Hurricane Helene: Anthother Narco Dollar Investment Opportunity for Trump and Friends? 


Hurricane Helene: Anthother Narco Dollar Investment Opportunity for Trump and Friends?

Nothing can be finer than to be in Carolina in the morning! At least until Donald Trump shows up with all of his Blackwater, Dyncorp, Israeli mercenary and drug money laundering friends! Then the scent of pine starts to smell like swamp gas.

Just look what they did to New Orleans!

"What Are Israelis Doing In New Orleans?

The Katrina flood was a farce, and it's purpose was to cleanse the city of the blacks. There is the nagging question of who blew the levees, so that the Zionist crowd from Las Vegas could build their new empire."

Trump and His Jewish Vulture Capitalists Friends Ethnically Cleanse New Orleans after Katrina

"The Las Vegas and Atlantic City crowd are swarming all over New Orleans.

The Donald Trumps, Judah Hertzs, and Alvin Malniks are buying hand over fist for pennies."

Blacks Ran Out: Here Comes Las Vegas

"There were explosions heard, but officials say they were transformers blowing up. There were Israeli contractors involved in police shootouts."

Did Levites Blow the Levees?

"Your opiates, as well as amphetamines, are processed in Belgium and Holland, where Israeli émigrés have always headquartered. The heroin import to Israel is done from Thailand, via Holland.

The Israeli émigré presence is concentrated in Antwerp and Amsterdam because of lenient laws, and Israeli organized crime syndicates also have diamond smuggling organizations based in those cities." World Drug Trade Is $400 Billion A Year

The cannabis, cocaine, the opiates, cannabis resin, and the ATS markets together (methamphetamine, amphetamine and ecstasy) amount to US $400 billion a year."

Judah Sees New Orleans Being A Las Vegas With Southern Charm (and a Narco Dollar Investment Opportunity )


Judah Sees New Orleans Being A Las Vegas With Southern Charm (and a Narco Dollar Investment Opportunity )

"Jefferson and Cynthia McKinney were adamant that the Katrina fiasco was staged to make room for Las Vegas carpet baggers. That the blacks were deliberately driven out.

His forum gave YYY a springboard to talk about the levee bomb, the desertion of blacks, the use of Blackwatewr thugs, and the great black exodus. Madame Deidre was on Capital Hill."

Movin on Down: Jefferson Indicted for Crimes Against Zion

The bottom picture in the above montage is of Robert Kennedy with Martin Luther King.

Just thought that I should remind the folks in New Orleans and North Carolina County that the same people who gave us the RFK assasination also gave us the JFK and MLK assassinations. They control both the DNC and the RNC now.

These assassinations were real - not staged PR stunts hired Blackwater employees.

If Trump is so eager to solve the JFK assassination conspiracy then why did he withhold documents that were scheduled to be release regrading that conspiracy? Could it be that some of his cronies that are now supporting him are connected to it?

The US economy is run by the same corrupt system that made Trump rich. It requires constant wars and continuing inflation to keep it going. The wars are used for empire building and the inflation is used to create monopolies with the ultimate goal of creating a world empire with everyone in it slaves with a few people at the top - a system that is indistinguishable from world communism.

JFK, RFK and Martin Luther King stood in the way of that religiously inspired juggernaut. Trump is doing everything he can to support it.

If Trump is so eager to solve the JFK assassination conspiracy then why did he withhold document that were scheduled to be release? Could it be that some of his cronies that are now supporting him are connected to it?

JFK Assassination Records (What J. Edgar Hoover Missed and did not Bother to Destroy)

Could Trump's attorney and the supplier of little boys to Roy Cohn's pedophile client J. Edgar Hoover have something to do with it?

Cohn was most likely the single most important source of Hoover's corruption.

How Donald Trump and Roy Cohns Ruthless Symbiosis Changed America | Vanity Fair

You can judge the quality of a person by their friends and their enemies.

"Joe McCarthy's chief aide (and longtime RFK nemesis) Roy Cohn referred to Robert Kennedy as a 'rich bitch,' saying:

"he always had that little smirk on his face, designed to get under my skin, and it did."

Apparently the feeling was mutual, as the two men once nearly came to blows in the Senate hearing room during the Army-McCarthy hearings."

Ask Not: The Kennedy Legacy

"Senator McCarthy died May 2, 1957, at the age of forty-seven , ostensibly of natural causes. He had been hospitalized with hepatitis, a disease that normally has a low fatality rate. His death was unexpected and sudden, occurring about an hour after he had taken a turn for the worse on the fourth day after he entered the hospital.

Like Jim Forrestal, Joe McCarthy walked into the Bethesda Naval Hospital as its most controversial patient and as the one man in America most hated by the Communists. And, like Forrestal, he left in a hearse, as a man whose valiant fight against Communism was ended forever."

James Forrestal and Joe McCarthy

James Forrestal

Cohn was a mob lawyer who sabotaged Joe McCarthy's investigation into Soviet spying in the Federal government. The untrue and absurd charges that Joe McCarthy (a catholic) was charging protestant ministers and movie stars of being communists was a distortion that Hoover picked up on and used against Martin Luther King.

The McCarthy Committee went into the fact that communists were trying to influence ministers of the Gospel and movie stars. This quickly turned into the absurd accusation that McCarthy had called the child star Shirley Temple a communist!

"In essence, Matthews told the House committee, naive and busy people could be hoodwinked into lending their names to Red causes that looked good on the surface but were something else on close inspection.

He cited the fancy Communist newspaper Ce Soir in France which on the approach of its first anniversary solicited and received greetings from some big Hollywood names-Clark Gable, Robert Taylor, James Cagney, "and even Shirley Temple." "No one, I hope," said Matthews, "is going to claim that anyone of these persons in particular is a Communist...

the story became, and would remain, the House Committee on Un-American Activities had called Shirley Temple a Communist."

Blacklisted by History: The Untold Story of Senator Joe McCarthy

Robert Kennedy and Martin Luther King whom the corrupt head of the FBI despised were both assassinated soon after JFK was killed. J. Edgar Hoover probably did not give a damn about whether Martin Luther King was a communist or not. What got him riled was most likely the secret powwow that JFK had in the Rose Garden with King.

"So it was that on June 22, before addressing a group of civil rights leaders at the White House, the President took King by himself into the Rose Garden. He begged him to get rid of two colleagues Edgar claimed were Communists...

Kennedy went further.

"I suppose you know,"
he said,
"you're under very close surveillance."

He warned King to be very careful about what he said on the phone, that if J. Edgar Hoover could prove he had links with Communists, he would use it to wreck pending civil rights legislation.

As the meeting with the President ended, King found himself wondering why Kennedy had taken the precaution of ushering him out into the garden to talk.
"The President,"

King told an associate later,

"is afraid of Hoover himself, because he wouldn't even talk to me in his own office. I guess Hoover must be bugging him, too."

The Secret Life of J. Edgar Hoover

and King talking about the corruption in the South Vietnamese government.

"The Vietnamese people proclaimed their own independence in 1945 after a combined French and Japanese occupation, and before the Communist revolution in China. They were led by Ho Chi Minh.

Even though they quoted the American Declaration of Independence in their own document of freedom, we refused to recognize them.

we again fell victim to the deadly Western arrogance that has poisoned the international atmosphere for so long.

we rejected a revolutionary government seeking self-determination, and a government that had been established not by China (for whom the Vietnamese have no great love) but by clearly indigenous forces

For the peasants this new government meant real land reform, one of the most important needs in their lives...

The only change came from America as we increased our troop commitments in support of governments which were singularly corrupt, inept and without popular support. All the while the people read our leaflets and received regular promises of peace and democracy -- and land reform.

Now they languish under our bombs and consider us -- not their fellow Vietnamese --the real enemy. They move sadly and apathetically as we herd them off the land of their fathers into concentration camps where minimal social needs are rarely met. They know they must move or be destroyed by our bombs. So they go -- primarily women and children and the aged."

Beyond Vietnam: A Time to Break Silence
by Rev. Martin Luther King
April 4, 1967

Events would later prove Martin Luther King to be right. After King was assassinated and the US withdrew from Vietnam, war broke out between Vietnam and China.

"The Sino-Vietnamese War also known as the Third Indochina War, was a brief border war fought between the People's Republic of China and the Socialist Republic of Vietnam in early 1979. China launched the offensive in response to Vietnam's invasion and occupation of Cambodia in 1978 (which ended the rule of the Chinese-backed Khmer Rouge)."

Sino-Vietnamese War

And Vietnam stopped the genocidal regime installed by Red China in Cambodia from killing its peasants in a Soviet style collectivization campaign.

The choosing of a Catholic who was wearing a St. Christopher in the skinning alive torture in Chip Tatum's Cambodian black op leaves no doubt as to who the "Russian" who was giving the orders in his torture and murder for it is very reminiscent of what Jews did to Russian Orthodox Christians during the Bolshevik Revolution

Chip Tatum - Black Ops Interview with Ted Gunderson

and in the torture and murder of Saint Simon of Trent.

The Torture and Murder of Saint Simon of Trent

Israel Shamir

"His cult was discontinued and forbidden, and the remains of the martyred child were removed and dumped in a secret place to avoid resumption of pilgrimage."

The Bloody Passovers of Dr Toaff

"The Cambodian genocide was carried out by the Khmer Rouge (KR) regime led by Pol Pot between 1975 and 1979 in which an estimated 1.5 to 3 million Cambodians died or were killed by the regime...

forced relocation of the population from urban centers... torture, mass executions, use of forced labor, malnutrition, and disease which led to the deaths of an estimated 25 percent of the total population (around 2 million people).

The genocide ended in 1979 following the Vietnamese invasion of Cambodia. As of 2009, 23,745 mass graves have been discovered."

Cambodian genocide

Was the insistence of Roy Cohn that Ethel Rosenberg be executed along with her husband the result of his trying to prove that all Jews were not communists or an effort to shut her up so that the trail would not lead to the Jewish bankers and financiers who funded the rise of both Communism and Nazism?

The Secret Driving Force of Communism

According to Cohn the only reason why he got to sit on the McCarthy Committee was because he was a Jew. McCarthy had to deflect the charge of "antisemitism" because he destroyed the reason for the existence of Israel by exposing the methods by which Jews extracted confession from German soldiers.

"The American Senator, Joseph McCarthy, in a statement given to the American Press on May 20th, 1949, drew attention to the following cases of torture to secure such confessions.

In the prison of the Swabisch Hall, he stated, officers of the S.S. Leibstandarte Adolf Hitler were flogged until they were soaked in blood, after which their sexual organs were trampled on as they lay prostrate on the ground.

S.S. General Oswald Pohl, the economic administrator of the concentration camp system, had his face smeared with faeces and was subsequently beaten until he supplied his confession. In dealing with these cases, Senator McCarthy told the Press:

"I have heard evidence and read documentary proofs to the effect that the accused persons were beaten up, maltreated and physically tortured by methods which could only be conceived in sick brains.

If the United States lets such acts committed by a few people go unpunished, then the whole world can rightly criticise us severely and forever doubt the correctness of our motives and our moral integrity."

The American Judge Edward L. van Roden... revealed the methods by which these admissions were secured...

The methods he described were:

"The statements which were admitted as evidence were obtained from men who had first been kept in solitary confinement for three, four and five months ... The investigators would put a black hood over the accused's head and then punch him in the face with brass knuckles, kick him and beat him with rubber hoses ...

All but two of the Germans, in the 139 cases we investigated, had been kicked in the testicles beyond repair. "

This was standard operating procedure with our American investigators."

Part 3: Did Six Million Really Die?

A guy by the name of Forster (who changed his name from Fastenberg) further explains the source of the hatred directed toward Joe McCarthy. In the new world order of the ADL only Jews are allowed to hate. One million Arabs are not worth a single Jewish fingernail and the death of millions of gentiles is of no consequence when going after Joe McCarthy.

"Forster approvingly notes an attack in the ADL bulletin against anti-Communist Senator Joseph McCarthy...So upset was Forster that Communists were being investigated that he wrote an entire book to vent his outrage.

A good clue to understanding Forster's mindset is his astonishing statement that

"The civilized world was more revolted by McCarthyism than by Communism."

In Forster's view, the millions of victims of Communism cannot compare to the trauma caused by asking a few dozen people if they had ever supported the Communist Party.

What rational person, one must wonder, could really believe that the "civilized world" found the McCarthy hearings to be worse than several decades of mass murder! What can explain such a mentality?"

Memoir by Veteran ADL Official Provides Revelations

It was government corruption and not racism or anti-communism which led to the assassination of Martin Luther King.

Opium Lords Israel, the Golden Triangle and the Kennedy Assassination

"Gregory argued that he received multiple death threats directly from the federal government, CIA, FBI, Jesse Jackson and more after exposing the names of the "unknown" co-conspirators involved in the assassination of Dr. King. "

The Untold Truth About The Assassination Of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

When King visited JFK in the White House, JFK took him out into the Rose Garden so that they could talk freely. Hoover had bugged the Oval Office and was so politically powerful that JFK could do nothing about it. Hoover had files of JFK's affairs including the affair that he had with a "Nazi spy lady."

Mary Pinchot Meyer

That's the "national security" that Trump is talking about! National security for traitors, crooks and a totally corrupt government!

The evidence for conspiracy is overwhelming and if you include the cover up it is pervasive and all encompassing for the issues at stake are great even to this very day.

"Now let us take some time to stop and review the obvious, documented cases of investigative misconduct that permeate these events. Each case followed by an asterisk (*) should have led to felony charges for destruction of evidence and/or obstruction of justice. No such case was ever filed against anyone. Those incidents include, but are not limited to:

1) The note left at Dallas FBI headquarters for SA James Hosty by LHO just days prior to the assassination. Hosty testified that he destroyed the note, under orders, after LHO's death. *

2) The FBI telex dated November 17, 1963 warning all FBI offices of the possibility of an attempt on the President in Dallas on November 22nd. This telex was subsequently removed from every FBI office on orders from J. Edgar Hoover. *

3) JBC's clothes. LBJ immediately ordered them to be sent to a dry cleaner, thus destroying their value as evidence. *

4) LBJ also ordered the limousine to be rebuilt before it had been thoroughly examined. The Secret Service was busy washing out the interior at Parkland Hospital, before any forensic examination took place. *

5) Humes' destruction of his original autopsy notes and his original report draft. He claimed to have done this because they contained bloodstains from the president. Yet, he stated that he wrote the first draft at his home on Sunday November 24th and he also stated that he burned a second copy of his notes. Neither of those would have contained bloodstains. *

6) The films taken by Beverly Oliver and Gordon Arnold, seized by "federal officers" and never seen again. Oliver's film would have had an excellent view of the grassy knoll at the time of the fatal shot; Arnold's would have shown all from slightly to the right of the Zapruder film. If the Z film was indeed altered, synchronizing the alterations may have proven impossible. *

7) The documented, by both testimony and photograph, bullet that was found imbedded in the grass between Elm and Main Streets. It was turned over to an "FBI" man, never to be seen again nor having been accounted for by the either the FBI nor the WC. *

8) The brain itself and the tissue samples taken by Humes at the autopsy, missing from the National Archives. According to Douglas Horne of the ARRB, the photos of the brain in the National Archives are not of Kennedy's. *

9) The "missile", as related by Navy Captain John Stover, the Commanding Officer at Bethesda, reportedly recovered at the autopsy and turned over to the Secret Service which also was never accounted for. Warren Commission documents show a receipt for this missile, signed for by the Secret Service. *

10) The autopsy photographs of the interior of the President's chest, whose existence Humes and others testified about *

11) The roll of film destroyed at the autopsy so that some of those present could remain anonymous, as related by both Stringer and Reibe.

12) The Stemmons Freeway sign on Elm Street, believed to have been hit by a bullet. It was removed mysteriously within days, without a work order and never found.

13) The piece of concrete, impacted by the bullet which wounded Tague. By the time authorities were forced to recover it, the real mark had been blatantly covered over. *

14) The slide used for the spectrographic analysis of the metal from that bullet, destroyed by the FBI to "save space". The slide was 3" long, 1" wide and 1/32nd of an inch thick. *

15) The autopsy pictures and X-rays, withheld by and/or from the Warren Commission and quite probably altered. *

16) The photographic equipment, belonging to LHO, recovered by the DPD from Mrs. Paine's garage. The official FBI report was altered so that a Minox camera, of a size used for covert photographic work (spying), is listed as a "light meter". Minox, in the early 1960's did not manufacture a "light meter". Additionally, the DPD officer who found the "light meter", said that he opened it and it had film inside. That film also has never been produced, and is now being explained as belonging to Michael Paine. If the truth is really that innocuous, why was the FBI so insistent on calling it a light meter?

17) The configuration of boxes in the "sniper's nest", rearranged by DPD before official pictures and fingerprint dusting began. This meant that the positions of the "fingerprints" meant nothing. Or, were they rearranged so that the fingerprints did incriminate?

18) The bullet casings recovered at the Tippit murder scene. They were originally reported as coming from an "automatic", not Oswald's revolver. The shell casings of those two types are markedly different in size and markings. They were marked for evidence at the scene, one of the few times proper procedures were followed. Yet, these marks were somehow missing from the casings actually entered into evidence. It was the unmarked casings which were linked to Oswald.

19) The rifle itself. The three policemen who found it, all identified it as a Mauser, not a Mannlicher-Carcano. 20) The FIVE missing reports containing descriptions of the rifle originally found on the 6th floor. *

21) The altered FBI lab report about the materials used to construct the paper bag alleged to have been used to bring the rifle into the TSBD. *

22) The bullet fragments presented for spectrographic analysis during the HSCA hearings which somehow did not resemble the ones presented for the same test in 1964. They also weighed more than the ones tested earlier. *

23) The wounds themselves. *
I have personally spoken to several emergency/trauma room medical people. I asked them all the same question, with no explanation: If you had a famous patient admitted to your ER and you treated him/her, would you ever forget the nature and/or location, precisely, of any wounds that you saw?

24) The original survey work done to align the shots with the correct positions in the Zapruder film. The two surveyors, Chester Breneman and Bob West were not called to testify and the work that they did was altered so that the "lone nut" scenario could be maintained. The Warren Commission also failed to reprint the map they made, claiming it was "inaccurate". The map showed the impact point for an unaccounted for bullet. *

25) The use of a 1956 Cadillac convertible instead of the President's Lincoln in the FBI "re-creation". This altered ALL of the trajectory angles because the Cadillac is 13" higher than the Lincoln, and the seat alignments, and distances apart, are markedly different.

26) The changing of the original wording of officer Marrion Baker's report on his encounter with LHO on the second floor of the TSBD within 90 seconds of the fatal shot. The key phrase "drinking a coke" was removed. The obvious reason: the WC had enough difficulty with the time frames just getting LHO to the second floor in time to be seen by Baker and Truly. How much additional time would have been needed to be allocated for Oswald to fumble for the change required and then buy, open and begin drinking the soda before Baker and Truly's arrival? Remember, there were no soda machines that accepted $1.00 bills and no twist-off tops nor zip-top cans in 1963. LHO would have had to have opened the soda the old fashioned way, using an opener.

27) The doctored evidence sheet that was changed to report 3 casings instead of 2 (CE 2003). This was needed since even Arlen Specter could not have explained everything with 2 shots? *

28) The additional autopsy photographs. Very recently, the Assassination Records Review Board released copies of depositions from Bethesda personnel which confirm that at least one other set of autopsy photographs were taken and developed, yet have never been seen nor accounted for by the government. *

29) The ARRB also confirmed that the Secret Service destroyed records pertaining to their travel security arrangements for President Kennedy's 1963 trips, including Dallas. The destruction of these records took place after the JFK Assassination Records Act became law, forbidding such acts. *

30) Recently released documents show that the casket allegedly used to transport JFK's body from Dallas to Washington was dropped into the Atlantic Ocean. Thus it remains impossible to determine if that indeed was the ORIGINAL casket delivered to Parkland Memorial Hospital."

The JFK Assassination Conspiracy: Why Do We Need to Know?

It is obvious from these facts that it is not "conspiracy theories" that are the problem in the JFK assassination but conspiracy denial by the institutions and corporations which were and still are complicit in that assassination.

"It is not the function of government to keep the citizen from falling into error; it is the function of the citizen to keep the government from falling into error."

Justice Robert Jackson


 Hurricane Helene: Anthother Narco Dollar Investment Opportunity for Trump and Friends?