the cult movements including the "Counter Culture" of the 1960s; The fake "wars on drugs" of the last century and fake "war on terrorism" of this century. Not to mention the Great Population Control Scamdemic which threatens all of mankind today.

Chickens, Eggs, and Population Control Freaks

Exhibit CIA

During the 60s the CIA not only gave LSD to unwitting subjects its agents took trips themselves and gave "LSD parties." The entire 60s counter culture can be thought of as a CIA mind control experiment.

Timothy Leary's CIA Personality Test

Was Timothy Leary a CIA Agent?


"documents indicated that Leary had received money channeled by the CIA through various government agencies. The files showed that, in all, there were eight government grants paid to Leary from 1953 to 1958, most of them paid through the National Institute of Mental Health, now known to have "fronted" for the CIA in the MKULTRA program.

Timothy Leary: Spy Who Came in From the Mold

The first time that I heard the word "psychedelic" was circa 1965. I was in 9th grade. A girl from Texas was drawing hypnotic wheels on the desk and told the guy sitting next to her "it's "psychedelic."

Little did I (or most anyone else of my generation) know the significance of this trivial event. My generation would soon be caught up in a vast media/government mind control experiment to keep the Vietnam War going for as long as possible to avoid the collapse of the Federal Reserve's debt-based economy.

It was 1962 when there was a stock market crash bigger than the 1929 crash that triggered the Great Depression (even when corrected for inflation). In fact, Joe Kennedy Sr., the father of the soon to be assassinated president John F. Kennedy was expecting such a crash and for this reason was called "the Bear" by his family.

Timothy Leary, the counter culture guru of that era worked for the CIA. When it came out that Leary's personality test (The Leary Wheel) was being used by the CIA the "clown prince of the anti-war movement" Abbie Hoffman expressed dismay, calling Leary a "false prophet" as if he did not know that leary was CIA. He quickly added "the CIA makes the best LSD!" as the punch line." Of course Hoffman, was working for the agency as well helping to elect Nixon at the Chicago Democratic National Convention riots and during the the Chicago 7 Trial.

Timothy Leary: The Spy Who Came in From the Mold

Above false opposition leader Abbe Hoffman gets a haircut with a pair of srubbery shears. In the 1960s my father always took me and my brother to an Italian barber to get our haircuts for about 2 bucks. The barber told a story about a long haired hippie coming into his shop for a hair cut. The hippie said "how much for a haircut." The barber said "100 dollars" and the hippie walked out. My father's bookeeper's wife said that the hippies were "dirty and smelly." All of this distain for the hippies was linked to the anti-war movement, of course, and after the CIA institgated Manson murders the distain changed to fear accourding to Hans Utter.

But I started to get suspicious after watching a news program covering as story about a little girl who was crying because she saw a picture of John Lennon which she mistook for Charles Manson.

I had heard about news people with their cameras waiting for the anti-war protesters to show up for their staged demonstrations.

Now I wonder if John Lennon was really assassinated as he and his Beatles were obvioulsy recruited for CIA mind control operations in the US. There is no where other than the CIA that the Beatles could have gotten their LSD (Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds) and Yoko Ohno seems to have had a fling with Hillary the CIA agent Clinton.

The movie Let Him Be claims that Lennon is still alive and living in Canada. While this seems far-fetched the film portrays the older Lennon (as supposedly played by a Lennon impersonator) as somewhat of a dirt bag - Just the sort of person that the little crying girl in the staged news TV program had portrayed Lennon to be.

To be or not to be? That is the question! One website shows a picture of John Lennon with his real CIA assassin (the doorman Gualdo Hidalgo according to Salvidor Astucia) and another guy all smiling and horsing around together.

This site suggests that the lead actor in "Let him Be" is actually the son of John Lennon! Whether John Lennon's son with Yoko is actually Paul McCartney's son is also in doubt. I have seen two people on the internet purporting to be John Lennon's son. One looks like McCartney and the other looks like Lennon. So what gives? CIA director William Casey's confusing disinfo swamp? That's what you pay the CIA for you know - to confuse you! An octopussy always spews out black ink when it trys to get away. Live and Let die, you all!

But we have documents and the freedom of information act you say! Have you checked the ink on those purported documents and does the age of the ink match the time of events which are being investigated? The CIA churns out documents for disinformation purposes all the time.

It is doubtful that there can be any valid investigation of the JFK assassination because the incriminating documents have probably all been burned. FBI director J. Edgar Hoover's secretary was instructed to burn the files kept on Eustace Mullins who filed a lawsuit against the government for trying to put him in a mental institution as it had done with his mentor Ezra Pond.

One of the first acts of J. Edgar Hoover was to burn the books of Congressman Charles Lindbergh for opposing the US entry into World War I and exposing the banksters who were behind the war and the entry of the US into it.

"Opponents of Wilson's action were often beaten and imprisoned. Eugene Debs was sentenced to a long prison term. Congressman Charles Lindbergh ran for Governor of Minnesota on a platform opposing our participation in the war. The New York Times regularly ran scathing denunciations of his campaign. On June 9,1918, it noted,
"According to Mr. Lindbergh the Liberty Loan is an instrument devised by the money sharks. It seems inexcusable that any person allowed to be at large in the United States could entertain or express such a view of this..."

Salisbury neglects to mention that a squad of Federal agents from the Bureau of Investigation, led by J.Edgar Hoover on his first important action, attacked Lindbergh and his family, dragged out all the copies of Lindbergh's Your Country at War, and burned them on the lawn; when young Charles rushed forward to stomp out the fire, Hoover knocked him down. "

The World Order (pdf)

The World Order (Audio)
chapter 1
chapter 2a
chapter 2b
chapter 2c
chapter 3
chapter 4
chapter 5a
chapter 5b
chapter 6a
chapter 6b
chapter 7
chapter 8a
chapter 8b
chapter 8c
chapter 8d
chapter 9

It is doubtful that there can be any valid investigation of the JFK assassination because the incriminating documents have probably all been burned. FBI director J. Edgar Hoover's secretary was instructed to burn the files kept on Eustace Mullins who filed a lawsuit against the government for trying to put him in a mental institution as it had done with his mentor Ezra Pound. He won the suit on default but did not even try to collect because the government was so corrupt. Why bother? The government is a fraud!

The CIA organized the Chicago Rights Via Radio

Whose heads are up whose asses? Pro-bono IRS tax collectors for the Rothschild owned Federal -Reserve would have us believe it is the "conspiracy theorists" as the Wallstreet CIA shills are wont to say. But the kookiest conspiracy theories are all coming from them.

"The fascist are seeding the clouds, man"

say the laughing freaks in the Woodstock movie.

In 1971 and 1972 it seems like the only song that they played on the Broward Jr. College cafeteria Jukebox was the theme from the Woodstock movie.

Every time I entered that cafeteria I would hear "by the time I got to Woodstock."

By the time I got to Florida Atlantic University my best friend who was expelled from my high school Russian class for having long hair and wearing a shaw had committed suicide or so they say.

He had a bad case of asthma and I visited him in the hospital where the air in his room smelled like it was full of pneumonia germs.

It was proably the histamine being released from the patients in the hospital who had caught pneumonia in the hospital because I found it hard to breath not just my friend's room but also in the elevator as well due to a funny smell in the air. There is no such thing as a "hospital born infection" according to the hospitals as our Pathogenic Microbiology professor at FAU used to say.

My friend could have died from an asthma attack brought on by LSD and/or Marijuana. Or he could have been murdered by a drug dealer. I don't know. As Robert Kennedy told his son "people lie."

The Secret History of FM Radio Part 4

I was sort of an oddball back then. I voted for McGovern not because of the Vietnam War or because I liked his holding out a thousand dollar bribe to Americans to get them to vote for him or his big lie about backing his nerotic running mate Eagleton 1000% but because Nixon was continuing the military aid to West Packistan in its genocidal war against East Packistan.

It seemed to me odd that the "peacenick" demonstrators never mentioned this nor the children being burned by napalm in Vietnam. When they chanted "Hey, hey LBJ, how many kids did you kill today" they were talking about 19 and 20 year old adult American men not Vietnamese children. It also seemed to me that they were more for a communist victory in South Vietnam than for peace per se. All this makes more sense to me now scince I have learned about the "false opposition" or "controlled opposition" as some call it.

I have also completely change my mind about Nixon. He was not a "cold warrior." He was the point man in going after Joe McCarthy for the Eisenhower administration. McCarthy's big sin was exposing the Wallstreet communist connection and how the elites wanted to use communism as a means of enslaving the world. Cuba is their sugar plantation and the old Soviet Union was their means of endless debt-driven economics - a creation of by and for the banksters.

Nixon's "secret plan to end the Vietnam War" was really a plan to extend the Vietnam war for the Banksters - which is why it had to be kept secret.

I now believe that Nixon's "war on drugs" was just as phony as Reagan's "war on drugs." In both cases the "war on drugs" was a smokescreen for CIA drug smuggling and a means of keeping the drug smugglers' mouths' shut when it came to talking about the government's involvement in the narcotics trade.

When Nixom said that the CIA owes him one I think he was talking about his war on drugs which just happened to result in the death of the guy who blew out the brains of JFK with an exploding bullet.

In the 1950s movie "Suddenly" Frank Sinatra played the part of Lee Harvey Oswald only Sinatra's character was not a patsy. The cop played by Sterling Haden told Sinatra that the contractors who hired him will have to kill him so that he would not be able to finger them if he got caught.


And this was, in fact, what happened to the man who killed JFK as the result of Nixon's "War on Drugs."

"Michel Nicoli was the man who corroborated Christian David's claim, in The Men Who Killed Kennedy, that Lucien Sarti and two other "unnamed" Corsican assassins shot and killed President Kennedy; and that Sarti, while dressed as a police officer standing behind the picket fence on the grassy knoll, shot Kennedy in the head using an exploding bullet."

Opium Lords Israel, the Golden Triangle and the Kennedy Assassination

Mary Meyer, the ex-wife of CIA boss Cord Meyer got JFK to take LSD in an effort to get control of him because he was "getting out of hand." She was one of the many witnesses killed after JFK was assassinated right on time for lunch. And thus ended the life of the man who put mankind on the moon.

Dying on Time

Evidently, the LSD mind control of JFK did not work but it did work on a lot of people from my generation.

CIA Hippie Mind Control- Inside Laurel Canyon

MK Ultra Cults Created by the CIA

Dr. Hans Utter "Laying the Dead to Rest, Part 1: Occult Networks in the Holosonic Control Matrix"

Dr. Hans Utter "Laying the Dead to Rest, Pt 2: Legends, Narrative Warfare, & Hippie Psychopolitics"

Dr. Hans Utter "Laying the Dead to Rest, Pt 3: Alchemical Processing: Engineering the Social"

Dr. Hans Utter "Laying the Dead to Rest Pt 4: Occult Transhumanism, Ritual Technology & World Brain"

Exhibit CIA


 Chickens, Eggs and Population Control Freaks 


Chickens, Eggs, and Population Control Freaks 2/3/25

The website that will be publishing (i.e. will be primarily based on the information about the frauds that the US government and mass media have been perpetrating on the American people and people around the world for the last one hundred years and more.

Although it may take some time in preparation, I plan to make

"The Georgia Guidestones: Killing us Softly with Graphene"

the first open forum topic on As any sociobiologist knows, people have genes for self survival and genes for group survival which makes them social animals.

However, the super-population-control-freaks among us seem to be lacking the genes for group survival, at least in terms of the survival of the human species as a whole. Like the monsters from mars which they used to kick off World War II.

The War of the Worlds Brought to You By the Columbia Broadcasting Station and Princeton University's "Instilling Public Panic Research Department."

I am, of course, speaking of the real the "Creature from Jekyll Island" not the rip off of Eustace Mullin's book that the Creature got one if its worshippers to produce.

Here Eustace Mullins explains why "Nuremberg Trials" for the scamdemic conspirators are a Bad Idea as Long as the criminal conspiracy known as the "Federal Reserve Sytem" still exists.

Eustace Mullins on How the Federal Reserve Works

They must see themselves as a separate and competing species with the rest of mankind much like the Chabad Lubavichers who seem to have a firm grip on the governments of the world through these same super-rich population control freaks.

So my genes for group survival must, at times, take precedence over my genes for personal self survival for I see in my research on the molecular biology of aging and regeneration that my personal survival depends a great deal on the survival of the honest scientists seeking to extend human life who are in competition with the dishonest pseudo-scientists who are working to shorten human life for all those people who are not in the super-population-control-freak/Chabad Lubavicher camp.

What is also at stake are the lives of billions of people all over the world (I do like company you know) not to mention their freedom and their rights of self-determination.

Like Martin Luther King, I have a dream. In my dream I see giants walking the earth. They are as big as giganto of Marvel comics fame only they are in the shape of the good year blimp giant - made of tires of various diameters.

They have the faces of Bill Gates, Warren Buffet and the faces of various billionaire media mogols who have control over the Internet search engines and are the owners of the 5-6 corporations which control 98% of all of the print and electronic media in the United States and perhaps also the world.

They are all laughing diabolically as syringes rain down from the skys; the giants are all saying "die insects, die" while people are being skeward; injected with the monsters' graphene laden poisons.

Of course, this dream is a nightmare for all but the chosen ones who are above the law; who can create panics with fake radio broadcasts such as the War of the Worlds broadcast that preceded the entry of the US into World War II brought to You by the Columbia Broadcasting Station and Princeton University's Instilling Public Panic Research Department

That hoax was the doing of the control freaks of yester-year just as the great Scamdemic hoax was the doing of the control freaks of today. Yester-years control freaks would have us beieve that their War of the Worlds radio broadcast hoax was the invention of Orson Wells whom they portrayed to the world as being the young prodigy who orchestrated the whole thing.

Orson Wells Conducts the Princeston Panic Attack

I have accumulated information about their fraudocracy and their conspiracies over the past 18 years and more.

I have found that the people who complain the most about "conspiracy theories" are the whores who are employed by the super-rich conspirators who pay their salaries. They continue to complain even after their super-rich conspirator benefactors admit that they are conspirators - such as when David Rockefeller admitted that he was for a one world government and was proud of it and when George Soros admitted that he "fits the stereotype of the Judeao-plutocratic Bolshevick Zionist world conspirator." And deny that vaccines are being used for population control even after Bill Gates has admitted it to the world.

"Now, the world today has 6.8 billion people is headed up to about 9 billion. Now, if we do a really great job on new vaccines health care, reproductive health services we could lower that by perhaps 10 or 15%...Normalcy only returns when we have largely vaccinated the entire global population."

Bill Gates

Even as I write this their main stream cesspool is complaining about the rise in egg prices.

Their homocidal minions are claiming that the high egg prices has something to do with the hens not being injected with vaccines.

(According to one internet poll about 30% of the people asked said that they would be willing to kill people for money. Evidently this group is being employed by the mass media. This strange phenomenon, I believe, to be a consequence of our corrupt political-economic system.)

But the fact that chicken prices have not gone up while well proves that the high egg prices are due to the chickens being given some kind of feed that is lowering their fertility in an effort to lower the fertility of the people who eat the chicken.

The arrogant above-the-law-population-control-freak Bill Gates has bought up farmland all over the country with his ill-gotten billions and his Monsanto GMO corn grown on "round up ready" herbicide has been reducing the supply of beef and pork by causing miscarriages in cattle and pigs in an effort to reduce the fertility of the humans who eat the beef and pork as well as the corn. And of course, no one has complained about pigs and cows not being vaccinated.

Dr. Huber on GMO & Roundup Ready: Infertility & Health Part 1

Dr. Huber on GMO & Roundup Ready: Infertility & Health Part 2

The GMO corn, like the mRNA that is supposedly in the Covid shots, is actually a distraction. It is the herbacide that the corn is supposedly more resistant to than natural corn that is the real cause of the infertility and of the corn's carcinogenicity.

From what I have found out about the mRNA/Covid scamdemic I now wonder if there really is any difference between Monsanto's "GMO corn" and any other natural corn. These people are not scientists. They are hucksters and charlatans.

Once upon a time corn eating contests involved eating real corn. People who got sick only when they ate too much as in one Real McCoy episode from the 1950s.

But now in the world created by the idealistic genetic engineers of the 1980s who were going to make the world better by "growing steaks on trees", making insulin cheap for diabetics and growth hormone cheap for dwarfs by tricking a gut bacteria (Escherichia coli) into producing these substances in vats we now have a growing hysteria on the internet concerning GM (genetically modified) crops and GMOs (genetically modified organisms).

Wal-Mart Selling GMO Corn Without Labeling It So

A French study found massive tumors and organ damage in rats fed with GM corn.

French Study Finds Massive Tumors in rats fed GM corn.

While this study is not without its critics

Study on Monsanto GM Corn Concerns Draws Skepticism

and some of the previous claims of anti-GM food advocates have been "debunked"

Debunked: Monsanto canteens (cafeterias) serve non-GMO foods

GMO Crops: Facts vs. Hysteria

the evidence for the production of tumors and sterility in animals fed with GM corn is convincing because the substances which cause both these conditions have been isolated and characterized and found to be in Monsanto's GMO corn.

Tetrahydrofurandiols (THF-diols), Leukotoxindiols (LTX-diols), and Endocrine Disruption in Rats

Regulation of the Nitric Oxide Pathway Genes by Tetrahydrofurandiols: Microarray Analysis of MCF-7 Human Breast Cancer Cells

These 2 chemicals found in GM corncob husks/fodder which people do not consume but which are fed to hogs by farmers contain tumor promoters - chemicals which promote the growth of cancer cells and in this case also interfere with steroid metabolism Hence they induce a decline in fertility in the farm animals that eat them.

This does not prove that the GM plants made these toxins. It could be that these tetrahydrofurans were in the herbicide known as "Roundup" which is sold as a package to farmers by Monsanto along with the "Roundup Ready" plants which are supposedly genetically engineered to be resistant to the herbicide.

Genetically modified maize

The active ingredient in "Roundup" is glyphosate, a herbicide which inhibits the synthesis of aromatic amino acids in weeds. It interferes with the enzyme EPSP synthase. "Roundup ready" plants are supposedly more resistant because they supposedly have a bacterial gene which produces a glyphosate resistant EPSP synthase.


EPSP synthase

Besides causing the disruption of steroid metabolism glyphosate is also converted into a carcinogenic nitrosamine in the soil by bacteria. Thus it is a complete carcinogen. It both causes the mutations that lead to cancer and selectively promotes the growth of cancer cells.

N-Nitrosamine formation in soil from the herbicide glyphosate

Both glyphosate an the nitrosamine are absorbed by plants.

Uptake of glyphosate and N-nitrosoglyphosate from soil by oat plants


Thus, it could be that the Tetrahydrofurans are in the herbicide, produced by soil bacteria, or it could be that the glyphosate is inducing the production of tetrahydrofurans in the corn plants themselves - suggesting that the Tetrahydrofurans might be produced just as much in non - GM corn plants as in GM corn plants.

In other words, the problem is not with the GM corn plant but with the herbicide that the GM corn plant is supposedly designed to tolerate.

There is nothing new about genetic engineering. Nature has been doing it for billions of years. That is how sex evolved. And that is how new varieties of corn are produced and have been produced for thousands of years.

Corn have genes which jump from one chromosome to another. They are called "jumping genes." So corn genetically engineers itself. Man only selects those varieties that he likes. Corn started out the size of a grain of wheat when the American Indians started to cultivate it. They selectively bread it to the large ears of corn that we have today.

We would not be here if a primitive bacteria did not find an anaerobic microbe to be a good place to live That bacteria is called a mitochondria. The mitochondria are the "power houses" of our cells. They provide us with the energy we need to live and enough energy to grow from a single cell to a multicelluar organism containing millions of cells. At one time they were free living but now their genes are entirely under the control of their host organism - us.

The same thing can be said about green plants and their chloroplasts which provide the mechanism by which plants make their own food and ours.

The chloroplasts were originally blue green bacteria which lived symbiotically with their host - eventually coming under its genetic control - a form of natural "genetic engineering."

The process is still going on. The roots of legumes (delicious goober peas, beans ect.) contain bacteria which have found a good place to live. The legumes feed the bacteria and the bacteria fix nitrogen for the legumes. Perhaps, some day, these nitrogen fixing bacteria will become an organelle within the legume plant itself.

Monsanto is the company that makes the "GMO corn." It also is the company that made the infamous "Agent Orange" used to defoliate forests in South Vietnam during the Vietnamese War. Agent Orange was a toxic poison that caused death, disease and birth defects in all of the people who were exposed to it including the US soldiers who spread it on the forests. What kind of people would buy stock in that kind of company? The population control freaks, that's who.

Goldman Sachs says "Buy Monsanto!"

An Open Letter to Shareholders of Monsanto

Thursday, January 12, 2012

"As you prepare to study the various resolutions for the coming annual general meeting of your company, being held in St Louis 24th January 2012, I ask you to take into consideration the history of your company and the policies you have supported at various annual general meetings.

It is a record that very few can be proud of. For example, can you as a shareholder be proud, even satisfied, that your company has been responsible for the deaths of many thousands of Vietnamese, many thousands of abnormal births in Vietnam, and today in Vietnam due to the product manufactured by your company, you have left four million Vietnamese suffering from various illnesses and deformities, and thousands of acres of once magnificent forests destroyed. The product was of course Agent Orange.

At the time you attend the shareholders meeting it will be fifty-one-years ago that Agent Orange was first sprayed over Southern areas of Vietnam, 10th August 1961. It is well recorded by international scientists and researchers from a number of countries ? and includes the US ? what the effects of Agent Orange has had on the people and land of Vietnam.

There has been and continues to be massive information about the effects of Agent Orange, and not only on the Vietnamese, ask the Vietnam Veterans from the US, Australia, New Zealand, and South Korea, who served in Vietnam, for many of them were also affected by Agent Orange. Many of these veterans are still campaigning in their respective countries for their illnesses to be recognized by their Government as being related to Agent Orange. Yes, it is a fact that not all the US veterans have been accepted as suffering from Agent Orange. Many have died, as have others, denied a pension or compensation for serving their country.

Their relatives could be amongst the many outside the annual general meeting on 24th January seeking answers to the questions they want to raise with your Chairman Mr Hugh Grant and members of your board. You will see them when you walk into the meeting. Please do not avoid them, but stop and listen to their questions, and please answer if you can.

Let me remind you that eighty-million liters of Agent Orange was sprayed on Southern Vietnam and this was carried out over a period of ten-years. And your company has for these fifty-one years refused to accept responsibility and has also refused to make any compensation to the Vietnamese. The word Sorry has not come from the lips of your Chairman, not has one cent come from the $billions of profit made from Agent Orange indeed, it has been you the shareholder that has benefited, in the dividends you have received over the years.

Perhaps among you at the AGM will be Bill and Melinda Gates, it would be interesting to hear if they make any statement that they are satisfied with the record of your company, having purchased 500,000 shares.

Perhaps they will seek to ask how they can help Monsanto in its campaign to increase its sales of GM Seeds world-wide, another Monsanto product that has cost the lives of thousands of Indian Farmers who were forced into debt through the failure of their GM crops.

And outside the meeting will be American farmers who do not want GM Seeds but a number of them have been taken to court by your company to protect its sales and in turn its profits and your dividends.

Are you really proud of your company, one that has cost so many lives, has ruined the lives of so many others in many countries?

I hope you will consider the content of this letter, written by a person who has traveled to Vietnam for the past twenty-years and has seen the horrors of the legacy your company Monsanto has left to the people and land.

In my years of traveling there I have seen babies, youngsters, teenagers and adults crippled and in many cases minus limbs, eyes etc through being affected by Agent Orange. Remember also this: the Vietnamese affected and aged under forty-years, would have been born after the spraying ended in 1971 and amongst them are the fourth generation. So the suffering continues, generation after generation after generation, that is the legacy your company has brought on the people of Vietnam."

So, when it comes to cast your votes, for who, and for what, will you vote? Len Aldis. Chairman Agent Orange Action Group Flat 2, 26 Tomlins Grove London E3 4NX

Posted by AgentOrangeZone at 6:19 PM "

An Open Letter to Shareholders of Monsanto

It is easy to manufacture a poison which will cause disease, birth defects, spontaneous abortions and death in people. It is quite another thing to be able to change the entire metabolism of a plant so that it will be tolerant of a herbacide that you are selling. That is why I think that the GMO seeds are a gimick to sell farmers the herbacide and please Bill Gates at the same time.

In other words Monsanto's GMO plants are as phony as the mRNA vaccine technology that is being used as a gimmick to inject graphene oxide and other poisons into the bloodstream of people to make them sterile, to kill them and blame their deaths on a non-existant virus that exists only in disinfo fake US patents, computer generated DNA sequences and fantasy land pseudo-scientific articles which ascribe all kinds of vaccine-related injuries to a virus based on a fake test created by a charlatan with a fake PHD.

External peer review of the RTPCR test to detect SARS-CoV-2 reveals 10 major scientific flaws at the molecular and methodological level: consequences for false positive results

Tanzania President Magufuli Was Likely Assassinated

Andreas Noack's pregnant wife on the Murder of her husband

Andreas Noack on the COVID population control shots containing graphene hydroxide razor blades

Undertakers can't Embalm Because of COVID Jab Graphene Plugs

The Georgia Guidestones: Killing us Softly with Graphene


 What Voter Knew that Trump was found guilty on 34 felony counts in May 2024?  


What Voter Knew that Trump was found guilty on 34 felony counts in May 2024?

Judge Sets Trump's Sentencing for Jan. 10, Signals He Won't be Jailed

What Voter Knew that Trump was found guilty on 34 felony counts in May 2024? I didn't, but I also don't pay attention to the boob tube or the boob tubers either and I don't bother to vote because I know that the elections are either rigged or give the voters no real choice on things that really matter like war, control of the money supply, and the murder of their fellow citizens with graphene laden pseudo-vaccines for non-existent pandemics.

The Georgia Guidestones: Killing Us Softly with Graphene Update:
White rubbery clots due to the fenton reaction
resulting from the bursting of bursting red blood cells by graphene hydroxide and inflammation

There is a lot of deep politics going on here. Now we can understand why Trump chose Robert Kennedy Jr. to go after Bill Gates and the vaxicide industry. His own hide was at stake. But what is going on behind the curtains in the Empire State?

Since when are convicted felons eligible to run for president? Americans are citizens of a republic not the subjects of princes. All men are supposed to be equal before the law according to the US declaration of Independence.

If anything, elected officials an officers of the law should be held to a higher standard not a lessor one. A president or congressman who lies to the American people commits a greater crime than a witness on a jury stand who lies to a Jury for much greater evil can come of it.

Yet politicians are permitted to lie to the American people during there term of office and when they run for their office, and police are allowed to lie on the witness stand with impunity.

The Dual Deception of 911 and the "War on Terror"

Tricked into War - 911 and the "War on Terror"

Solving 911 Ends the War

This is a constitutional crisis that can have no good outcome. Americans are being asked to choose between the mass murder of people in the middle east or their own mass murder.

So we see that it is not "communism or nothing" as Karl Marx said but Zionism or nothing that was the real game all along. Non Jews are to be the slaves of Jews or they will be exterminated. That is what the Talmud says. And that is what Communism was all about.

"Yale said he had a talk with Weizmann
"somewhere in the Mediterranean in 1919,"
and asked him what might happen if the British did not support a national home for the Jews in Palestine. Weizmann thumped his fist on the table and the teacups jumped,
"If they don't,"
he said,
"we'll smash the British Empire as we smashed the Russian Empire."

Traitor Tweedle Dee Biden vs. Traitor Tweedle Dum Trump Round 2

Pamella Harris has gone further than Joe Biden in saying the "I am zionist."

She said that she was practicing the Cablistic/Talmudic doctrine of enslaving and exterminating the gentiles. The Scamdemic is punishment for not going along with everything that Israel wants.

And kings shall be thy nursing fathers, and their queens thy nursing mothers: they shall bow down to thee with their face toward the earth, and lick up the dust of thy feet

Isaiah 49:23

That is one of the insertions by the Levites put into the mouth of a prophet which had killed no doubt.

The Controversy of Zion by Douglas Reed


 2025: The Birth of Time Again!  


2025: The Birth of Time, Again

"I am the Alpha and the Omega, the first and the last, the beginning and the end."

the alpha and omega

Model of the Universe Which Fits Scriptural Models

Well, here we are at the beginning of another year a time atheists can complain about the Christian belief in the creation and resurrection of the universe using the sophistry of Greek philosophers in suggesting that academia is biased toward a belief in God.

"Needless to say I have received a huge amount of email regarding this article (and other speculations). Virtually all the supporters of the Big Bang theory point to my lack of advanced college degrees in the necessary subjects as "proof" that I cannot possibly know what I am talking about.

History is ripe with examples of people who achieved great scientific breakthroughs without advanced degrees because they were free to explore the "unacceptable" possibilities.

Albert Einstein developed his Theory of Relativity while working as a patent clerk, and only attended graduate school afterwards. Thomas Edison had almost no formal education at all. "

The "Big Bang" Is Just Religion Disguised as Science

I would not have chosen those 2 characters as object or role models. Einstein is the biggest fraud ever perpetrated on humanity by the establishment on academia. Some say that Einstein was the first to derive the equation E = MC^2. This is not true.

"Einstein went on to publish seven different proofs of E = MC^2 over the course of forty years, but all of them were incorrect."

How Einstein ruined physics by Roger Schlafly PHD (in mathematics)

Edison was a much better businessman than he was an inventor. Most, if not all, of his inventions were the work of hirelings like Nickolas Tesla whom he cheated by not paying him for the development of an improved DC motor. Had Tesla not developed the AC motor for Westinghouse we might have a DC electric power station every few blocks in our cities.

"My professor flunked me on the basis that the third chapter did not have actuality the department was all about creating new theater teachers, not working professionals. At that point, having clearly wasted some years of my life, I walked out of the department. "

The "Big Bang" Is Just Religion Disguised as Science

My Marxist sociology instructor told me that universities were all about grants and research and not about teaching. He implied that he would flunk the rich Harvard students who went to class barefoot in 3 piece suits at Harvard rather than give them the "gentleman's C."

I got an A in his class by regurgitating his commie propaganda back at him on the midterm and final. All it takes for a student to succeed in the American education system is to catch the pearls which fall from the mouths of the demigods and kiss their little curvatures.

I agree that there is a religious element to the big bang but it is a sophisticated one. Fundamentalist Christians reject it because it contradicts the "six days" account of the bible.

The big bang is based on the empirical evidence that all of the galaxies in the universe are traveling away from each other not on theology.

"The Big bang violates the Second Law of Thermodynamics. That law states that the universe inevitably flows towards maximum entropy. Yet the singularity that produced the Big bang, with all the matter and energy in the universe contained in a single dimensionless point, was already at maximum entropy"

The "Big Bang" Is Just Religion Disguised as Science

The Second Law of Thermodynamics says that the total entropy of the universe is increasing. It does not say that entropy can not decrease. Some claim that life violates the Second Law of Thermodynamics because it decreases its entropy. But this is not true. Life exports its entropy in the form of infra-red radiation.

"The 2011 Nobel Prize in physics went to three American scientists who demonstrated that the rate of expansion in the expanding universe is accelerating."

The "Big Bang" Is Just Religion Disguised as Science

That's because the big bang was followed by the big whoosh after the hydrogen coalesced to form the first generation stars. The solar radiation from these stars accelerated the expansion caused by the big bang.

Far from violating the Second Law of Thermodynamics the big bang supports it. If the universe was not expanding then it would be getting hotter because of the energy being poured out from the stars in all of the galaxies.

Given an infinity of time, the universe would have died a heat death a long time ago with the stars being at equilibrium with the heat of space, just as a steam engine would come to stop before it runs out of fuel if it was enclosed in an insulated room where the was no way for the heat to escape.

But if we live in a cycling universe then, like life, the universe can export its energy. If, for instance there was a universe which pre-existed this one, it would have been at maximum entropy just before it collapsed when its stars ran out of fuel.

With no more nuclear energy, the expanding force driving the galaxies apart would have been gone and only gravity would have remained. This gravity would have begun a contraction with nearby matter attracting other nearby matter transmitting the force throughout the universe.

The arrow of time which entropy defines would not have been violated and the information in the universe would have increased. The loss of entropy is always accompanied by an increase in information (structural complexity in atomic and molecular bonds). That is what life is all about.

In such a cycling universe time would not be a circle but rather a spiral with the intelligence (information) of the universe increasing with each big bang - being conserved in each big crunch. Every universe would form the basis for the contstruction of the next universe as a kind of Galaxy Organizer and Dispatcher or G.O.D. if you will.

But what happens when all the matter is converted into infra-red radiation, and escapes into the infinity of space ? You ask. And why has this not happened already? I might add.

That is the ultimate question which only G.O.D. can answer. If he has not done so already!

"I am the Alpha and the Omega, the first and the last, the beginning and the end."

the alpha and omega

Model of the Universe Which Fits Scriptural Models

For those who prefer a mathematical treatment of the subject there is the "Physics of Immortality" and the "Physics of Christianity" written by the much maligned mathematical physicist Frank J. Tipler.

Tipler's theory is maligned much more for its agreement with Christian theology (which interferes with the libido of young physicists) than for its mathematics which is no more "pseudo-scientific" than many of the cosmological theories on the physics market today. And Tipler is no more of a "crackpot" than those who espouse them.

A much more cogent criticism of Tipler is his pragmatic dishonesty. While admitting to not being a Christian in the "Physics of Immortality" he adduces the argument that physicists should become theologians and theologians should become physicists less their funding and coffers suffer.

"As Aristotle said more than two thousand years ago, a human being is at bottom a thinking animal, a creature whose distinguishing feature and chief survival mechanism is its ability to consider the world rationally. In the end, reason will sway emotion.

If science continues to find no evidence for the existence of God, and for an afterlife, first the scientists will become atheists, and then the laity of all churches.

People will find a philosophy which will allow them to face the inevitability of their own very final and permanent deaths, the deaths of their children, their civilization, the death of all life in the cosmos and of everything they care about.

By the end of the 1940s, all trace of God had been eliminated from evolutionary biology. Provine remarks,

"My observation is that the great majority of modern evolutionary biologists now are atheists or something very close to that. Yet prominent atheistic or agnostic scientists publicly deny that there is any conflict between science and religion. Rather than simple intellectual dishonesty, this position is pragmatic. In the United States, elected members of Congress all proclaim to be religious; many scientists believe that funding for science might suffer if the atheistic implications of modern science were widely understood. "

William Provine

Eventually the atheistic implications of modern science will be understood by the general public, who will themselves become atheists. The majority of Western Europeans and a large minority of Americans have already become effective atheists: they rarely if ever go to any church, and a belief in God plays no role in their daily lives. The evidence is clear and unequivocal: if scientists have no need for the God hypothesis, neither will anyone else.

Were theologians to succeed in their attempt to strictly separate science and religion, they would kill religion. Theology simply must become a branch of physics if it is to survive. That even theologians are slowly becoming effective atheists has been documented by the American philosopher Thomas Sheehan."

Physics of Immortality

Another example of Tipler's "pragmatic intellectual dishonesty" in terms of getting his book published is his use of the cultural icon of Einstein in the usual practice of attributing to Einstein the work of others.

"Theoretical physics today is dominated by those hunting for another Einsteinian revolution, in the hopes that some enlightened genius will tell us how the world ought to be. This hope is severely misguided.

Relativity was developed from experiment, but historians have somehow decided that Einstein created theory out of pure thought...

Einstein is sometimes also credited with the atomic bomb. This is based on him doing two things: publishing the formula E = MC^2 in 1905, and signing a letter to President Franklin D. Roosevelt in 1939.

Actually the formula had already been published by Poincare in 1900... [H.G.] Wells has a priority claim on the bomb also. He wrote a 1914 novel'e where he predicted "atomic bombs", inspiring the Hungarian-American physicist Leo Szilard to invent the chain reaction concept underlying the atomic bomb about 20 years later. "

How Einstein ruined physics by Roger Schlafly PHD (in mathematics)

Actually, there is some theological reasoning which supports the idea that Einstein was the reincarnation of Isaac Newton, who was the reincarnation of Galileo - each scientist being born on the date of the prior scientist's death. Despite the claim of pseudo-Christian liars like GW Bush who was forced by Abe Foxman to say that Jews who do not believe in Jesus can still get into heaven that has been Christian theology for the last 2000 years because that is what the New Testament says. On, the other hand Jews probably can't get into hell either because it is restricted. Satan probably figures that if he let Jews in they would be running the place in a week! And that could account for the Einsteinian resurrections.

Seriously, my opinion of Einstein has changed quite a bit since I read his forward to "The Earth's Shifting Crust."


Can you Trust the Science of the Great Reset?

While my own views on religion and the "ultimate questions" of life are definitely not fixed in stone.

1 Peter|3:15 But sanctify the Lord God in your hearts: and be ready always to give an answer to every man that asketh you a reason of the hope that is in you with meekness and fear:

I have to admit that the atheists have a lot of evidence on their side. But one very important part of the evidence comes from an unlikely source.

Evidence From the Book of Matthew that Moses was Akhenaten


 112 Years Since the Zionist Bankster Fraudocracy Began in 1913!  


112 Years Since the Zionist Bankster Fraudocracy Began in 1913!

So you think that we have a free press and we are living in a democratic republic do you?

"Col. Elisha Ely Garrison, in "Roosevelt, Wilson and the Federal Reserve Law" wrote,

"In 1911, Lawrence Abbot, Mr. Roosevelt's private officer at 'The Outlook' handed me a copy of the so-called Aldrich Plan for currency reform. I said, I could not believe that Mr. Warburg was the author. This plan is nothing more than the Aldrich-Vreeland legislation which provided for currency issue against securities. Warburg knows that as well as I do. I am going to see him at once and ask him about it.

All right, the truth.

Yes, I wrote it, he said.

Why? I asked.

"It was a compromise",
answered Warburg.

Garrison says that Warburg wrote him on February 8, 1912.

"I have no doubt that at the end of a thorough discussion, either you will see it my way or I will see it yours--but I hope you will see it mine."

This was another famous Warburg saying when he secretly lobbied Congressmen to support his interest, the veiled threat that they should "see it his way". Those who did not found large sums contributed to their opponents at the next elections, and usually went down in defeat."

Secrets of the Federal Reserve
Written by Eustace Mullins
Under the Direction of Eza Pound

And now we have the Fed helping the overthrow of the democratic republic of Syria in order to install its puppets which will hand over the Golan Heights to the Rothschilds and secure the oil pipeline to Haifa. No problem for false opposition Russian stooge Putin even though the Rothschilds stole all of the Tzar's gold and murdered the now Russian Orthodox Saint's family, genocided all of the Russian aristocracy and all of the school cap wearing Christian children so that crypto Jews would wind up running the Duma and make denying the Holocaust hoax a crime!

The children of the Jews who murdered 37 million Russian Orthodox Christians and over a millian Orthodox Armenians are calling the shots in Russia along with Putin and his Chabad Lubavitcher friends whose messiah says that Jews are a separate and superior species to gentiles. And whose Talmud says that even the best of the gentiles should all be killed.

Apparently the 1 million Russian Jews living in Israel feel the same way about it.

99% of Jewish Israelis Support Child-killing Gaza Genocide

However, I believe that the elections and polls taken in Israel are just as phoney as the ones taken in the US. Whoever controls the money controls the press, the politicians and the poll takers. Its not the people who vote that count but the people who count the votes that count.

Mossad Chief and Son of Terrorist Assassin Rahm Emanuael Runs the United States Government

While Putin crosses himself, both Putin and Assad have double crossed Syria. And it is really the Syrian people who the Israeli government are against and not Assad who, like putin, spouts neocon propaganda about "terrorists" when they both know full well that they are mercenaries hired by the Israeli occupied government of the US - payed under the table through the Afgan/Packistan/Turkey heroin industry.

A Voice from Syria on Christmas Day: "All of us are lost."

Putin's claim that the CIA/Mossad installed thugs in Damascus are not terrorists because they are OK with the US criminal government is ridiculous. As a former commie KGB agent he knows who was behind the world terrorism that the Zionists were blaming his former bosses in the Soviet Union for.

"Hillary Clinton was U.S. Secretary of State from January 2009 until February 2013. Victoria Nuland (Kagan) was Clinton's spokesperson at the State Department from May 2011 through the remainder of Clinton's term in office. This means that Clinton and Nuland-Kagan saw eye-to-eye and were reading from the same script regarding U.S. foreign policy.

Victoria Nuland is the wife of Robert Kagan, one of the founders of The Project for the New American Century (PNAC), the Zionist and Neo-Con organization that lobbied for the war in Yugoslavia and the invasion of Iraq. The Kagans have been a driving force for criminal military interventions since the 1990s and seem to have a permanent family fiefdom at the State Department.

As Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton supported the illegal U.S. involvement in Syria, writing that

"the best way to help Israel" is to use force to overthrow the elected government in Damascus.

Since 2011, the Obama administration has authorized and funded the C.I.A. to work to that end in Syria.

The Russian intervention in Syria threatens to bring to an end the U.S.-led criminal terrorist activity in Syria and leave the coalition of the killing exposed for the criminals that they are. This is the only reason the conflict in Syria drags on and on. The Obama administration and its allies cannot accept defeat in Syria because it would result in the tables in the Middle East being turned completely around against them.

But, why are the Zionist Neo-Cons and the Clinton gang stirring up fear and hostility against Russia?

The Grand Chessboard

Generals March To A Neocon Tune

The Reagan administration was profoundly influenced by Claire Sterling's 1981 book The Terror Network: The Secret of International Terrorism, which was often cited by Haig and others to support the administration's charges about Soviet support for international terrorism.

Philip Paull, author of thesis "International Terrorism: The Propaganda War" (1982) analyzed Sterling's sources and references in her book and found "a trail of deception and misinformation was laid bare."

Paull found that Sterling's misquotes were "exact replicas of the misquotes published by the Jonathan (Netanyahu) Institute" in conjunction with the Jerusalem Conference on International Terrorism arranged by Menachem Begin, Benjamin Netanyahu and his father Benzion, and the chiefs of Israeli military intelligence in July 1979.

"There, a coalition had been organized, and a consensus achieved, that would put international terrorism at the top of the Reagan administration's foreign policy agenda when it assumed office in January 1981,"

Paull wrote, adding,

"It appeared that Washington's concern about Soviet support for international terrorism in the winter of 1981 had been created in Jerusalem in the summer of 1979."

Paull's thesis proves "that the heightened global media coverage of 'international terrorism' during 1980-81 was for the most part a result of a deliberate, well-financed, international propaganda campaign initiated by the Israeli government, and carried out by its overseas allies."

"This 'anti-terrorist' propaganda campaign was and is being conducted in a style reminiscent of wartime 'psychological warfare' by journalists serving as conduits and spreaders of misinformation originating in Jerusalem," Paull found.

Paull explains why Menachem Begin and his faction of Zionist terrorists in the Likud coalition needed to connect the Soviet Union to international terrorism:

The Jackson group (Sen. Henry M. Jackson), virtually an Israeli lobby in the United States, used the Israelis to support the anti-Soviet campaign in Washington…

The Israeli conference organizers, in turn, could use Jackson and the Commentary group around Podhoretz to help prevent a pro-Arab tilt in Washington, keep United States armaments flowing to Israel, and most important, maintain anti-Soviet hostility in Washington. Relaxation of superpower hostility could trigger a thaw in U.S.-Soviet relations, and a settlement in the Middle East which would include the Palestinians would then be conceivable. This was a development the Begin administration wished to avoid at all costs.

So, Menachem Begin and the Likud party of Zionist terrorists were behind the propaganda offensive launched in Jerusalem in 1979 at the Netanyahu Institute to smear the Palestinians as terrorists and the Soviet Union as being behind 'international terrorism'. This message became the new political theme and was vigorously pushed in controlled media outlets around the world.

As Claire Sterling wrote in "Terrorism: Tracing the Network," published in the New York Times Magazine in March 1981:

"There is massive proof that the Soviet Union and its surrogates over the last decade, have provided the weapons, training and sanctuary for a worldwide terror network aimed at destabilization of Western democratic society."

As Paull proves in his thesis about the Jerusalem Conference on International Terrorism, Sterling's false claims "rested on a body of misinformation originating in Jerusalem."

Today, thirty-seven years later, we are facing the same misinformation campaign and the same game of blaming Russia in order to create hostility and tension between the world's leading super-powers. It is essential to understand that this propaganda comes from the same source now as it came from then - Israeli military intelligence under the political leadership of the Likud faction, now headed by Benjamin Netanyahu.

It is important for U.S. voters to understand that the anti-Russian rhetoric coming from Hillary Clinton and the controlled media is extremely dangerous and harmful to the cause of peace. It is in the best interest of the United States (and Europe) to have positive and friendly relations with Russia and there is no reason why we should not enjoy peaceful relations.

The criminals behind the anti-Russian policies and rhetoric are the real terrorists who seek to overthrow nations around the world, enslave their people, and steal their wealth. They have done so with Hillary Clinton in power leading the way in places like Iraq, Libya, and Syria - and seek to do the same to Russia. Her record in these interventions is clear - she has been involved in war crimes at the highest level.

By preventing peaceful relations between Russia and the West and by fomenting tension between the super-powers, the criminal lunatics behind Hillary Clinton seek to increase their control over Palestine and the Middle East by keeping the world in a constant state of fear and violence. This is why Hillary Clinton poses such a serious threat to world peace."

Source: "International Terrorism": The Propaganda War, Philip Paull, Thesis for M.A. International Relations, San Francisco State Univ., May 1982

Who is behind Hillary Clinton's Hostility for Russia and Why it Matters

The same can be said for the MI6/Mossad installed government of Iran who hijacked the secular revolution against the CIA installed Shah whose government was accused of torturing prisoners just like Assad is being accused of now - and by the same liars.

The same neocon gang who is into remaking the middle east and the world to Israel's liking was responsible for the demonizing of Slobadon Milosevic and the strife in the Ukraine today.

I remember reading one of Milosevic's speeches on the internet which called for keeping Yugoslavia united while the "mainstream media" was trying to paint him as being a Serbian nationalist. I looked this up again and found a website with numerous speeches and interviews of Milosevic which contradicted the propaganda of our treasonous fraudocracy.

"No man on Earth has been lied about more than Slobodan Milosevic. One of the most popular lies is that he whipped up nationalism among the Serbian people, and through that nationalism he incited the wars that destroyed the Socialist Federative Republic of Yugoslavia.

Milosevic's speeches were never nationalistic, nor did they contain any racism. We have posted the complete and unedited transcripts of Milosevic's speeches and interviews spanning his entire political career. Read his speeches and his interviews, and judge for yourself whether he was trying to whip up nationalism and incite wars?"

Speeches and Interviews of Slobodan Milosevic

If Putin wants to end Nato then he should pull out of the UN because the same people who created the UN created Nato as a vehical for the "New World Order." The "New World Order" is all about a world Zionist Empire using freemasonic US petro-devil dollars as its vehical.

Secrets of the Federal Reserve Part 1

Even though the general assembly always backs the Palestinians the memebers of Security Council are all controlled the Zionist banking system.

How about a new world federation of nations whose capitol is in Constantinople which can be made an international city? It could issue a new world currency backed by Russian, Iranian and Middle Eastern Oil.

This would cause the old new world order to collapse very quickly. And we in the US could go back to greenbacks! Recommended currency for all new new world order federation nations!

Now here this, oh sheeple!

Secrets of the Federal Reserve Part 1

Secrets of the Federal Reserve Part 2

Secrets of the Federal Reserve Part 3

Actually, there is nothing wrong with being a sheeple so long as you have the right shepherd!

"I am the good shepherd: the good shepherd giveth his life for the sheep.

But he that is an hireling, and not the shepherd, whose own the sheep are not, seeth the wolf coming, and leaveth the sheep, and fleeth: and the wolf catcheth them, and scattereth the sheep.

The hireling fleeth, because he is an hireling, and careth not for the sheep. I am the good shepherd, and know my sheep, and am known of mine."


And wear WWI helments while patting their fellow sheeple on the head to signal them to fire bazooka shells at the wolves!

Secrets of the Federal Reserve
Written by Eustace Mullins
Under the Direction of Eza Pound


 Merry Christmass from the Great Satan and his Synagog Syria! 


Merry Christmass from the Great Satan and his Synagog Syria!

Twas the night before Christmas and all through the flat

A Few Days Before Christmas-Santa-Santa-Everywhere

not a creature was stirring, not even a rat.

"These rats, they lie about everything. You can't believe a word they say. They've completely infested the entire intelligence and defense apparatus of the United States. Perle, Feith, Wolfowitz, and all the rest of them. They're spies for Israel, every damned one of them. Just consider the 5 guys who were arrested after 9/11, cheering and celebrating, and then afterwards we come to find out that they were Mossad and then they get sent back to Israel. They knew all about it and yet our government, the government I worked for most of my life did nothing about it. Can you imagine if these guys were Arabs? It's been the same thing, ever since 1967"

Insider Tells The Truth About The Cover Up of The Attack on The USS liberty

Daryl Bradford Smith Interview of Christopher Bollyn in May of 2006

Or even a bat, now how about that!

"I saw the flag, which had visibly identified the ship as American, riddled with bullet holes, and heard testimony that made it clear that the Israelis intended there be no survivors.

Not only did the Israelis attack the ship with napalm, gunfire, and missiles, Israeli torpedo boats machine-gunned three lifeboats that had been launched in an attempt by the crew to save the most seriously wounded - a war crime"

Investigation into the Israeli Attack on the USS Liberty: Declaration of Ward Boston

Daryl Bradford Smith's USS Liberty Interviews

James Ennes, November 1, 2006
James Ennes, August 2, 2006

James Ennes, May 5, 2006

James Ennes, from Jan 5, 2006 (part 1)
James Ennes, from Jan 5, 2006 (part 2)

Wayne Kyle, from Dec 22, 2005 (part 1)
Wayne Kyle, from Dec 22, 2005 (part 2)

Along came the satanic Santas and did away with all of that!

christmas in syria before

Christmas in Syria 2000 - 2014 : Shock and Awe Wishes from Obama and his Neocon Devils to Syria

They were bringing goodies to all of their friends: Heroin to Iranians and narco dollars to Pakistan and Turkey; and also to Afghanistan; organ transplants to America, and oil pipe lines to the rabbis in Israel - Amen!

The Dirty Business Of Organ Trafficking

CIA/NSA Video Games

Play Trumpty Dumpty Opium Wars

The Politics of Heroin in Southeast Asia

And don't forget to charge all your opium purchases with your petro-devil dollar credit card!

The Federal Reserve isn't federal at all!

Bankster Fraudonomics Revealed!

"Codename Operation Enduring Turmoil Exposed! - Zionist Neocon Plans for Pakistan and rest of the World. Operation Enduring Turmoil is the Neocons plan to disassemble Pakistan, give northern Pakistan to Afghanistan, Southwest Pakistan to the Balochs... all this in an effort to restrict Chinese access to energy and herd energy resources towards Israel, the Mediterranean and Europe. Whatever happening in NWFP and Baluchistan is part of this BIG game!

Until the US disavows the Neocon plan to achieve "benevolent global hegemony"- the benevolence of which has already caused the deaths of maybe a million people I don't see how anyone in their right mind can expect Pakistan or any of the other proposed PNAC(Wiki) victims to cooperate in their own destruction. But unfortunately in Pakistan, some ignorant, selfish traitors have decided to facilitate this plan!"

Codename: Operation Enduring Turmoil

A word of advice from Lawrence of Arabia.

"Sherif Ali, so long as the Arabs fight tribe against tribe, so long will they be a little people, a silly people, greedy, barbarous, and cruel, as you are."

Ali's Well

There is no "nation of Islam" but there is a nation of Arabs. Since all Arabs speak a common language they share a common gene pool and a common race - they are a nation.

The US politicians who voted against making English the official language of the United States know this. Following their Zionist masters they want to Balkanize the US with illegal aliens the way they Balkanized Yugoslavia and are trying to Balkanize the middle east. To fight them Arabs should unite to form a United Arab Republic that was Nasser's dream. A United States of Arabia - Arabic states united for their common defense!

The founding fathers of the United States knew that religion was a divisive force that would prevent the union of the British colonies for their common defense so they made freedom of worship a part of the US constitution along with freedom of speech. There can be no democracy without freedom of speech and no republic without freedom of thought.

The Zionists know this as well. That's why they are trying to use religion to divide Arabs against one another so that they can steal their property and their wealth. In short they want to Balkanize the Arab world and to suppress freedom of speech and thought on the internet and off the internet around the world.

They are financing their wars through the drug trade and the corrupting influence that that trade has on Afghanistan, Turkey, Pakistan, Iran, the Ukraine, America and the rest of the world.

Their goal is not a "new world order" but an old world empire. They are the enemies of civilization.

Give us Twenty Years And we Will Take Over Your Media and Destroy Your Country


 Christian Zionism Explained for Thanksgiving 2024 


Christian Zionism Explained for Thanksgiving 2024

Every Thanksgiving I think of Jerry Falwell and the Thanksgiving hymn "We Gather Together." That is because they used to sing this hymn in the middle school that I attended in the early 1960s before it was removed from the schools because of the lawsuits filed by the ACLU (Anti Christian Liberties Union) and because of the "separation of church and state" decision by the Freemasonic Warren Court.

We Gather Together

Curiously, I taught middle school science in a predominantly black school in the late 1970's and was surprised to find out that it had a black quire that sang gospel songs with absolutely no interference from anyone. They did not give a fig for the Warren Court or the ACLU and there probably would have been a politically disastrous riot if they tried to stop them. After all, this was the 1970s! By the way, the Haitian kids were the nicest kids you could possibly find. They were French Catholics and it seemed to me that their religion had a very positive effect on their behavior, although Ernie and Bernie who were twins got a kick out of swapping classes with their teachers being none the wiser.

I used to like Falwell because he was a staunch opponent of both the ACLU and the Warren Court but I lost all respect for him after he got in bed with the death squads who roamed Arkansas bumping off the witnesses to the murder of Linda Ives' son and his friend Don Henry.

Ives-Duffy investigation into the murders of Kevin Ives and Don Henry

Obstruction of Justice: The Mena Connection (full hour)

In explaining Jerry Falwell's fall from grace the EIR has made some theological errors.

"The Jerusalem Report magazine, on Nov. 18, published a lengthy opinion column by Gershom Gorenberg, assailing those in Israel who are promoting an alliance with American "Christian fundamentalists," like Rev. Pat Robertson and Rev. Jerry Falwell*. Gorenberg warned that "conservative evangelicals' 'love' for Israel is rooted in their theology.... It sees Jews as spiritually blind for rejecting Jesus. But it also regards Israel's existence as heralding the end of days - when Jews will die or at last convert and Jesus will return...

From the moment that the Likud party government took power in Israel in 1977, a top priority of the Jabotinskyites was the forging of a long-term strategic partnership with leading Christian fundamentalists in America, who were profiled as susceptible to a rabidly pro-Israel theology.

In 1978, the Israeli Ministry of Religious Affairs sponsored the publication of a book, American Fundamentalism and Israel: The Relation of Fundamentalist Churches to Zionism and the State of Israel, by Yona Malachy.

The book was an in-depth profile of four major Christian fundamentalist denominations in America - the Seventh Day Adventists, the Jehovah's Witnesses, the Pentecostalists, and the Premillennial Dispensationalists (the Darbyites)*.

It is unclear whether Malachy, who is since deceased, was aware that he was producing the profile study that would help launch a nearly 25-year alliance between the most fanatical of the right-wing Greater Israel proponents - the followers of Vladimir Jabotinsky, whom Israel's founding Prime Minister David Ben-Gurion denounced as "Vladimir Hitler" - and a

collection of American fundamentalist Christians, whose own theology promoted the extermination of the Jews. "

25-Year "Shotgun Marriage" of Israel's Likud and U.S. Fundamentalists Exposed

Christianity does not promote the extermination of anyone. The authors are perhaps confused by their own genocidal Talmud.

Genocidal Teachings in the Talmud

Zohar (II, 19a) Captivity of Jews end when Christian princes die.
Zohar (I, 219b) Princes of Christians are idolaters, must die.
Abhodah Zarah (26b) T. Even the best of the Goim should be killed.
Sepher Or Israel 177b If Jew kills Christian commits no sin.
Ialkut Simoni (245c) Shedding blood of impious sacrifice to God.
Zohar (II,43a). Extermination of Christian necessary sacrifice.
Zohar (L, 28b, 39a) High place in heaven for all who kill idolaters.
Hilkhoth Akum (X, 1) Make no agreement, show no mercy to Christians

Facts are Facts by Benjamin Freedman

which natrualy projects its own hatred of the other onto them resulting in an extreme paranoia.

Paranoid teachings in the Talmud

Abhodah Zarah (22a) Don't associate with gentiles, they shed blood
Iore Dea (153, 2). Must not associate with Christians, shed blood
Abhodah Zarah (25b). Beware of Christians when walking with them.
Orach Chaiim (20, 2). Christians disguise themselves to kill Jews.
Iore Dea (155, 1). Avoid unknown Christian doctors.
Iore Dea (156, 1) Avoid Christian barbers unless escorted by Jews.
Abhodah Zarah (26a). Christian midwives dangerous when alone.
Abhodah Zarah (72b) Discard wine touched by Christians.
Gittin (62a) Jew stay away from Christian homes on holidays.
Abhodah Zarah (35b) Not drink milk from cow milked by Christian.
Iore Dea (120, 1) Bought-dishes from Christians to be well-washed.
Iore Dea (81, 7 Ha) Christian wet-nurses dangerous.
Zohar (1, 25b) Those good to Christians never rise when dead.
Iore Dea (153, 1 H) Christian nurse will lead children to heresy.
Peaschim (25a) Avoid medical help from idolaters (Christians).

Facts are Facts by Benjamin Freedman

Malachy clearly demonstrated his ignorance of the book of the Revelation and Walvoord's distortion of it.

"Malachy documented the ideology of the Darbyites, quoting from John Walvoord, who founded their Dallas Theological Seminary in 1924, and, in 1962, wrote in his book, Israel in Prophecy, that "

"it seems that Israel is to be the special object of Satanic hatred." After "Jacob's Troubles" (i.e., Armageddon, or, in Darbyite lingo, the war of Gog and Magog), "only 144,000 Jews will survive."

25-Year "Shotgun Marriage" of Israel's Likud and U.S. Fundamentalists Exposed

I can assure you that no one who ever watched Jerry Falwell or Pat Robertson on TV ever heard of John Walvoord. What pushed "conservative evangelical" Christians into a "rabidly pro-Israel theology" was the persecution of Christians by left wing Jews in the ACLU. They were led by the so called neocon (Trotskiite) Jews like David Hoffman who was preaching his antimuslim gospel on Christian radio.

"Open Secrets by the late Israeli scholar and critic of Zionism, Israel Shahak, frankly exposes Israel's foreign policy as a menace to world peace. Shahak contends it is a myth that there is any real difference between the supposedly "conflicting"policies of Israel's "opposing" Likud and Labor blocs, both of which advocate expansion aiming toward consolidating "Eretz Israel" - an imperial state in control of practically the entire Middle East.

Israel, he asserts, is a militarist state: its policies are dictated by fundamentalist religious fanatics who now dominate Israel's military and intelligence elite...

there is a growing body of other Christians - who are operating largely independent of the organized churches - who also reject dispensationalism and who openly criticize the leading evangelists such as Falwell, Pat Robertson, Tim LaHaye and others.

These are the so-called 'Preterists' who contend (based on solid historical fact) that modern-day dispensationalism is hardly traditional Christian teaching at all and is largely based on a theory popularized in the early 20th century by one Cyrus Scofield.

The Preterists charge that Scofield's dispensationalism was actively promoted and funded by the Rothschild family of Europe for the very purpose of advancing the Zionist cause and for fostering a push for an imperial global order quite similar indeed to the policies being pursued by the "neo-conservative"elements in the Bush administration in alliance with the Christian Right."

The High Priests of War

The "Christian right" (i.e. Christians who don't like the idea of being gulaged and exterminated) is only one of the ingredients in the neocon's witches' brew.

"Round about the cauldron go; In the poison'd entrails throw.

Double, double toil and trouble; Fire burn, and cauldron bubble.

Fillet of fenny snake, In the cauldron boil and bake;

Eye of newt and toe of frog, Wool of bat and tongue of dog,

Adder's fork and blind-worm's sting, Lizard's leg and owlet's wing,

For a charm of powerful trouble, Like a hell-broth boil and bubble.

Double, double toil and trouble; Fire burn and cauldron bubble.

Scale of dragon, tooth of wolf, Witches' mummy, maw and gulf

Of the ravin'd salt-sea shark, Root of hemlock digg'd i' the dark,

Liver of blaspheming Jew, Gall of goat, and slips of yew

Double, double toil and trouble; Fire burn and cauldron bubble.

Silver'd in the moon's eclipse, Nose of Turk and Tartar's lips,

Finger of birth-strangled babe Ditch-deliver'd by a drab, Make the gruel thick and slab:

Add thereto a tiger's chaudron, For the ingredients of our cauldron.

Double, double toil and trouble; Fire burn and cauldron bubble...

By the pricking of my thumbs, Something wicked this way comes. "

Macbeth by Williams Shakespeare

Michael Ledeen's neocon policies are calling the shots in both the traitorous Democratic and traitorous Republican parties. The "evangelicals" are only window dressing as are the controlled opposition on the "left." They are all paid whores. The producer of "Obstruction of Justice the Mena Connection" admitted that he worked for the CIA when he boasted to Daniel Hopsicker that he "created the Jesus Freaks" after Hopsicker asked him if he worked for the agency.

The CIA pacified the Vietnamese with murder. It pacified the anti-war movement with the Hippies and LSD.

CIA Hippie Mind Control- Inside Laurel Canyon

Timothy Leary: The Spy Who Came in From the Mold

Just before the US entered into the Vietnam war in 1962 there was the biggest stock market crash since 1929.

"1962 DJIA declined 29% in 6 months. Extent of 1962 damage: the first crash phase of 1929 lost 40 billion dollars. The 1962 crash lost over 100 billion dollars. Even if we adjust these values in terms of 1929 purchasing power, the 1962 crash still lost one and a quarter times as much as 1929."

Big business was blamed by some. Mr. Kennedy was blamed by a very large number (for his "anti-business meddling")

America's days of adversity are probably ahead, maybe at hand. Should you buy gold? Unfortunately, Eisenhower made the owning of gold illegal and Kennedy tightened the screws.

Some people think being a bear and/or selling short is in some way unpatriotic.

To good Democrats, who believe so, I might simply cite the father of President Kennedy as an example of a big-time stock market trader who did a lot of short selling in the biggest of our bear markets, arid made fabulous profits."

Bear Markets: How to surive and make money in them Harry D. Shultz

The United States entered a war economy with the unconstitutional passage of the Federal Reserve Act of 1913 and never left it. The Fed's war economy backs money by debt. If there is no debt there is no money and the US goes into a depression as it did after the stock market crash of 1929. Of course, debt backed inflation driven fraudonomics can be propped up by social spending but that is not why the Fed was created.

It was created to take over the world using the United States as its military juggernaut. There is nothing like war to create debt. That is why the Fed finances all sides of all the wars that it instigates. The power of the purse which rightfully belongs to the people gives the Fed the power to control politicians and turn the people of the world into its debt slaves.

The communist Revolutions in Russia and China and the fraudulent "War on Terror" are all part of that continuing process. The goal is a world empire ruled from a "greater Israel" which is to be created by false flags, wars, and the balkanization of the middle east into warring factions.

"One can only hope that we turn the region into a caldron, and faster, please, That's our mission in the war against terror. "

Neocon Michael Ledeen

Disinformationgate: Iran-Contra and the Israeli Lobby

Who is Michael Ledeen?

"Michael Ledeen, for all practical purposes an Israeli fifth columnist ...

Ledeen is one of the most vocal proponents of "total war," calling for the overthrow of Iraq, Iran, Syria and even Saudia Arabia, as well as the removal of Yasser Arafat.

Before popping up in the middle of the Iran-Contra scandal, Ledeen had built up a reputation concocting or spreading major disinformation...

These fake stories, spread with the conspicuous help of Israel, had the surface appearance of being solely right- wing U.S. propaganda. In fact, Israel was actively covering its penetration of the U.S. foreign policy establishment...

Ledeen's role in Iran-a-scam and Contragate begins with his secret missions to Israel...

According to leaked portions of a Senate Intelligence Committee report, the sale of arms to Iran was planned and implemented by the Israeli intelligence service, Mossad. Each time that the United States rejected further participation in the Israeli plan, some Mossad agent was urgently dispatched to the United States to put their plan back on track....

But instead of trying to shift the blame to Israel, the White House sought to delete all references to the Israeli role from the Senate report and the media accounts followed suit.

In 1981, when CIA Director William Casey first laid out his plan to launch a secret war against the Sandinista Government, Bush eagerly supported the scheme....

From then on, Bush attended nearly every key meeting concerning Iran-Contra, signed off on early deliveries of arms to the Contras, helped organize a resupply bridge to Contra bases in Honduras, sent members of his staff into the field to write progress reports and helped stage-manage the Israelis' central role in arming the Contras and brokering the initial arms sales to Iran."

Disinformationgate: Iran-Contra and the Israeli Lobby

Jerry Falwell may have gotten into bed with the devil in order to save the Christian Church from Jewish communist extermination.

But Pat Robertson was more interested in the big bucks that Jews seemed to be able to throw around. He was just a religious business man and not a minister of the Gospel when talking to the press while running for President but was a "minister of the Gospel" when explaining why he had to take an anti-"gay" stand on the Joan Rivers show.

Pat Robertson's Rip off of Eustace Mullins' books written by Ghost Writers

Besides being hit on constantly by Robertson his Scottish cohost may have been under mind control. Dick Cheney, deep state pal of the Bushes was involved in MkUltra. I remember watching Jerry Falwell, also a pal of George H.W. Bush, giving a lecture before his students who all seemed to be in a glassy eyed hypnotic state.

Mullins seems to have known just about everybody in the deep state including Pat Robertson whose words of knowledge I suspect may have come from his pal George Bush who with William Binney of the NSA gave him words of knowledge about how the government spys on everybody.

The PRISM that Separates the Patriots from the Traitors

"PRISM began in 2007 in the wake of the passage of the Protect America Act under the Bush Administration.[10][11] The program is operated under the supervision of the U.S. Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court (FISA Court, or FISC) pursuant to the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA).[12] Its existence was leaked six years later by NSA contractor Edward Snowden, who warned that the extent of mass data collection was far greater than the public knew and included what he characterized as "dangerous" and "criminal" activities.[13]

The leaked information came to light one day after the revelation that the FISA Court had been ordering a subsidiary of telecommunications company Verizon Communications to turn over to the NSA logs tracking all of its customers' telephone calls.[17][18]

On June 19, 2013, U.S. President Barack Obama, during a visit to Germany, stated that the NSA's data gathering practices constitute "a circumscribed, narrow system directed at us being able to protect our people."[21]

The NSA's PRISM Surveillance Program

By "our people," what Obama (the "Christian" with a Jewish soul and a Muslim faith) means is, of course, the traitorous underground criminal network that made him president and who runs the US government. They are the ones, along with the corrupt Israeli government, who are behind all of the school shootings (whether real or fake) and acts of terrorism both at home and abroad.

This is the only reason why, as NSA Whistleblower William Binney explains, the NSA is not interested in catching terrorists (who are all working for the US government in one way or another) but only in spying on everyone who might blow their cover.

"William Edward Binney is a former highly placed intelligence official with the United States National Security Agency (NSA)[3] turned whistleblower who resigned on October 31, 2001, after more than 30 years with the agency. He was a high-profile critic of his former employers during the George W. Bush administration.

Binney continues to speak out during Barack Obama's presidency about the NSA's data collection policies, and continues interviews in the media regarding his experiences and his views on communication intercepts by governmental agencies of American citizens. In a legal case, Binney has testified in an affidavit that the NSA is in deliberate violation of the U.S. Constitution."

U.S. intelligence official William Binney

NSA Whistleblower William Binney Joins Richard Gage to Call for 9/11 Truth (mp3)

Thanks to touch screen election rigging and blackmail the US government is packed full of traitors to the US constitution.

House passes NSA spying bill after Trump tweets cause confusion

These 18 Senate Democrats Just Voted to Hand Trump Mass Spying Powers

Senate Votes to Extend NSA Spying Program

Super-fascist-Zionist Trump, of course, has no problem with violating the US constitution so long as it is not his private piracy that is included in the NSA spying.

Trump renews NSA internet surveillance program for six more years

"Everyone knows, of course, about Trump's gambling operations and of the wide-ranging links of the gambling industry to organized crime. But the story is much bigger than that. In his own memoir, The Art of the Deal , Trump proudly described how in 1987 he bought his first casino interests when he purchased 93 percent of the voting stock in the Resorts International gambling concern.

What Trump doesn't tell his readers is what the late Andrew St. George reported in The Spotlight on Oct. 30, 1978 (and in the previous Sept. 25, 1978, issue): that Resorts International was established and controlled by front men for the Rockefeller and Rothschild families and their "enforcers" in the CIA and its allied intelligence agency, Israel's Mossad.

The Spotlight's report focused on the activities of Resorts International and provided readers with an extensive overview of the "fixed" gambling rackets conducted by underworld gambling elements.

What made the report so explosive was that this newspaper pointed out that the illegally rigged casinos were being operated with the collusion of "respectable" politicians, law enforcement officials, Wall Street financiers who floated loans to finance the gambling resorts, and the high- profile gambling resort operators themselves.

In addition, as St. George pointed out, many of these casino resorts run by the mob through a variety of front men have actually been engaged in a de facto partnership with behind-the-scenes mobsters who have assisted the CIA and the Mossad in massive laundering of drug and gambling profits that have been channeled into covert operations of the two allied intelligence agencies. In return, the CIA and the Mossad, using their own influence, have provided "protection" for the illegally fixed gambling operations, preventing law enforcement authorities from cracking down on this corruption. "

Who Towers Behind Trump?

You can bet your bottom all-seeing masonic eye devil dollar that one foreign entity that the NSA will not be spying on is the Mossad.

"How do you get your way in peace time and force the opposite direction than the citizens of a nation wish to go and against the will of a people, state, or nation? The most obvious method is spying and blackmail.

In 1995 I was asked by a friend to go to the Adams Morgan area of Washington DC to look at a possible investment in a bar and restaurant. We had to drive around the block many times looking for a parking place...lined up down the street are cars, power status cars, limousines, government executive cars with drivers and government limousines.

It was a meat market for sexual predators and the District of Columbia is full of them. It is pretty disgusting to see the inner workings of DC in light of the pretense of how honorable and law abiding they pretend to be and they are not.

The expressions on the faces of these children were uniform very scared, terrified expressions.

As we were walking down the street a van sliding door opened and as one man is exiting they were speaking in Hebrew. They had video and still cameras set up in the van with telephoto lens and recording the entire scene where these Washington DC pedophiles were picking up children for their sick entertainment.

I personally reported this to the FBI and they were told to stand down, too. When DC Metro police tried to move on it, threats were made of the bodily harm type.

I recognized some of the faces in these cars and then watched in disgust how huge political issues were being debated and certain members of our Senate, House and even agencies (the pedophiles in those same cars) just rolled over for what Israel wanted."

Why Israel Spies On The USA

The EIR article demonstrates the blindness of its Jewish authors with regard to the Book of the Revelation - a part of the New Testament which Jews are not supposed to read but which some Jews, nevertheless, can interpret without ever having read it.

"Christian fundamentalists" are "bible believing" Christians but true Christians interpret the bible through the words of Jesus. Jesus is believed to have written the book of Revelation through Saint John in his old age who was imprisoned by Nero who according to the Talmud was a convert to "Judaism" (which is modern day Phariseeism).

The 144,000 figure in Revelation symbolically represents the 12 tribes of Israel 12 tribal leaders each representing 12,000 Israelites and the 12 apostles each representing the long gone 12 tribes except for the tribe of Benjamin and Juda which still existed during the time of Christ. Only one of these tribes refers to the tribe of Judah which Jews claim to descend from.

"today's authorities agree about the separateness of "Israel" and "Judah". In the Old Testament Israel is often called "the house of Joseph", in pointed distinction from "the house of Judah".

The Jewish Encyclopaedia says, ''Joseph and Judah typify two distinct lines of descent" and adds (as already cited) that Judah was "in all likelihood a non-Israelitish tribe". The Encyclopaedia Britannica says that Judaism developed long after the Israelites had merged themselves with mankind, and that the true relationship of the two peoples is best expressed in the phrase, "The Israelites were not Jews".

Historically, Judah was to survive for a little while and to bring forth Judaism, which begat Zionism. Israel was to disappear as an entity, and it all came about in this way:

...It was the Levites, with their racial creed, that Israel rejected. The next two hundred years, during which Israel and Judah existed separately, and often in enmity, but side by side, are filled with the voices of the Hebrew "prophets", arraigning the Levites and the creed which they were constructing.

These voices still call to mankind out of the tribal darkness which beclouds much of the Old Testament, for they scarified the creed which was in the making just as Jesus scarified it seven or eight hundred years later, when it was long established, at the Temple in Jerusalem.

These men were nearly all Israelites; most of them were Josephites. They were on the road to the one-God of all-peoples and to participation in mankind...They rebuked the priestly doctrine of slaying and enslaving "the heathen". God, they cried, desired moral behaviour, neighbourly conduct and justice towards the poor, the fatherless, the widow and the oppressed, not blood sacrifices and hatred of the heathen...

"The Levites of that ancient time did not, and today's Zionists do not believe that the Israelites "vanished without leaving a trace" (as Dr. Kastein says). They were pronounced "dead", in the way that a Jew marrying out of the fold today is pronounced dead; they were excommunicated and only in that sense "vanished".

The true meaning of the assertion that Israel "disappeared" is to be found in the later Talmud, which says:

"The ten tribes have no share in the world to come".
"the children of Israel"
are banned from heaven by the ruling sect of Judah because they refused to exclude themselves from mankind on earth."

Therefore the use of the name "Israel" by the Zionist state which was created in Palestine in this century is in the nature of a forgery. Some strong reason must have dictated the use of the name of a people who were not Jews and would have none of the creed which has become Judaism. One tenable theory suggests itself.

The Zionist state was set up with the connivance of the great nations of the West, which is also the area of Christendom. The calculation may have been that these peoples would be comforted in their consciences if they could be led to believe that they were fulfilling Biblical prophecy and God's promise to "Israel", at whatever cost in the "destruction" of innocent peoples."

The Controversy of Zion: The End of Israel

Just where the tribe of Benjamin that St. Paul belonged went to is a mystery, but it was likely swallowed up by mankind as were the other 10 tribes. Perhaps the Palestinians have descended from them all.

In any case, there were actually 2 apostles by the name of Judas and after Judas Iscariot hung himself he was replaced by another apostle by the name of Paul. Judah was broken off to make room for a new tribe called the Christians. So the symbology of the 144,000 does not have any "Jews" (ie. Pharisees) in it at all!

Matthias was chosen by lot to replace Judas, but Paul was chosen to be an apostle by Jesus himself, as were all of the other apostles. Paul changed his name from the Hebrew Saul to the gentile name of Paul. Hence, the Christians replaced the Tribe of Judah in the 12 tribes of Israel.

Was Paul supposed to replace Judas Iscariot as the 12th disciple?

Romans|11:13 For I speak to you Gentiles, inasmuch as I am the apostle of the Gentiles, I magnify mine office:

Romans|11:14 If by any means I may provoke to emulation them which are my flesh, and might save some of them.

Romans|11:15 For if the casting away of them be the reconciling of the world, what shall the receiving of them be, but life from the dead?

Romans|11:19 Thou wilt say then, The branches were broken off, that I might be grafted in.

Romans|11:20 Well; because of unbelief they were broken off, and thou standest by faith. Be not highminded, but fear:

Saul of Tarsus persecuted the son of David the same way King Saul persecuted David. His spiritual blindness ended when his physical blindness ended - when the scales were removed from his eyes by Ananias.

Acts|9:18 And immediately there fell from his eyes as it had been scales: and he received sight forthwith, and arose, and was baptized.

I know from personal experience that dry wind drys the eyes causing the eyelashes to be glued together with mucus. Quite painful when one tries to pry them open.

The early Christians believed that they were living in the last days and Saint John was referring to them not to the Pharisees who were the "Jews who are not Jews" who belonged to the "Synagogue of Satan" that Saint John talked about. It was they who hounded both Saint Peter and Paul to their deaths and were responsible for the persecution of the Christians in the Pagan Roman Empire.

Forty Jews shaved their heads and vowed to "neither eat nor drink till they had killed Paul." Paul tells us that that was what Jews did when they took oaths back then - shave their heads.

Makes one wonder about the return of the Kojack look doesn't it? Children should not play with dead things like the Jewish invention of "National Socialism" (by Moses Hess) which is also called fascism.

"Fascism should more appropriately be called Corporatism because it is a merger of state and corporate power."

Benito Mussolini

fascist look

The U.S. Corporation and the Maritime Flag

One must be aware of the fringe views of the conspiracy theorists. Like the idea that the US was supplanted by a corporation in 1871 when Old Glory was supplanted by a flag with a gold fringe. Especially when the conspiracy theory is pushed by a disinfo guy who can see members of the Illuminati shape shifting into reptiles! (Actually the Illuminati are plants as proven by the ability of poppies and cocoa plants to corrupt the governments of the world and subvert their intelligence agencies in order to plant their seeds!)

The Politics of Heroin in Southeast Asia

Opium Lords

And especially when his (i.e. David Icke's) ideas are pushed by Scientologists who believe in evil alien beings called Thetans (which rhymes with Satan). The creator of Scientology L. Ron Hubbard was said to have been a part of the CIA's LSD mind control project Mkultra (on the Merve Griffin show) and according to his son he was a Satanist who practice "soul cracking" in order to give birth to the anti Christ - an idea that gave rise to the movies "Rosemaries' Baby" and "the Omen." Hubbard was a science fiction writer, after all.

I don't know if he is related to L. Ron Hubbard but a Captain Alfred M Hubbard was known as the "Johnny Appleseed of LSD." But it was Captain Lafayette Ronald Hubbard who ran the cult of Scientology which used LSD to get its members to have "out of the body experiences." You know that you are "clear" when you have an "out of the body experience."

How do I know this? Because in the 1970s I was suckered into taking a Scientology "personality test" by a gorgeous girl who was brainwashed into getting recruits into her hypnotic cult and they told me all about it! People who take LSD are very honest you know. LSD was the CIA's "truth drug." The top guy in the joint also told me that L. Ron Hubbard said that the quickest way to become a millionaire was to start a new religion.

As the CIA knows, it also helps to get women addicted to heroin or cocaine so that they will prostitute themselves to get another fix. That's also called a "woman's right to choose" abortion because her john does not want to shell out or because she has more "work to do" and her pimp will beat the hell out of her if she does not do it.

One of their mind control methods was to seat you in front of another person and get you to repeat the phrase "do birds fly" while the other person says something, anything in reply. And you do this over and over again while you and the other person stare into each others eyes.

This is supposed to help your "communication skills" so that you can go out and get more recruits.

I will never forget one guy who was proud of his motorcycle and talked about it constantly. By the end of the "communication course" a lady Scientology "officer" was trying to get him to take the next Scientology course. He said that he could not afford it. So she told him to sell his bike and move in with her.

I thought what a creepy money grubbing organization! This same girl had been putting pressure on all of the older members to bring more people into Scientology - browbeating them in fact! They all looked liked gloomy trapped animals.

Just how Charley Manson got L Ron Hubbard's book "Dianetics: The Modern Science of Mental health" I do not know but he is said to have read it in prison. It does not seem to have done him much good because he essentially destroyed the peace movement when he got out.

Somehow Charley seemed to have acquired the skill of controlling the minds of beautiful women just like the Scientologists! After his murder spree with his mind-controlled harem the media ran a story about a little girl crying because she saw a picture of John Lennon and she thought that he was Charley Manson! The CIA's answer to the crying little Vietnamese girl burnt by napalm.

The Great Satan Burns Children with Napalm in Vietnam

Ultimately the CIA's "turn on, tune in, and drop out" gimmick did not work because while the peace movement itself did not end the Vietnam war, it inspired a lot of drafted grunts to revolt against it. The US government finally gave up when the grunts started to frag their officers.

Sir No Sir: How US Soldiers Ended the War in Vietnam

In no ways could the fragging of the officers (who were lifers in the US military) by the drafted grunts be compared with the murder of Pat Tillman.

Football Star Pat Tillman Murdered for Comming out Against
the Fraudulent "War on Terror"

Nixon with his secret plan to end (i.e. extend) the Vietnam war told the nation that there would be no more US military combat missions because of his "Vietnamazation" program but secretly told or allowed the military to continue their search and destroy missions. In lying to the nation Nixon had violated his oath of office and no longer was the legitimate president of the United States.

By contrast the murder of Pat Tillman was an effort to conceal from the American people the fraudulent nature of the phony "War on Terror" by the Bush Administration. The murder of Tillman was likely carried out by Dyncorp or Blackwater mercenaries who participated with the Israelis in murdering of other US soldiers in order to get their wars for Israel going.

Putin Tells Everyone Exactly Who Created ISIS

Likewise, Communism should more appropriately be called globalism because it is a merger of the superstate and global corporate power. Not to mention the international banksters who make it all possible.

Having created communism, while not having any intention of living under it, the banksters had to create a counterbalance to control it. The Great Depression which they created to enrich themselves on the misery of others thoroughly discredited capitalism which they had subverted into banksterism for the purpose of robbing the capitalist countries of the world. In a capitalist country it is the government that creates and regulates the money supply and not the banks.

Their stooge Karl Marx told the world that law was a method that the capitalist class used to oppress the working class. What he did not tell the world was the upper classes always represent a tribe which invades and subjects another tribe to its will and that he and is buddies in the House of Rothschild had every intention of doing the same on a world wide scale. Since the numbers of their tribe were so low they had to depend on suckering the gentiles into fighting each other so that they could achieve world wide domination.

"Everything about Bakunin is genuine: his struggle, sufferings and death. Everything about Marx is bogus: his thirty years of incitement from the British Museum reading-room, his comfortable life on Friedrich Engels's bounty, his obviously ca1culated marriage to a "von", his genteel funeral with graveside orations; all are typical of the petty bourgeois who he so loudly declaimed against...

Bakunin, "the father of Anarchy", was "a disciple of Weishaupt", according to the French revolutionary socialist, Benoit Malon. He represented that early breed of idealist revolutionaries who thought that they had found in revolution an instrument to destroy tyranny.

He saw the danger that the confiscatory State, set up on the ruins of private property, would merely reproduce the tyrannical propensities of the private capitalist in gargantuan shape; therefore he looked for ways to reconcile the communal ownership of land and capital with the utmost possible diminution in the powers of the State and ultimately even with the complete abolition of the State.

Thus he was the very opposite of Karl Marx, whose similar proposal, for the communal ownership of land and capital, was aimed simply at setting up a super-tyranny in place of petty tyrants...

Marr was a revolutionary and conspirator who helped the Jewish-led "secret societies" (Disraeli) prepare the abortive outbreaks of 1848. His writings of that period are recognizably Talmudic (he was not a Jew); they are violently anti-Christian, atheist and anarchist. Later, like Bakunin (Marr was a similar man) he became aware of the true nature of the revolutionary hierarchy, and in 1879 he wrote:

"The advent of Jewish imperialism, I am firmly convinced, is only a question of time.

The empire of the world belongs to the Jews

Woe to the conquered!

I am quite certain that before four generations have passed there will not be a single function in the State, the highest included, which will not be in the hands of the Jews

At the present moment, alone among European states,

Russia still holds out against the official recognition of the invading foreigners. Russia is the last rampart and against her the Jews have constructed their final trench. To judge by the course of events, the capitulation of Russia is only a question of time

In that vast empire.

Judaism will find the fulcrum of Archimedes which will enable it to drag the whole of Western Europe off its hinges once for all. The Jewish spirit of intrigue will bring about a revolution in Russia such as the world has never yet seen

The present situation of Judaism in Russia is such that it has still to fear expulsion. But when it has laid Russia prostrate it will no longer have any attacks to fear. When the Jews have got control of the Russian state.

they will set about the destruction of the social organization of Western Europe. This last hour of Europe will arrive at latest in a hundred or a hundred and fifty years".

The Controversy of Zion

Oh no, not another conspiracy theory!

Acts|23:12 And when it was day, certain of the Jews banded together, and bound themselves under a curse, saying that they would neither eat nor drink till they had killed Paul.

Acts|23:13 And they were more than forty which had made this conspiracy.

Acts|23:14 And they came to the chief priests and elders, and said, We have bound ourselves under a great curse, that we will eat nothing until we have slain Paul.

Acts|23:15 Now therefore ye with the council signify to the chief captain that he bring him down unto you to morrow, as though ye would inquire something more perfectly concerning him: and we, or ever he come near, are ready to kill him.

Acts|23:16 And when Paul's sister's son heard of their lying in wait, he went and entered into the castle, and told Paul.

Acts|23:17 Then Paul called one of the centurions unto him, and said, Bring this young man unto the chief captain: for he hath a certain thing to tell him.

Acts|23:18 So he took him, and brought him to the chief captain, and said, Paul the prisoner called me unto him, and prayed me to bring this young man unto thee, who hath something to say unto thee.

Acts|23:19 Then the chief captain took him by the hand, and went with him aside privately, and asked him, What is that thou hast to tell me?

Acts|23:20 And he said, The Jews have agreed to desire thee that thou wouldest bring down Paul to morrow into the council, as though they would inquire somewhat of him more perfectly.

Acts|23:21 But do not thou yield unto them: for there lie in wait for him of them more than forty men, which have bound themselves with an oath, that they will neither eat nor drink till they have killed him: and now are they ready, looking for a promise from thee.

Only a Judaized Christian would try to "force God's hand" to bring about the "end times." The book of the Revelation damns such people for they are adding and taking away from the Book of the Revelation.

Revelation|22:18 For I testify unto every man that heareth the words of the prophecy of this book, If any man shall add unto these things, God shall add unto him the plagues that are written in this book:

Revelation|22:19 And if any man shall take away from the words of the book of this prophecy, God shall take away his part out of the book of life, and out of the holy city, and from the things which are written in this book.

The "war of Gog and Magog" comes after the millenial reign of Christ. Armageddon comes before the rapture and the resurrection of the dead in Christ.

Revelation|20:6 Blessed and holy is he that hath part in the first resurrection: on such the second death hath no power, but they shall be priests of God and of Christ, and shall reign with him a thousand years.

Revelation|20:7 And when the thousand years are expired, Satan shall be loosed out of his prison,

Revelation|20:8 And shall go out to deceive the nations which are in the four quarters of the earth, Gog and Magog, to gather them together to battle: the number of whom is as the sand of the sea.

Revelation|20:9 And they went up on the breadth of the earth, and compassed the camp of the saints about, and the beloved city: and fire came down from God out of heaven, and devoured them.

"Seventh Day Adventists, the Jehovah's Witnesses, the Pentecostalists, and the Premillennial Dispensationalists" are all Judaized Christians - Judaized by Freemasonry. The end goal of Freemasonry is to destroy Christianity by using a Jewish (Pharisaic) interpretation of the Old Testament. To them the Old Testament gives Jesus legitimacy in stead of the other way around.

This eventually destroys the Christian's faith in Christ because Judaized Christians take the word of Jewish rabbis in what the Old Testament really says instead of Christ's words which appear in red letters in the Catholic bible. It is these red letters that Christians are supposed to interpret the Old Testament with not the words of the rabbis who are modern day Pharisees. Jesus Christ described these Pharisees as being the "son's of Satan" and Revelation calls them the "Jews who are not Jews" but are the "Synagogue of Satan."

The essence of the difference between Judaism and Christianity is the interpretation of Genesis|27:15-29

"And Rebekah took goodly raiment of her eldest son Esau, which were with her in the house, and put them upon Jacob her younger son: And she put the skins of the kids of the goats upon his hands, and upon the smooth of his neck: And she gave the savoury meat and the bread, which she had prepared, into the hand of her son Jacob. And she put the skins of the kids of the goats upon his hands, and upon the smooth of his neck: And she gave the savoury meat and the bread, which she had prepared, into the hand of her son Jacob. And he came unto his father, and said, My father: and he said, Here am I; who art thou, my son? And Jacob said unto his father,

I am Esau thy firstborn;

(lie # 1)

I have done according as thou badest me: arise, I pray thee, sit and eat of my venison, that thy soul may bless me. And Isaac said unto his son, How is it that thou hast found it so quickly, my son? And he said,

Because the LORD thy God brought it to me.

(lie # 2) And Isaac said unto Jacob, Come near, I pray thee, that I may feel thee, my son, whether thou be my very son Esau or not. And Jacob went near unto Isaac his father; and he felt him, and said, The voice is Jacob's voice, but the hands are the hands of Esau. And he discerned him not, because his hands were hairy, as his brother Esau's hands: so he blessed him.

And he said, Art thou my very son Esau?

And he said, I am.

(lie # 3) Therefore God give thee of the dew of heaven, and the fatness of the earth, and plenty of corn and wine: Let people serve thee, and nations bow down to thee: be lord over thy brethren, and let thy mother's sons bow down to thee: cursed be every one that curseth thee, and blessed be he that blesseth thee. "


Jacob the Impostor Gets Blessed

So the moral of the story (according to Phariseeism) is that lying tricksters will get blessed and rule the nations; you will get blessed if you help them seize power; you will be cursed if you oppose them - great Machiavellian argument - a sure road to ruling other nations through usury and deceit.

In this view of "Jacobs blessing" Jacob changed his name for reasons that any evil doer changes his name - to escape the wrath of justice. In this case the wrath of his brother whom he had swindled out of his blessing and extorted his birthright from. Malefactors always change their name when they skip town you know.

The Traditional Catholic View of Lying vs. the Jewish View:

"St. Augustine..wrote two short treatises to prove that it is never lawful to tell a lie. His doctrine on this point has generally been followed in the Western Church, and it has been defended as the common opinion by the Schoolmen and by modern divines."

New Advent Catholic Encyclopedia: Lying

Should Moral Individuals Ever Lie? Insights from Jewish Law (Lying Permissible)

That's the candy coated version of "it's OK to lie theology." Here is what the Talmud says about lying that the Jewish website did not mention:

Zohar (I, 160a). -- Jews must always try to deceive Christians.

Kallah (1b, p.18) -- Jew may perjure himself with a clear conscience.

Schabbouth Hag. (6d). -- Jews may swear falsely by use of subterfuge wording.

Iore Dea (157,2) H -- May deceive Christians that believe Christian tenets.

Facts are Facts by Benjamin H. Freedman

What really upset Martin Luther was that Jews were calling God a liar. But there is no getting around this without seeing the Old Testament through the eyes of Jesus and knowing which of the scriptures that Jesus considered to be true and which of the verses in those scriptures were the product of the "lying pens of the scribes" whom he excoriated along with the Pharisees.

"And the LORD said, Who shall persuade Ahab, that he may go up and fall at Ramothgilead? And one said on this manner, and another said on that manner. And there came forth a spirit, and stood before the LORD, and said, I will persuade him. And the LORD said unto him, Wherewith? And he said, I will go forth, and I will be a lying spirit in the mouth of all his prophets. And he said, Thou shalt persuade him, and prevail also: go forth, and do so."

1 Kings|22:20-21

Now why would an Almighty powerful creator of the universe have to fake out an insect on a speck of dust circling one of his trillions of stars by trickery in order to get rid of him? Since the Talmud says that is OK to lie to Gentiles and even requires Jews to lie under certain circumstances; and the even the Torah says that the Jewish god lies by proxy, is it any wonder then that 52% of Jews say that they do not believe in God at all?

Jews Don't Believe

Of course, if they say they are Jews then they believe in lying - QED. So one does not know what they believe! They may believe that they are collectively God and their own collectively Messiah.

"Dr. Kastein was accurate in saying,
"It was not God who willed these people and their meaning; it was this people who willed this God and this meaning"
, or he would have been accurate had he said, "these scribes" instead of "this people". The earlier generation of scribes had willed the revelation made in Deuteronomy; the later one willed the Talmudic God and demanded that "these people" accept the Talmud as a continuation of the revelation earlier "willed".'

The Contoversy of Zion

The Christian interpretation of Genesis|27:15-29 is quite different. According to Christianity Jacob changed his name when he repented. He saw the light and was "born again." Hence, he was given a new name - the name of Israel. In this light we see that modern day Israel is not Israel but Jacob. As in Jacob Rubinstein who changed his name to Jack Ruby before he murdered Lee Harvey Oswald, faked his own death and then skipped town to Israel.

Unlike the Judaized verson of Genesis|27:15-29 which tries to make Esau out as some kind of villan rapture buff Pastor Pack took a more sympathetic view. He had hypoglycemia and understood why Esau might have given up his birthright for a mess of pottage. Not because he "despised his birthright" but because he thought that he would die if he did not get some carbohydrate into his blood stream.

Saint Paul told his followers not to listen to Jewish folk tales, but how did he know that stories like this one were not allegorical since Jesus used allegorical stories to teach his followers all of the time? I used to listen to Jewish folk tales on TV before the 1967 war between Israel and the Arabs. It was clear to me even as a kid that these stories were not literally true but were meant to teach some moral principle. All of this changed after the "six day war" when the rabbi who told these stories disappeared from the screen and was replace by a rabbi who said that the only thing that kept Jews together was their belief in the Holocaust folk tale and Israel. Of course, if there was no Holocaust folk tale there would be no Israel.

I am not one to believe that the bible has either dropped down from heaven into the lap of King James or is total rubbish. The un-corrupted parts of the Old Testament forms the basis of Christian morality and lays the foundation of the legal ethics of this country. The attacks by the ACLU and the Freemasonic Warren Court can only be seen as a treasonous attack on the moral foundations of America that George Washington warned his country against.

The Protestant bible contains more books than the Jewish bible (excluding the Talmud). The Catholic Bible contains more books than the Protestant bible. All of these bibles are a compilation of ancient texts canonized by scholars in the various religions in order to form a coherent theology. The Masoretic text is an edited form of the Septugent with the parts supporting Christian theology (in particular the virginity of Mary) changed.

Christianity has preserved the original Hebrew text which time and again has been corrupted by the Judahites and their Levite predecessors.

Unfortunately, some popular renditions of the Gospel such as the TV miniseries "Peter and Paul" accept the corrupted Masoretic text as describing Christ's mother as being a "young woman" when the original Hebrew text said "Virgin."

"The Virgin in the prophecy became "a young woman" in their rendering. Since then, the Jews have made and/or influenced dozens of translations into all languages, while ferociously defending their own Hebrew version, the MT, as the only legitimate primary source."

Translating the Bible into Hebrew By Israel Adam Shamir

Douglass Reed in his "Controversy of Zion" gives, I believe, the correct interpretation of the world we live in today - that Christianity evolved from the universal religion of the kingdom of Israel while Judaism evolved from the racist tribal religion of the kingdom of Judah.

The US Congress in its kowtowing to the wishes of the ADL has proclaimed the truth that Zionism is Judaism. As Judaism is Phariseeism and the Pharisees are the spiritual descendants of the Levites this explains everything about what is happening today. All Jews who do not like what the Zionists are doing should reconsider what they call themselves in light of Douglass Reed's analysis of their original Torah or the Old Testament of the Christians.

"During this period the Levites achieved things which were permanently to affect the life of peoples. They added four Books to Deuteronomy and thus set up a Law of racio-religious intolerance which, if it could be enforced, would for all time cut off the Judahites from mankind. By experiment in Babylon, they found ways of enforcing it, that is to say, of keeping their followers segregated from those among whom they dwelt. They acquired authority among their captors, and at last they "pulled down" and "utterly destroyed" their captors' house; or if this did not truly happen, they handed on this version of history to a posterity which accepted it and in time began to see in these people an irresistibly destructive force.

In fact, "the Law" was constantly changed, often to close some loophole which might have allowed "the stranger" to enjoy a right devolving only on "a neighbour". Some examples of this continuing process of amendment have already been given, and others follow in this chapter. The effect was usually to make hatred of or contempt for "the stranger" an integral part of "the Law" through the provision of discriminatory penalties or immunities.

This was the direct result of the experiments made and the experience gained by the Levites in Babylon, where they were first able to test the creed in an alien environment. The benevolent behaviour of the Babylonian conquerors towards their Judahite prisoners was the exact opposite of that enjoined on the Judahites, in the reverse circumstances, by the Second Law which had been read to them just before their defeat:"

"Save nothing alive that breatheth"

The Contorversy of Zion

I believe that most "Christian Zionists" are as brainwashed as I was and I am convinced that if and when they find out what is being done in their name they will quickly switch sides and the ACLU's persecution of Christians will recommence where it left off in the 1980s. After all, It was the persecution of Christians that was the impetus for Christian Zionism to begin with.

I see the censorship in the media and on the internet to be the continuation of the persecution of true Christians. It was palpable at the time that Tennessee Ernie Ford sung this song. He told his TV audience that he got letters say "we like it" when you sing your gospel Hymns. So evidently he was under pressure to stop singing them.

A Mighty Fortress is Our God

I can not claim to be a "bible believing" Christian the way that Texe Marrs was but then neither was Constantine when he conquered the pagan Roman world which had been set against the Christians by the convert to Judaism Caesar Nero whose name translates numerically into 666 in Hebrew.

By This Sign Conquer

Constantine did not become a Christian until he was in his death bed when he was baptized but he believed that the Christian God would be with him if he would save the Christians from extermination. He took the beams of light shining through the clouds in the shape of a cross as a sign from this God.

Today the Palestinians are the Christians in danger of extermination and anyone who takes up the sword in defence of them will have God with him. Rachel Corrie who gave up her life in defense of the Palestinian children is every bit a saint as Saint Cecilia not withstanding the demonic mockery of her death by evil Israelis.

Cecilia lived during a time the early Church was being persecuted by the pagan Roman Empire. Cecilia's pagan father arranged a marriage for her but she decided to become a Christian. The man she was engaged to and his friend followed suit and became Christians.

After her betrothed husband and his friend were martyred, Cecilia was arrested and sentenced to be executed in her caldarium (a Roman steam bath). Her executioners fed the furnace with 7 times more fuel than normal. When they opened the door to the caldarium they found Cecilia singing Christian hymns. Having failed to kill her in this way they tried to behead her but her neck withstood three blows from the executioner's sword. Roman law forbade a forth attempt to kill her so Cecilia was left to die with her head half severed. She lived for 3 days.

During those 3 days, it is said, she converted many to her faith. When her body was disinterred it was found to have the index finger extended on one hand (there is one God) and on the other hand it held out three fingers (Father, Son and Holy Ghost). The word martyr comes from the Latin and Greek words for witness.

If you look closely at the neck of the statue made to commemorate her martyrdom you can see a cut mark.

The persecution of Christians began with the crucifixion of Christ by the Jewish Sanhedrin which used the Roman government to execute him. It continued with the persecution of both Paul and Peter by the Jewish holyarchy. As they did with Christ, the Jewish holyarchy claimed that the Christians were violating "Pax Romana" by stirring up the Jews all over the world. Christians were accused of engaging in orgies and having strange secret rites.

Nero set the precedent for the Roman persecution of Christians by executing both Peter and Paul. Nero must have done this to please the Jewish holyarchy as Pontius Pilate condemned Jesus to palliate the Sanhedrin. Nero blamed the burning of Rome on Christians and he imprisoned Saint John on the Island of Patmos. In the book of the Revelation John complains of persecution by "Jews who are not Jews" who worship in the "Synagogue of Satan" and he names Nero (whose Hebrew Name adds up to "666") as the anti-Christ. The Talmud claims that Nero later became a Jewish convert.

Most of the Christians were martyred, not in the colosseum, but in the circuses. They were turned into living torches to illuminate the circus performances.

Following in the Talmudic tradition of Christian persecution, Jewish Bolsheviks later martyred millions of Christians and canonized Judas Iscariot while making "anti-Semitism" a crime punishable by death. In Turkey, the crypto-Jew Ataturk martyred over a million Armenian Christians.

Over the centuries enormous tracts of church property have been stolen from the church (from the Body of Christ not the religious holyarchy); churches and priceless works of art have been destroyed; secret societies have infiltrated the church and sought to destroy it from within; priests and nuns have been murdered and countless Christians have been martyred for their faith.

"We visited the Church of Santo Stefano Rotundo. As you can see in the picture it is a round church with all the walls covered with paintings of the tortures and martyrdoms of the early Christians. They are graphic and detailed. The two pictures below are from the walls of the church (man with molten lead being poured down his throat and woman with her hands cut off and hung around her neck). These are only two pictures of hundreds.

But the early Christians gave witness to Christ with much more than their words. The New Testament was originally written in Greek and the Greek word used for "witness" is martur. Sound familiar. Say it to yourself out loud a few times and see if it sounds like an English word we use. I bet you guessed it. The English word "martyr" derives from the Greek word martur meaning witness. The Catechism states, "

"Martyrdom is the supreme witness given to the truth of the faith: it means bearing witness even unto death ...

And they have conquered by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony (martur), for they loved not their lives even unto death." (Revelation 12:11, RSVCE)"

Are You Prepared to Witness for Christ?

Yet, Christianity goes on. The reason for this is best explained by 2 converts to Christianity: Apolonious, a Roman senator executed for being a Christian, and a Carthaginian named Tertullian.

Here is the testimony of senator Apollonius at his trial as recorded by the court stenographer. Apollonius explains the reason for his "treason" (i.e. his conversion to Christianity):

Roman Senator Apollonius: Witness for Christ

"The Word of God, who brought into existence men's souls and bodies, became a man in Judea - our Savior Jesus Christ.

Perfectly righteous, and filled with Divine wisdom, He lovingly taught us what the God of all is like, and what is the end of virtue, befitting the souls of men, with a view to social order and dignity. By His own suffering He put a stop to sins in their very beginning.

He taught us to stop anger, to moderate desire, to chaste the love of pleasure. He taught us to relieve sorrow, to be generous, to promote charity, to put away vainglory, to abstain from taking revenge, to despise death - not when inflected for wrongdoing, but in patient endurance of the wrongdoing of others. He taught us to obey the law laid down by Himself, to honor the emperor, to worship the immortal God, and Him only, to believe our souls to be immortal, to look forward to the judgment after death, to expect the reward of the toils of virtue to be given by God after the resurrection to those who have lived good lives.

All this He taught us plainly, and gave us convincing reasons for it....

We have hastened to honor Him because we have learned from Him lofty commandments, of which we were ignorant before, and are under no delusion.

Yet if it were a delusion as you say, which tells us that the soul is immortal, and that there is a judgment after death, and reward of virtue at the resurrection, and that God is the Judge, we would gladly be carried away by such a lie as that, which has taught us to live good lives, awaiting the hope of the future, even while suffering adversity."

Saint Apollonius

Apollonius was beheaded. The slave who informed on him was executed too. It was a violation of Roman law for a slave to inform on his master, the slave belonged to Apollonius, and the Romans were great sticklers for the letter of the law.

Tertullian on the Spread of Christianity in the Roman Empire

"We are but of yesterday, yet we have filled all that is yours: cities and islands, forts and towns, assemblies and even military camps, tribes, councils, the Palace, the Senate, the Forum. We left you only the temples."

If we abandoned you for some far country you would shudder at your solitude, at the silence, the stupor of a dead world.

Tertullian's Defense of the Christians

"The more you kill the more we are.
The blood of the martyrs is the seed of the church."

The Crypt of Saint Cecilia

If you can believe the Mainstream Cesspool, Americans are people who worship God in December, worship the Devil in October and after choosing the lessor of 2 evils or the evil of 2 lessors become cannibals in November.

Of course, that would be unfair as the American people are only given devils to choose from by Satan himself - the prince of the powers of the air and cable TV.

What we do have to be thankful for is the opportunity to put a bunch of corrupt traitorous Democrat bigwigs in prison for trying to rig the 2024 election with a massive influx of Hispanics who were undoubtedly bribed with taxpayer dollars to vote for Democrats.

Many of these Hispanics may not even have known what they were doing as they can not speak or read English. I heard them speaking Spanish in a Walmart on the Sunday right after the election. There were so many Hispanics that the huge toilet roles in the bathroom ran out of toilet paper. The fraudocrats in the DNC don't want them to learn English they just want to control their illegal votes.

But the Democrats and the Republicans want to keep their respective corruptions in the closet. That is the only bi-partisanship that they are interested in. And that is why after 23 years their has been no action on the false flag attack on the World Trade center which led to a 7 trillion dollar fleecing of the American people known as the "War on Terror" and bloody high tech massacres of innocent people in the middle east and Afghanistan.

The collapse of the twin towers of the WTC and building 7 was not just a controlled demolition. It was a blazing thermitic inferno which melted cement, steel girders, and the fire proof file cabinets that lawyers keep evidence of crimes.

Ordinary Fires could not have destroyed the "thousands of files related to the hundreds of Cases being actively pursed by Security and Exchange Commission against companies like Enron"

"Here are some tips for keeping client information and documents confidential:

Lock all files in fireproof file cabinets at the end of the day. Shred confidential materials you are disposing of."

Law of Corporations, Partnerships, and Sole Propietorships

The Clinton gang was very enthusiastic about the 2nd suggestion. The Enron gang apparently had to use superthermite or thermate as they did not have access to the fireproof file cabinets of the SEC's prosecutors. I assume that Larry Silverstein was kind enough to move the batteries containing thermate to the basement when the plane that was supposed to fly into WTC 7 was shot down in Shanksville.

Richard Gage on the Collapse of WTC 7

Gage mentions that Silverstein made a bundle off of the insurance on the destruction of WTC buildling but he said that "that is not evidence." Well how about admitting to "pulling" WTC 7?

"May be the best thing to do is just pull it. They made the decision to pull and we watched the building collapse."

Larry Silverstein Admitting to "pulling" WTC #7

I guess that that would be almost as anti-semitic as mentioning that

"In researching the level of Jewish crime during the early decades of this century in the Lower East Side, Albert Fried notes that"
"I discovered that an enormously complex, richly endowed culture of vice and criminality, made up mainly of young people, thrived on the Lower East Side... Arson for building insurance and horse-poisoning in extortion rackets were "two offenses associated almost exclusively with Jews."

Jewish Organized Crime

Of course, we all know that Larry Silverstein was not the Silverstein that ran the strip joint at Runway 69 which was linked to the drug money laundering that George H W Bush, the RNC and the DNC were invloved in during the 1980s don't we? Even though Marvin Bush was the head of secruity for the WTC!

Part of the unwashed drug money was used to corrupt police and government officials and like the phony "War on Terror", the phony "War on Drugs" framed and convicted innocent people so that the guilty could go free and prosper. Calos Leder, "crazy Joe Leder" in the HBO movie "Double Crossed" used his CIA get out of jail free card to disappear from prison.

Bill Cooper: Yes the USA is the Great Satan

Bill Cooper: Lying Cops and FBI caught Trying to Frame the Innocent in the phony "War on Drugs"

The evidence for anyone looking for an opportunity to clean up the fraudulent US political system is overwhelming. But don't count on the treasonous Trump swamp 2 administration to do anything about it as the Republicans prefer to use rigged paper scanners and touch screen machines programmed by Israeli crooks.

Trump did absolutely nothing about the overwhelming evidence that 911 and the war it kicked off are both total frauds because is thick as theives with the people who did it!

Richard Gage presents: 9/11 Truth and Justice

9/11: Explosive Evidence - Experts Speak Out

September 11 - The New Pearl Harbor (FULL DOCUMENTARY) 5 HOURS

Who Towers Behind Trump?

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Ten Thousand Christopher Bollyns Wanted


 Religious Fraud: Texe Marrs on Satan's Politicians  


Religious Fraud: Texe Marrs on Satan's Politicians

Agree or disagree with Marrs' theology, there is no question that Marrs was a true believer in Jesus Christ unlike the fake big shot religious racketeers who are members of the CFR's First Church of Judas Iscariot.

Signs of Satan

These are the "Christian Zionists" who have a death grip around the throat of true Christian faith.

Texe Marrs: Death Grip

"Ye shall know them by their fruits. Do men gather grapes of thorns, or figs of thistles? "


Do Christians win souls for Christ with flesh disintegrating weapons? Do they embrace Jews that shoot children in the head for sport, spit on Christian crosses, make Jesus on the cross jokes, and delite in new ways of killing him him their Talmud? Yes, Icon Pictures' "The Passion" was a Jesus on the cross joke. Mel Gibson is with his blasphemous "holy grail" collection of the blood of Jesus for magical purposes and his demonization of children is false opposition. He has an Israeli bodygaurd. And the at the Oscars with bloody hands he boasted "I crucified Jesus."

What the "World's Most Ethical" Army Does

With his Grecian Formula black eyebrows and his white hair Marrs reminded me of my uncle Johnny who used to walk funny because the shrapnel in his head from the war to chase the Jews into Palestine (World War II) instigated by the same people who instigated the First World War and the Communist Revolution in order to create the state of Israel for the purpose of being the capital of a world empire in accordance with their version of bible prophesy.

He walked funny so that these fiends could become richer and more powerful from the interest that they got from the loans that they made to all of the warring nations.

A misunderstanding that needs to be cleared up is the role of Satanism in the "New World Order" and the idea that Freemasonry was "infiltrated" by the "Illuminati." Freemasonry was founded by Jews who were at war with the Christian Church. Its purpose was to destroy the Christian faith of the common people from within.

The Illuminati was founded to destroy the Christian aristocracy from within and steal its wealth. Satanism was invented in order to turn the common Christian and the Christian aristocracy away from Christ by taking the "mark of the beast" so that there would be no turning back.

Texe Marrs: Voices From the Dead

You can easily tell who has taken the sign the "mark of the beast" by their flashing of the "sign of satan."

Signs of Satan

Debauchery and debt aided this process during the French Revolution and these are the vices that are corrupting America today.

The Real Eyes Wide Shut

Eyes Wide Shut (or Hey there, Orgy Girl!)

From "Eyes Wide Shut" we can see who the "Illuminati" really are. They are the aristocracy or the rich who have been ruined by debt and enticed into a life of debauchery as they were during the French Revolution (see the Controversy of Zion by Douglass Reed). Or they may have been drawn from the lower ranks of hoodwinked Freemasons for their particular aptitude for ruthless ambition and immorality to become one of Satan's politicians.

Texe Marrs on Satan's Politicians

Texe Marrs on the Judaeo-Christian Death Cult

Texe Marrs on America's Occult Theocracy

Texe Marrs on America's the Hidden Dangers of the Six Pointed Star

Texe Marrs on the Death of American Church by a Thousand Cuts

Texe Marrs Interviews the Author of the "Synagogue of Satan"

The Synagoge of Satan

How the Synagoge of Satan Controls America Part 1

How the Synagoge of Satan Controls America Part 2

Texe Marrs Interviews the Author of the "The Judas Goats"

Here, Texe Marrs talks about the Republican's Franklin Coverup pedophile ring and his revealing discovery of the Georgia Guidestones.

Blood Rites of the Secret Brotherhood

The Franklin Cover-up

Conspiracy Of Silence (Banned Discovery Channel Documentary)


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